看板 WomenTalk
作者 twmadrid (阿偉)
標題 [閒聊] 你們可以發文 推文 回文都用英語嗎?
時間 Sun Dec 10 18:56:39 2017


你們發文 推文 回文








還有 如果回嗆人 我英語就有可能

就會知道 如何使用


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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1QBHBgqs (WomenTalk)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WomenTalk/M.1512903402.A.D36.html
ilikeroc: Bang!!!1F 12/10 18:58
hahaharabbit: This is a pen2F 12/10 18:59
ununnihao: I 覺得很 difficult3F 12/10 19:00
ChenDao: 我this個people is很nice的 你know?4F 12/10 19:00
kamehameha12: How do you turn this on5F 12/10 19:00
pig00225: How do you turn this on6F 12/10 19:00
voohong: dry your fart matter7F 12/10 19:00
abree726: 5f and 6f zai i chi8F 12/10 19:03
MESUMI: Ok9F 12/10 19:04
sky1119: i can not10F 12/10 19:05
jisa5209: I’m fine, thank u. And u?11F 12/10 19:05
ALLENWAN: bang12F 12/10 19:05
yokai: May Sure Gun More13F 12/10 19:06
ununnihao: OK14F 12/10 19:06
Zivia: Bang15F 12/10 19:07
noguchi0203: Sawadika16F 12/10 19:07
leoth: HI!17F 12/10 19:08
tel7928pin: good bye18F 12/10 19:09
lpbrother: 我沒辦法19F 12/10 19:12
Superxixai: 可以,但我不想20F 12/10 19:14
min0502: Adios21F 12/10 19:14
SuperCry: I don’t give a shit22F 12/10 19:14
kobe7785075: ggininder23F 12/10 19:15
Chieen: Why not?24F 12/10 19:19
prssinglecut: bang25F 12/10 19:24
realnofish: You不feel這樣hen無聊I服了U26F 12/10 19:26
claymath: how do you turn this on27F 12/10 19:26
PoloHuang: Definitely.28F 12/10 19:28
kimura0701: Why not29F 12/10 19:30
sotsu2016: We are pen30F 12/10 19:30
civilian: Hi, pen31F 12/10 19:31
ChenDao: Whosyourdaddy
I see dead people
There is no spoon
Tuck tuck tuck32F 12/10 19:31
sotsu2016: Hi pen36F 12/10 19:32
EGOiST40: 不想學畜牲37F 12/10 19:38
unkobabour: May show gun more38F 12/10 19:43
Nyaowan: This is a book. You are an reaser39F 12/10 19:45
yn6017347255: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ40F 12/10 19:45
frfreedom: Motorola may show gun mo41F 12/10 19:49
Acrosstheuni: Suck my cock42F 12/10 19:50
apolloapollo: 覺green is Taiwan 獨 dog43F 12/10 19:54
apple551203: Nuttertools Professionaltools44F 12/10 19:58
boboSana: This is apple .
^an..45F 12/10 19:58
RaiGend0519: Your mama's so fat that Pacific ocean will become dry land when she sit on it.47F 12/10 20:04
bomb963852: Is good to drink49F 12/10 20:05
Ichiwei51: Pen Pineapple Apple Pen.50F 12/10 20:09
humorous1971: So?51F 12/10 20:10
susuless: Muzukashi52F 12/10 20:11
jay3u7218: 小弟姓沙 名邁迪53F 12/10 20:11
pin3305: I am a pen54F 12/10 20:12
paul0404: I think no行55F 12/10 20:12
guepard: ikea56F 12/10 20:13
chockwang: Candyland57F 12/10 20:13
CCLMML: I can't.58F 12/10 20:13
mamajustgo: OK der59F 12/10 20:13
pttnowash: My penis long.60F 12/10 20:16
colin0000123: Costco IKEA61F 12/10 20:17
ssnnoops: yo hey man62F 12/10 20:21
a8418635: bang63F 12/10 20:22
member7023: Tight tight tight yeah!!!64F 12/10 20:23
Huberta: hen bang65F 12/10 20:27
