看板 home-sale
作者 Yishanhuang (Yishan)
標題 [新聞] 典型的美國租房者現在對於租金感到負擔
時間 Thu Feb  9 20:54:28 2023


The Typical American Renter Is Now Rent-Burdened, a Report Says

Moody’s Analytics finds that renters in the U.S. now pay 30 percent of the
median income for the average rent.


                                                                By Anna Kodé
                                                               Jan. 25, 2023

The typical American renter is now rent-burdened — meaning that 30 percent
of the median U.S. income is required to pay the average rent, according to a
new report from Moody’s Analytics.

“This 30 percent is a symbolic threshold, a milestone,” said Thomas
LaSalvia, the director of economic research at Moody’s.

Reaching this threshold puts typical American renters — who earn the median
income and pay the average rent — where they have never been before, Mr.
LaSalvia said. (According to the Pew Research Center, about 36 percent of
American households rented, rather than owned, their homes in 2019, the last
year that reliable data was available from the Census Bureau.) Moody’s first
started tracking the metric in 1999, when the typical rent-to-income ratio
was 22.5 percent.

The rent-to-income ratio was calculated by comparing the national median
household income, $71,721, with the average monthly rent, $1,794, for 2022.
The current 30 percent figure is an increase from 28.5 percent in 2021, and
from 25.7 percent in 2020. In 2019, before the pandemic, renters with the
median income would be spending 27.2 percent of their income on the average

“The rent-to-income ratio continued to climb up because income growth was
not able to catch up with the rent growth,” said Lu Chen, a senior economist
at Moody’s Analytics.

The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development has defined
rent-burdened families as those who spend more than 30 percent of their
household income on housing and “may have difficulty affording necessities
such as food, clothing, transportation, and medical care.”

“We’ve been moving in this direction for decades,” said Martha Galvez, the
executive director of the Housing Solutions Lab at New York University’s
Furman Center. “Since the ’70s, rents have been rising faster than incomes.
And among lower-income households, high rent burdens have been the norm for a
long time.”

Ms. Chen also noted that the disappearance of “Covid discounts” in many
major cities contributed to the burden. “The second half of 2021 is where we
saw a lot of the reverse migration happening in many places in the country,
with many residents taking advantage of the Covid discounts for rents in the
hottest areas, like New York, Jersey, Boston,” she said.

As renters migrated back into populous metropolitan areas, Covid restrictions
were loosened and rents started to creep back up.

“The places where you saw the biggest decline in rent are now seeing the
biggest increase in rents,” Ms. Chen said.

Residents in some cities are more rent burdened than others. In New York, for
example, the rent-to-income ratio in 2022 was 68.5 percent, the Moody’s
report found. It was followed by Miami at 41.6 percent, Fort Lauderdale at
36.7 percent and Los Angeles at 35.6 percent.

Anna Kodé is a reporter for the Real Estate section of The Times. She writes
about design trends, housing issues and the relationship between identity and
home. @anna_p_k

A version of this article appears in print on Jan. 29, 2023, Section RE, Page
2 of the New York edition with the headline: Rent-to-Income Ratio Continues
to Climb.



得為143.06萬元;因此合理中位數年租金應該在 143萬 X 30% =42.9萬左右。
若考慮到台北市為我國政治、經濟中心,rent-to-ratio 的值應可再提高。

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: Yishanhuang 2023-02-09 20:54:28
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1ZvEq6Bp (home-sale)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/home-sale/M.1675947270.A.2F3.html
toto123: 美國的文組真的低薪嗎?金融那些薪水不低吧1F 02/09 21:02
Yishanhuang: 我是說台灣啦2F 02/09 21:04
※ 編輯: Yishanhuang ( 臺灣), 02/09/2023 21:04:55
※ 編輯: Yishanhuang ( 臺灣), 02/09/2023 21:07:57
partsex: 應該要佔5成甚至六成 才行吧
房客的錢本來就是屬於房東的3F 02/09 21:06
JackChung: 台灣 cap rate 本來就偏低5F 02/09 21:06
partsex: 古代地主跟佃農 佃農大部分的產值都要上繳
只能留一點錢 就給你吃飯睡覺基本的存活6F 02/09 21:07
a926: 真的這樣還不先暴動XD8F 02/09 21:24
yehwang: 後來國民黨施行三七五減租,耕者有其田。
要給佃農上億的錢。9F 02/09 21:46
s26492755: 不太懂 為啥要給上億12F 02/09 21:56
IBIZA: 因為三七五減租條例 保障佃農優先承購權
如果佃農決定不承購, 就要給公告現值1/3的補償
很多適用三七五減租條例的農地就這樣僵持幾十年13F 02/09 21:59
abyssa1: https://www.newsmarket.com.tw/blog/64128/
升入30%~40%繳租金其實是世界常態?沒控管可能會50%16F 02/09 22:01
【休耕背後】為何農民不簽約?纏繞半世紀的三七五減租陰影 | 上下游News&Market
農家多以口頭契約,也使休耕補償難以保障租地耕作者,為何租賃不用白紙黑字打契約?主因1951年實施的「三七五減租」規定,地主非因法定事故,不得終止租約,且租約可世代繼承。雖然保障佃農不被剝削,卻導致許多地主至今仍不肯簽租賃契約,害怕地「收不回去」。農委會也坦言,這個問題十分頭痛,未來擬推行「登錄制」, ...

