看板 Tech_Job作者 AdHocLZM (LZM)標題 [徵才] Amazon北京徵Android SDM時間 Sun Nov 23 02:54:20 2014
SDM = Software Development Manager,
這次主要是徵Android Framework/Application,
上面說, 乾脆manager也找台灣的好了.
The Role
As a Software Development Manager in the platform team,
you will design, develop and maintain innovative software features
shared by many advanced consumer products. You will take part in
the customization of the base Android pastries for the next generation
of devices. You will design ways to integrate complex software features
with Android in an easy to integrate, easy to maintain and easy to
upgrade manner.
The ideal candidates have current and extensive experience customizing
Android to ship a differentiated product. They understand what the
limitations of the platform are, can design and implement additional
services or customize existing ones to meet the product requirements:
- You value elegant, integratable, maintainable and upgradable design.
- You take great pride in innovate new products that are used by
millions of users.
- You have in-depth expertise working with Android distributions.
You can dive in specific areas to root cause problems.
- You have worked on integrating new Android pastries onto existing
- You enjoy working side by side with partners, colleagues and teams
on tough problems.
- You are highly effective and thrive in a dynamic environment with
multiple, changing priorities.
- You know what's important when releasing software to end users and
have been through the process from start to finish.
- You are comfortable with proactive outward communication and technical
leadership and never shy away from a challenge.
- You will work in an Agile/Scrum environment to deliver high quality
software. You will establish architectural principles, select design
patterns and then mentor junior members.
Basic Qualifications
- Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering or related field.
- 4+ years Android development experience including 2+ year framework
development experience, good understanding of Android general framework
- 5+ years people management experience.
- Good communication both in Chinese and English.
- Have Android AOSP upgrade, stability, performance tuning experience.
- Understanding of embedded development constraints.
- Hands-on coding and can do code review.
Preferred Qualifications
Master’s degree
- Development experience on multiple Linux platforms and devices,
e.g., Android, iOS.
- Deep expertise in one of the following areas: UI, graphics, multimedia,
performance optimization
- Experience working on consumer electronics products.
- Ability to occasional travel internationally.
Salary: 根據資歷的不同薪資空間範圍很大, HR說薪水可比大陸互聯網公司,
最低 250w+ NT(40%免稅).
有意者請寄至: wumichae@amazon.com
PS. 40%免稅就是字面上的意思, 也就是說只要繳60%所得稅,
250w * 60% = 150w -> 只有150w的部分要繳稅.
PS2. 北京空氣部分也請考慮.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tech_Job/M.1416682462.A.E28.html
推 dakkk: 怎越來越多職缺2F 11/23 07:45
推 truelie: 強的當地人被BAT挖光了吧3F 11/23 08:33
推 azlbf: 以為是Software Department Manager4F 11/23 09:26
→ Santander: Superman Develop Module5F 11/23 09:41
→ tempera: to樓上,不是要繳150w的稅,是用150w當所得去算稅而已7F 11/23 10:16
推 WTF1111: 推。..還有提醒北京的空氣9F 11/23 10:27
→ SLKII: 不可能吧,難道薪資結構裡沒有股票?股票也能40%免稅?
空頭支票別亂開比較好啊~10F 11/23 11:24
推 Colaman: 也不是什麼空頭支票吧,中國企業談薪水常是講稅後12F 11/23 12:40
→ DrTech: 即使 150w,要算稅還是要繳近 20w 的稅阿。
北京的物價與這種薪資,只能算 Entry-level Manager 啦
光是租房子,一年又要扣 20~30w 新台幣了。13F 11/23 12:47
→ AdHocLZM: 空頭支票?等你先上了再說吧17F 11/23 12:52
→ DrTech: 這種薪資絕對是有,不過建議先多多了解北京生活再考慮。18F 11/23 12:54
→ AdHocLZM: 我租房一年36萬 這點也請考慮
其實薪水是可以談的 如果一直拿250定我
若覺得低 為什麼不談350 400呢?
Amazon雖然很摳 但對有實力還是敢給19F 11/23 12:54
→ DrTech: 對阿,這篇文章只是給大家訊息吧,又不是原PO決定薪資。23F 11/23 12:58
→ AdHocLZM: 我不是hr 只是幫想來發展的人提供管道24F 11/23 13:01
推 fanntone: 之前有寄信但是完全沒回應?25F 11/23 13:03
→ AdHocLZM: 我都幫轉了 hr會再篩選資格 沒回應的抱歉26F 11/23 13:08
→ SLKII: 你先講清楚免稅額度的問題吧? 別發錯誤訊息誤導人
還是你自己都搞不清楚,那就只能呵呵了27F 11/23 13:16
推 stosto: 這種薪水等級跟騰訊差不多而已耶29F 11/23 13:32
推 cloud7515: 因為中國同等級的人才都去阿里巴巴了吧30F 11/23 14:08
推 lkyo: 哇!說出BAT真是高手31F 11/23 14:13
→ AdHocLZM: SLKII 我沒講salary含股票 你若看不清楚請上醫院32F 11/23 14:57
推 xlp: 多謝分享。資訊算完整 連房租都有參考價 該提醒的也有提醒
不要只會在那邊做夢空嗆 有什麼能分享的 風氣很差 只會廢文作者 SLKII (我是軟弱的) 標題 [請益] 如何獲得年薪300萬?33F 11/23 15:04
推 QQ101: 酸民就是這樣啊 自己一點經驗也沒有就在那邊空想批評@@36F 11/23 15:07
→ SLKII: Amazon薪資就是signing bonus+base pay+股票
你說的50W+是base pay only? 不含簽約金和股票?
正常salary本來就是談全薪, 誰在說base pay?
想掰回來也不是這樣凹37F 11/23 15:09
推 xlp: 看不下去 問問題的態度是這樣的? 這些細節等你能上自己問HR前提是你有那個實力拿到offer再說42F 11/23 15:18
→ SLKII: 上述幣值是人民幣,另外Amazon offer我拿過,請酸民不用酸
能免稅的只有base pay的部分
薪資資訊就是要嚴謹,不要給候選人錯誤的期待,不是基本的嗎44F 11/23 15:19
→ AdHocLZM: 我上面沒寫RSU 你要腦補我沒辦法47F 11/23 15:38
推 hycbjm: 有拿過那要不要出示証明一下,原po提供訊息而已,不用這嗆好嗎?
pay內容怎麼樣有本事自然可以跟HR要求48F 11/23 16:07
推 unz: 認為原PO很明確的已經把他知道的訊息告知
扣除掉生活開銷及成本,你有能力當然自己跟該公司HR去開52F 11/23 17:08
推 chadliu23: 推原po,很好的分享。貼心註明空氣、房租、稅、物價等需要面對的問題。55F 11/23 17:28
推 lkyo: 老實說要不是相關專業,我會去。住,吃,回台,只是看您想來爽的還是來存錢的。
要來爽,就不要來。要來開眼界,存錢。很多了。57F 11/23 17:55
推 heartsky7: 謝謝原PO分享資訊 比104上的好多了60F 11/23 18:04
推 petermiao: 原po提供給我們台灣人這麼有用的資訊
讓大家都能有更好的發展 而不是只會鍵盤嘴砲61F 11/23 18:24