fafa0919: Hijo de puta66F 12/10 20:29
natalia: Try everything!67F 12/10 20:30
a22132497: When I give you all my love you push me back
I don't really care no more68F 12/10 20:36
bbbb30403: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha70F 12/10 20:39
crown: I will be the best you ever had71F 12/10 20:43
iamshock: Surly72F 12/10 20:43
linyap: Well, but I couldn’t find the topic....73F 12/10 20:49
MEIZICO: Of course74F 12/10 20:54
Mullerisgood: Hi I Am Negan.75F 12/10 20:58
bom10306: seafood76F 12/10 20:59
sr57664: of course not77F 12/10 21:01
svcc: Expelliarmus78F 12/10 21:04
MikuLover: ごんさーしゃう79F 12/10 21:04
sam91109: NO80F 12/10 21:08
aaron2034b: Yup , normal habit ...81F 12/10 21:11
abruby2522: Doki Doki!82F 12/10 21:16
devilkool: daijobudesuyo83F 12/10 21:22
xiaomeimei: Heheeee84F 12/10 21:22
babababala: Ok85F 12/10 21:23
emmayday: ok86F 12/10 21:25
yylin3266: Your mom plants watermelons at home.87F 12/10 21:26
JamesChen: So?88F 12/10 21:32
audi86: 。。。。。89F 12/10 21:36
patrickgod: Maja maja maja a mi90F 12/10 21:40
wassabi: 可以91F 12/10 21:43
mj31721: Majiami92F 12/10 21:46
morgankhs: May show gun more93F 12/10 21:47
ageminis: Why 這麼多 push 文 叉叉珠 ?94F 12/10 21:51
hotsummer: Penny!Penny!Penny!95F 12/10 21:54
Freeven: how do you turn this on96F 12/10 22:01
dingcross: Go PTT3, it's all English.97F 12/10 22:12
hoij79627: I have a pen.98F 12/10 22:19
asdpig05: You有freestyle 嗎?99F 12/10 22:22
R0406: Sit down please100F 12/10 22:29
bdchen: 喵101F 12/10 22:39
junjunlol: fai wen102F 12/10 22:46
Lingisheng: Of course.103F 12/10 22:48
sallyhelp: wowggininder104F 12/10 22:55
xxfcxx: ...這是八卦還是女版@_@?105F 12/10 22:58
hohedena: girl版can't chat like this?106F 12/10 23:01
ann1206: This is a pen.107F 12/10 23:02
jgs0213: All right.108F 12/10 23:07
jennifer4551:   維大力 義大利 維大力 系啦
is it good to drink ?109F 12/10 23:08
anselhsuen: Of course, why not. Baby111F 12/10 23:09
Ame0310: What do you want...112F 12/10 23:26
emma18: Nope.113F 12/10 23:38
Neil000: i dot car114F 12/10 23:40
mintsgirl: Toolmen?115F 12/10 23:45
mike5580: Why so serious?116F 12/10 23:47
amy660156: what the fuck117F 12/10 23:53
yusakoji: costco118F 12/11 00:07
yiayia0333: 這篇害我笑到快瘋掉119F 12/11 00:40
fadowdog: May show gun more?120F 12/11 00:43
shs911021: you dirty girl121F 12/11 00:47
YenPcman: IKEA我都唸IKEA122F 12/11 01:09
bluetory99: Sure thing. Not a problem at all.123F 12/11 01:37
hihisnoopy: This is a pan. This is an apple.124F 12/11 01:59
ohyii: I don't give it a shit125F 12/11 02:09
domo1304: Go go bang yo sibaluma126F 12/11 02:36
EarlyInMay: Why not127F 12/11 03:12
tsukiyomi157: me shou gan mou128F 12/11 03:17
eve9543: me no can129F 12/11 03:38
jessesatan: show me the money130F 12/11 07:49
rainbow321: Show me the money131F 12/11 08:41
sj920134: li lay gong sa xio132F 12/11 09:23
augustues: how do you turn this on133F 12/11 09:28

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