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標題 [情報] TSMC pitched Intel foundry JV to Nvidi
時間 Wed Mar 12 12:00:20 2025

標題:TSMC pitched Intel foundry JV to Nvidia, AMD and Broadcom, sources say




TSMC would take a stake of no more than 50% in joint venture operating Intel f

Talks are at an early stage-sources

Qualcomm has also received TMSC's pitch-sources

SINGAPORE/NEW YORK/TAIPEI, March 12 (Reuters) - TSMC (2330.TW), opens new tab
has pitched U.S. chip designers Nvidia (NVDA.O), opens new tab, Advanced Micro
 Devices (AMD.O), opens new tab and Broadcom (AVGO.O), opens new tab about tak
ing stakes in a joint venture that would operate Intel's (INTC.O), opens new t
ab factories, according to four sources familiar with the matter.
Under the proposal, the Taiwanese chipmaking giant would run the operations of
 Intel's foundry division, which makes chips adapted for the needs of customer
s, but it would not own more than 50%, the sources said. Qualcomm (QCOM.O), op
ens new tab has also been pitched by TSMC, according to one of the sources and
 a separate source.

The talks, which are at an early stage, come after U.S. President Donald Trump
's administration requested TSMC, the world's leading contract chipmaker, assi
st in turning around the troubled U.S. industrial icon, the sources said on co
ndition of anonymity because the talks are not public.
The details of the plan for TSMC to take no more than a 50% stake and its over
tures to potential partners are being reported for the first time.

Any final deal - the value of which is unclear - would need approval from the
Trump administration, which does not want Intel or its foundry division to be
fully foreign-owned, the sources said.
Intel, TSMC, Nvidia, AMD and Qualcomm declined to comment. The White House and
 Broadcom did not respond to requests for comment.
At stake is the future of the U.S. chipmaking giant, whose shares have lost mo
re than half of their value in the last year.


