看板 Stock作者 nightmaresea (雲淡風清)標題 [新聞] 川普檢測結果:陰性 時間 Sun Mar 15 08:11:08 2020
Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump has tested negative for the
coronavirus, according to a statement from the White House.
Trump took the test on Friday, he said during a Saturday news conference,
after coming into recent contact with two individuals who have tested
positive for the virus.
"Last night after an in-depth discussion with the President regarding
COVID-19 testing, he elected to proceed," according to the statement about
the results released by press secretary Stephanie Grisham with Trump's
permission. "One week after having dinner with the Brazilian delegation in
Mar-a-Lago, the President remains symptom-free. I have been in daily contact
with the CDC and White House Coronoavirus Task Force, and we are encouraging
the implementation of all their best practices for exposure reduction and
transmission mitigation."
Trump said Saturday he had also had his temperature taken Saturday before
entering the White House briefing room. The President told reporters that his
temperature was normal.
The White House physician had previously said in a memo that the President
"remains without symptoms, testing for COVID-19 is not currently indicated."
Asked when he would announce the results of his coronavirus test, the
President said that the test was sent to a lab and could take a day or two.
Trump said he took the test "only because the press is going crazy."
"I also took the test last night. And I decided I should based on the press
conference yesterday. People were asking, did I take the test?" Trump said,
referring to his press conference Friday in which he declared a national
emergency to free up $50 billion in federal resources to combat coronavirus.
Trump's decision to take the test comes after he said he was not concerned
about coming into close contact with a Brazilian official who tested positive
this week for the coronavirus.
The press secretary for Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and Brazil's charg
é d'affaires in Washington both tested positive for coronavirus this week,
days after they met with Trump at Mar-a-Lago in Florida.
The White House medical doctor released a memo Friday at midnight saying that
Trump remains without symptoms for coronavirus and quarantine is not
necessary. During Friday's news conference held at the White House Rose
Garden, Trump had said he would likely get tested for coronavirus.
On Saturday, Vice President Mike Pence also announced all travel from the
United Kingdom and Ireland has been suspended for certain foreign nationals,
effective midnight on Monday. This will not apply to US citizens.
The same exclusions that are a part of the already existing European travel
restrictions will also apply to the UK and Ireland.
Pence also said that he has not yet been tested for coronavirus but he "would
be more than happy to be tested."
The White House on Saturday said it would begin conducting temperature checks
on individuals who come in close contact with Trump and Pence. Before the
briefing Saturday, the White House task force and members of the press had
their temperatures taken. One person who was tested registered a temperature
of 99.9 degrees and was turned away from the briefing.
"We have not reached our peak," in terms of novel coronavirus cases in the
United States, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of National Institute of Allergy
and Infectious Disease, said in the White House briefing room Saturday,
adding that there will be more cases and more deaths, primarily among
vulnerable older individuals.
