看板 StupidClown作者 chickenman (chickenman)標題 Re: [眼殘] 健身房女更衣室看到男生時間 Thu Aug 31 23:15:40 2017
這是我以前在舊金山參加pride parade時聽到的例子
看到T就大叫: Police officer, there is a man in the lady's room!
T就把衣服掀起來 說: See, I have tits.
然後大嬸又大叫: Police officer, there is a man with tits in the lady's room!
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Pg2WV85 (StupidClown)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/StupidClown/M.1504192543.A.205.html
→ ts1993: 幹XDDDDDDD2F 08/31 23:32
推 ballcat: T又把褲拉下說:See , i have no leg , you can see me?3F 08/31 23:48
推 chaonima: 不知道大嬸有沒有去reddit發文說被嚇到 不知道會不會被罵翻12F 09/01 07:37
推 ctw9: 哈哈哈哈23F 09/01 11:04