看板 Steam
作者 shiz (Better Together)
標題 [新聞] SE+Bandai+KOEI等黃金週特價
時間 Sat Apr 29 11:35:12 2023

Square Enix 特價區,FF系列幾乎都有,居然獨缺CC......
Square Enix Golden Week Sale
Celebrate Golden Week with titles like Forspoken, FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE INTERGRADE, NEO: The World Ends with You, PARANORMASIGHT: The Seven Mysteri ...


Bandai Namco Entertainment - BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Golden Week Sale - Steam News
Golden Week holidays is starting in Japan, it's a great time to enjoy JRPGs or games based on your favorite anime! Add to your wishlist now ...


KOEI TECMO Golden Week Sale
Save up to 75% on select KOEI TECMO titles! ...


Capcom Golden Week Sale
Check out the classic Capcom titles at a solid discount for the Golden Week Sale! We have Dragon's Dogma, Resident Evil, Street Fighter, and more up t ...


GW Japanese Game Fest
Working with many of the biggest names in Japanese video games, KOMODO has organized a massive sale to celebrate the series of four Japanese holidays  ...



剛好有我比較想玩又在等特價的FFX+破曉+DQ XI,

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: shiz 2023-04-29 11:35:12
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1aJ91pny (Steam)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1682739315.A.C7C.html
※ 編輯: shiz ( 臺灣), 04/29/2023 11:36:04
shena30335: 感謝資訊~1F 04/29 11:38
opass168: HARVESTELLA從上次7折跳到5折了2F 04/29 11:39
leo19981: 就是日本的黃金周特價3F 04/29 11:40
※ 編輯: shiz ( 臺灣), 04/29/2023 11:47:53
grtfor: 考慮來補個偶大的DLC4F 04/29 12:06
shena30335: 偶大dlc好像都死豬折扣5F 04/29 12:32
alanjiang: 逛完了感謝分享,好像沒啥想買的XD6F 04/29 12:44
Fezico: AC7大包沒打折,哭阿7F 04/29 12:44
nimajneb34: FF異鄉人 剛上沒特價 可惜8F 04/29 12:50
grtfor: 結果大DLC沒特價,看完最後只補了小小諾亞9F 04/29 13:01
opoppp: 買了收穫之星 謝謝10F 04/29 13:04
leo19981: live a live還比FF異鄉人貴,有點意外11F 04/29 13:34
badend8769: 日系遊戲大特價12F 04/29 14:05
lionmagnas: 零碧劇情屌打(ry13F 04/29 14:11
sustto: 太閣立志傳v14F 04/29 14:11
Angesi: 鍊金術師系列15F 04/29 14:44
TAIWANSEAL: 信野新生沒有特價 戰無5還是1.2K繼續捏16F 04/29 14:48
ppt12527: 打折後還是蠻貴的,繼續捏17F 04/29 15:17
Gestapo1121: 真田丸也沒打折,無雙裡劇情最棒的18F 04/29 15:49
Seeker7: 新生等PK一起吧。真田丸的問題大概是沒IF……19F 04/29 16:08
RaiGend0519: 該買的都差不多有了20F 04/29 16:28
id44kimo: 大閣一樣貴啊21F 04/29 16:29
opass168: NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139 這次四折 以後不知道會不會固定 像歧路旅人1四折過一次之後還是五折比較多22F 04/29 16:29
RaiGend0519: 然後沒買的XGP也差不多破完了24F 04/29 16:32
boykid: 沒信長,繼續等25F 04/29 16:48
keney963817: 太空戰士沒接觸過,推薦哪代26F 04/29 17:50
saiya: 買了勇氣默示錄227F 04/29 17:56

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