This story has been updated to include more from the Saturday news conference.
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→ xxgod: 完惹 會跌1F 03/15 08:11
推 S26: 接下來就美國確診爆增了~~~和韓國一樣卯起來驗4F 03/15 08:13
推 agvnol: 開高走高 嘎爆空軍5F 03/15 08:13
推 BBRed: 川普沒中不代表疫情不嚴重啊..6F 03/15 08:15
→ yun0615ch: 一定說沒有的阿 就算裝葉克膜也要說陰性7F 03/15 08:16
推 opwin: 看看目前世界的情況 明天能不能開高都是問題9F 03/15 08:16
推 Hbodo: 噴起來
往下噴11F 03/15 08:17
→ opwin: 歐美活動幾乎停擺 你跟我說股市要往上 問號14F 03/15 08:18
推 berserk: 週末超市掃成這樣 剛開始慢慢來15F 03/15 08:19
推 jeff79723: 多多表示:不能出門就待在家裡買股票啊16F 03/15 08:19
推 dl123: 美國總統專用疫苗18F 03/15 08:20
推 poisonB: 就算中了也要說沒有啊。還要選總統19F 03/15 08:20
推 barkids: 所以願意測了?政治消息真是虛虛實實啊20F 03/15 08:20
→ poru: 疫情影響 心理面->實質面->金融面 現在在第2段初頭22F 03/15 08:21
推 libramog: 活動停擺周五就知道了吧 這樣都能噴了23F 03/15 08:21
→ poru: 14天驗各3-4次沒中才算26F 03/15 08:22
→ qaz12453: 難怪這周跌 周五有反彈跡象
我好像明白什麼了28F 03/15 08:24
噓 QQeevv: 有中敢講?32F 03/15 08:27
→ melzard: 股市怎麼不能往上 問題那個往上是反彈給多軍逃命用33F 03/15 08:27
→ hoin: 太棒了 多軍下週一貸款融資 all in39F 03/15 08:28
噓 zaqqaz: 你不OK~俺先買…下周大爆噴ALL IN等人抬轎啦 ^^40F 03/15 08:28
→ tonyd: Gun 我難過QQ41F 03/15 08:28
→ syterol: 現金留手 川普連任四年上6萬點 少賺現在1萬點沒什麼43F 03/15 08:29
推 awss1971: 應該是 中了,但已經痊癒+有抗體, 然後再大喊三聲46F 03/15 08:36
推 jack0216: 有啥好噴 ==不如聚焦美國正視疫情比較正常47F 03/15 08:36
→ awss1971: American Great Again...這樣才對嘛48F 03/15 08:36
→ jokem: 拜託 一般人會因為這條消息就進場作多嗎?49F 03/15 08:36
推 gazelle74: 川普得肺炎暴漲慶祝,川普沒得肺炎暴跌,一堆人傻傻的51F 03/15 08:38
推 XDGCman: 我ok,你all in!57F 03/15 08:43
推 nobile: 可惜.....58F 03/15 08:44
→ yun0615ch: 加州迪士尼還爆滿你跟我說停擺 空軍想錢想瘋了?60F 03/15 08:46
推 pisciss: 現在各國元首中也只會推給夫人,然後在說自己自主隔離14天,笑死63F 03/15 08:53
→ kncc31: 開高走低然後盤個兩天再一根大黑66F 03/15 08:55
→ rosta: 看他有沒有常出來露臉,周遭幕僚有沒有戴口罩~75F 03/15 09:11
→ mrcat: 美國人推特 怕.txt 的時候才會開始認真防疫76F 03/15 09:12
→ bigcho: 沒中 加空83F 03/15 09:23
推 vip2000: 可以確定明日空軍被嘎爆 +10084F 03/15 09:23
推 NSKB: 有腦也知道肯定出來是陰性85F 03/15 09:25
→ BoyceChu: 驗到只會跌,沒驗到就保持週一反彈86F 03/15 09:29
→ dslite: 但你看起來沒精神耶90F 03/15 09:40
推 dido0208: 如果陽性我看美國真會大崩潰
還是相信不會造假,又不是中國94F 03/15 09:46
→ melzard: 那怎麼騙的了人 川川都幾歲了肺炎的症狀蓋不了的100F 03/15 09:51
→ appledick: 歐美經濟活動全都停止,股市到底要怎麼漲?現在先漲,疫情結束時就利多出盡?101F 03/15 09:55
→ melzard: 怎麼不會漲 禮拜五不就反彈給你看了103F 03/15 09:55
→ beautyptt: 疫情也許會過去 但最大的問題是對經濟影響太大104F 03/15 09:56
→ melzard: 只是小跌2000點怒漲1000點而已喇
要恐慌到大家都不敢投資的時候才是利空出盡105F 03/15 09:56
推 nomad888: 3/7跟巴西官員吃圓桌餐 危險期14天109F 03/15 10:05
→ newstyle: 我不信,因為也說過51區外星人是假的110F 03/15 10:06
→ nomad888: 到21號前會偷偷二採 不公布吧111F 03/15 10:06
→ owen0509: 畢竟他被天擇過 才那麼有錢又選到總統115F 03/15 10:12
推 weiike: 只能說陰性啦116F 03/15 10:16
推 tim98tim: 你看他之後有無公開露面,然後帶不帶口罩就知道真偽了118F 03/15 10:18
推 j32072: 早就偷偷驗完了吧 週五急拉就是底120F 03/15 10:24
→ benptt: 利空...121F 03/15 10:29
推 night957: 就算正在嗑瑞德西韋也沒人知道122F 03/15 10:30
推 opencat: 旁邊的人都沒戴口罩,是因為早就知道沒中了123F 03/15 10:31
推 choneix: 就算中了 也會跟你說沒中124F 03/15 10:33
→ ots625: 一堆人要人歐印,怕125F 03/15 10:33
推 nikolas: 川普中了 趕快研發解藥 全球病情有解 川普沒中 那不用這麼急沒關係 感染人口持續上升126F 03/15 10:36
推 ads4811: 川普沒事 慘了要崩盤128F 03/15 10:39
推 rj486: 沒種代表不到最高峰129F 03/15 10:40
推 PaPaBoy: 今年台股低點已過!還期待再下來呀130F 03/15 10:43
推 ytkuang: 這一波其實就是要搞你川的 有事V 沒事A134F 03/15 10:51
推 jamupme: 川普中不中也改變不了歐美擴散中啊..135F 03/15 10:51
推 saintsmw: 三普投顧首席分析師沒中標,噴了136F 03/15 11:00
推 readytodie: 依美國電影工業的技術 製作以假亂真的面具找人模仿 三普就算死了你也不會知道137F 03/15 11:03
推 readytodie: 殺不死我的必讓我更強大 這波低點已過 下次請早140F 03/15 11:08
推 chaoliu: 白宮員工都沒戴口罩 就算真的隱瞞 遲早也會爆開
反而更不利選舉142F 03/15 11:13
推 Nocp: 老川中了才有解藥,陰性...看來有得等了144F 03/15 11:31
推 hitguy: 川普政府在做多145F 03/15 11:32
推 aneshsiao: 多頭要往上噴,抓穩了
上看一千點,嘎到空軍補繳保證金150F 03/15 12:17
推 wang0301: 他的體質到底怎麼這麼強阿155F 03/15 13:20
推 eknbz: 全股版的人早就預期陰性了157F 03/15 13:52
推 kyova: 殺爆空蛙159F 03/15 14:32
推 u86200: 病毒會偽裝所以我不相信161F 03/15 15:11
→ neoa01: 我不信啦162F 03/15 15:31
→ zainc: 大噴特噴,直上3萬點163F 03/15 15:39
推 k374318: 要驗之前演講就有點沙啞,人看起來不太有精神...我覺得中了也要說沒中
將帥中箭豈能在敵人面前卸甲164F 03/15 15:50
→ tairshin: 結果只會是陰性是檢測個屁167F 03/15 16:46