partsex: 40%是常態 開放更多外勞 製造供不應求 可以破60%
大學跟高中先開放 馬來西亞僑生 或各種外國人
然後這些讀大學的畢業的外籍生 直接讓他們就業
服務生 台灣人也不想做 應該全讓外勞去做
台灣3300萬人 有1000萬外勞 不到三分之一 其實並不多
但既得利益者會反對 很多競爭力不夠上班族 怕外勞搶工作台灣需要體力外勞 也需要 受過高等教育的外勞
科技業應該開放更多 外籍工程師 憑什麼台積電外籍工程師比例這麼少 去矽谷google看看每年收多少外國畢業生18F 02/09 22:11
ceca: 以前華人移民美國,就是買三棟房子,兩棟出租一棟自己住.
199x年還沒那麼貴.29F 02/09 22:35
mooto: 早就該開放家事外勞 讓有生產力的家庭專注高附加價值產業文組薪水就比不過理工了 怎麼搶的贏園區附近的大學長33F 02/09 22:49
IBIZA: 確實  家事外勞早該開放了  香港新加坡用的多爽35F 02/09 23:01
Yishanhuang: @mooto 不是每個園區的家庭都會一開始工作就買
對同年紀的可能拼不過,但是對年輕的還是有代差優勢現在手上有錢 > 現在沒錢,未來會賺錢36F 02/09 23:12
partsex: 家事外勞還可以當長照用 你政府根本不必推什麼長照
我新加坡親戚就老母變植物人 每個月1萬 把屎把尿的事就解決了39F 02/09 23:14
Yishanhuang: 當然這個代差優勢在短短幾年內就會消失殆盡,要把握42F 02/09 23:15
partsex: 外勞撐不下去 再換另一個就好43F 02/09 23:15
CharleneTsai: 家事外勞+144F 02/09 23:27
chrisdddd: 支持放寬移工政策45F 02/09 23:48
s26492755: 佃農這麼爽啊......46F 02/10 00:12
frowning1226: 我一直在想政府是不是怕台灣人民過太爽
過太爽戰爭會失去戰鬥力,所以故意的XD47F 02/10 00:14
CrabBro: 不能照你說的那樣類比,每個國家的稅收 物價 物資都不同租金行情必須因國情而異,不能直接這樣類比49F 02/10 00:39
MDJJ: 文組的人會當金融文組,金融的覺得自己不會理工是文組
但金融跟真正文組有很大差異。讀的論文也比較講求科學51F 02/10 08:53
piliwu: 重劃的話佃農也是一樣分1/3,375根本惡法53F 02/10 09:08
oceanfishwu: 台積電不一定想用外籍工程師,他們的產線連外勞都不用只用本籍的54F 02/10 09:13
kusomanfcu: 375那個你就跟他擺幾百年跟他嗆啊
對方不繳租就是法院處理56F 02/10 10:21
Yishanhuang: 375可以用擴大家庭農場經營為理由解約
不過還是要補償,好像沒差XD58F 02/10 11:53
piliwu: 沒有耕作事實就可以解約了,現在哪來那麼多真的佃
60F 02/10 12:20
summerair11: 沒耕作事實也沒那麼好認定給舉證62F 02/10 13:10
mayko: 沒耕作事實我們家族搞了幾十年都沒搞定,沒繳租又沒耕作事實還當二地主三地主轉租,要抓要解約,就在那哭欺負老農orz
375沒繳租提告會先上協調委員會,然後告訴地主方,對方"貧苦"63F 02/10 13:48
Yishanhuang: 樓上這個可以請律師處理吧,公告現值三分之一不少耶66F 02/10 13:51
mayko: 要繼續租給對方喔 =.= 覺青們應該覺得很爽,不繳租金賴到底都是持份..收回來效益也不高,可變更為建地的,就簽合建約,讓建商去搞定了..剩下都是價值不高的山坡地,不住那邊沒那麼閒Yishanhuang沒看過公告地價小於權狀成本的吧,那種誰那麼閒去處理...68F 02/10 13:52
Yishanhuang: 那真的丟著就好......73F 02/10 15:55

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