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: KIMBEOM 2025-03-12 12:00:20
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1dqGRMy0 (Stock)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1741752022.A.F00.html
※ 同主題文章:
[情報] TSMC pitched Intel foundry JV to Nvidia, AMD and Broadcom,
03-12 12:00 KIMBEOM
joewucool: 這什麼?1F 03/12 12:01
vvnews: ??2F 03/12 12:01
KotoriCute: 結果還是要合資www3F 03/12 12:01
BlueBird5566: 大利空4F 03/12 12:01
inoce: 還是講中文吧 阿鬼5F 03/12 12:01
kai2573: 慘6F 03/12 12:01
kidbaby: 還沒死心阿7F 03/12 12:01
vvnews: 所以還是被迫收牙膏?8F 03/12 12:01
lepidoptera: 靠北 鬼故事還沒完..9F 03/12 12:01
blow5566: 毀了10F 03/12 12:01
vvnews: 鬼故事來囉11F 03/12 12:01
tomdavis: GG+NV+AMD+AVGO 合資買INTEL的晶圓廠XD12F 03/12 12:02
George72: 還來?13F 03/12 12:02
Feting: 笑死,沒救了14F 03/12 12:02
KotoriCute: 結果還是必須接手英特爾的晶圓廠15F 03/12 12:02
star08033000: 續命 拿你的命續我的命16F 03/12 12:02
Xration: 完了 大利空17F 03/12 12:02
f12sd2e2aa: 談判大成功18F 03/12 12:02
Comtw: GG利多 可以買了19F 03/12 12:02
castorhome: 真的假的 還是要喔20F 03/12 12:02
yoyodiy: 本來對美投資短空中多  這變短中長都空21F 03/12 12:02
jumilin927: 完蛋了22F 03/12 12:02
rainin: 崩23F 03/12 12:02
vux: GG24F 03/12 12:02
jumilin927: 快跑吧25F 03/12 12:02
g27834618: 這就是談判 嘻嘻26F 03/12 12:02
herculus6502: 塊 陶 啊27F 03/12 12:02
chongwen: 丸子,INTC的爛廠,最終還是要GG吃下來28F 03/12 12:02
kotorichan: 不到50%?? 嘻嘻29F 03/12 12:03
luvstarrysky: 所以這合資企業是掛什麼名字 跟intel還有關係嗎30F 03/12 12:03
KotoriCute: 真的是完全被吃夠夠www31F 03/12 12:03
poorcharles: 護國神山 黯然神傷32F 03/12 12:03
highwind66: 阿斗來了33F 03/12 12:03
Gipmydanger: sources說的話最準了,對吧34F 03/12 12:03
tomdavis: INTC的負資產晶圓廠可以用超高價賣給接盤俠了XDDDD35F 03/12 12:03
godcat: 嘻嘻 啊不是一千億最棒的deal36F 03/12 12:03
losage: 哇操,付錢還不能贖身37F 03/12 12:03
autoimmune: 感覺是雙贏38F 03/12 12:03
chongwen: GG一定是49.9%,不用想了39F 03/12 12:03
TZUYIC: 又送錢給人家花了40F 03/12 12:03
necrophagist: 笑死41F 03/12 12:03
FK6819: 無敵艦隊42F 03/12 12:04
TZUYIC: 合資這個是會賺錢嗎?43F 03/12 12:04
cash0221: 1000億還是要給牙膏吸血的44F 03/12 12:04
sagarain: 那家公司是美國的嗎45F 03/12 12:04
saes0001: 另類andy嗎46F 03/12 12:04
autoimmune: 贏了又贏   世界的台灣47F 03/12 12:04
godog: 呵呵 胖虎不會只欺負大雄一次而已48F 03/12 12:04
fst1985: 送錢給人家花49F 03/12 12:04
acidrain: EPS還能維持每年成長15~20%??? 股價會說話50F 03/12 12:04
Kobe5210: 台積電這樣是在做功德,唉51F 03/12 12:04
kltnlious: 赴美設廠了還是要吃屎 笑死52F 03/12 12:04
leon1757tw: 丸子 接一堆垃圾回來53F 03/12 12:04
rebel: 1000億的保護費還不夠?政府這次不會又看報紙才知道了吧54F 03/12 12:04
moto000: 專業的賠錢公司56F 03/12 12:04
TZUYIC: 上次送1000億美金沒有包含這個吧,這感覺是額外花錢57F 03/12 12:04
sagarain: GG不怕出錢啊 怕的是58F 03/12 12:04
tanchuchan: GG出錢出技術 真棒59F 03/12 12:04
ohya111326: 是買 又不是入股INTEL60F 03/12 12:04
chu: 台灣CAN HELP61F 03/12 12:04
g27834618: 台積電現在好像提款機喔xdd62F 03/12 12:04
mengze3084: 阿不是說一千億是最好的選項 幹63F 03/12 12:04
joy7658x348: Go down together64F 03/12 12:04
opwin: AMD跟格羅方德切割再入股一家 太閒喔65F 03/12 12:05
YOYOISGOOD: 我只等台積官方正式公告 看傳言做股票 自己小心66F 03/12 12:05
bnn: 跟ESMC一樣吧67F 03/12 12:05
Belial1991: 大家一起救intc?68F 03/12 12:05
b1izzard2000: 丸子69F 03/12 12:05
piece1: GG是有無限金錢嗎?台灣要蓋美國加碼要蓋..XD70F 03/12 12:05
chuntien: 看起來是台積電主動 why 看到了什麼71F 03/12 12:05
jason604012: 然後再宣布課晶片關稅 吃一個大全套72F 03/12 12:05
onekoni: 還好啦 把NV AVGO綁定GG73F 03/12 12:05
vanii40: 爽74F 03/12 12:05
alex5566: 就命名這間公司為 MAGA吧,MAGA.USA75F 03/12 12:05
TZUYIC: 到底是要跪到什麼程度才要放過我們GG?Orz76F 03/12 12:05
chongwen: GG不意外就49.9%,然後沒有控制權,出錢養美國廢物77F 03/12 12:05
luvstarrysky: 哦 所以是直接合資買下78F 03/12 12:05
pru5566: 死定了 崩盤79F 03/12 12:05
octavinus: 喔80F 03/12 12:05
jenchieh5: 又贏了 台積贏了 台灣贏了81F 03/12 12:05
sagarain: 是不是要大發債惹 救我82F 03/12 12:05
etop: 崩崩83F 03/12 12:05
kenro: 還是一樣,要設廠也要合資,真的會搞死自己84F 03/12 12:05
onekoni: 這樣兩家未來就不會輕易找三星85F 03/12 12:06
cateyes: 會不會關稅也逃不掉  QQ86F 03/12 12:06
leon1757tw: GG說1650億 川皇說2000億 中間的350億不會是這個吧87F 03/12 12:06
cay86714: 盤中鬼故事!88F 03/12 12:06
sagarain: 安啦 GG紅的 一定是贏的89F 03/12 12:06
operatorm: 山朋90F 03/12 12:06
luvstarrysky: 話說為啥不把apple一起拉進來91F 03/12 12:06
kotorichan: 川: 我知道你還有錢92F 03/12 12:07
love80: 沒事找事做?93F 03/12 12:07
George72: GG現在是在崩這個嗎?94F 03/12 12:07
afacebook: 完了95F 03/12 12:07
a520978926: 林老師勒96F 03/12 12:07
xzcb2008: 要下去了XDDD等等會翻黑嗎97F 03/12 12:07
cateyes: 應該7巨頭都要參與吧!98F 03/12 12:07
weekend88123: 大放送99F 03/12 12:07
shine32025: 郭台銘:   魏哲家   我看你很猛喔
相信魏哲家                          股價要對折了813F 03/12 13:50
wayneganer: 均富 YA ,大利空815F 03/12 13:53
symeng: 幹你娘...816F 03/12 13:54
harpuia: 這消息要是驗證確認,簡直是掏空台股QQ817F 03/12 13:56

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