看板 Stock作者 Yginger1 (阿薑好帥)標題 [情報] 米國批踢踢 Reddit 要IPO時間 Thu Dec 16 11:52:15 2021
1. 標題:Reddit files to go public
2. 來源: CNBC (公司名、網站名)
3. 網址:
4. 內文:
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Reddit on Wednesday announced that it has confidentially submitted a dr
aft registration statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission to go pub
米國批踢踢Reddit在美國時間週三宣佈已經遞交文件給SEC 準備IPO
The social media company announced the filing, but it did not make the filing pu
blicly available.
Most recently, the company announced that it had raised a $700 million round in
August 2021 at a valuation of more than $10 billion.
Reddit宣佈他已經在今年8月份募資7億鎂 而當時的估值高達百億鎂
Reddit on Wednesday announced that it has confidentially submitted a draft regis
tration statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission to go public.
The social media company did not make the filing publicly available. The company
also did not say how many shares would be offered nor the price range for the p
roposed offering.
Although Reddit was created in 2005, it has taken a unique road toward going pub
Conde Nast Publications acquired Reddit in 2006. The social media services remai
ned a part of the publication company until it was made an independent subsidiar
y in 2011. Since then, it raised a series of funding rounds from venture capital
Most recently, the company announced that it had raised a $700 million round in
August 2021 at a valuation of more than $10 billion.
At the time of that funding round, the company said that it had reached $100 mil
lion in advertising revenue during the second quarter of 2021, up 192% from a ye
ar prior.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1XkhVn-u (Stock)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1639626737.A.FB8.html
※ 編輯: Yginger1 ( 美國), 12/16/2021 11:54:06
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噓 jatj: 看這邊鄉民這麼捧 就知道會是地雷34F 12/16 12:24
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