看板 movie
作者 beckseaton (沒有運動會死)
標題 [討論] 「超級戰警」之三個貝殼的由來
時間 Tue Dec  9 16:01:20 2014

DEMOLITION MAN Screenwriter Reveals "Three Seashells" Origin



共同演出的包括珊卓布拉克  衛斯理史奈普等人



Demolition Man - The Three Seashells
Demolition Man - The Three Seashells - YouTube
A great scene from the 1993 Sci-fi comedy film "Demolition Man" starring Sandra Bullock, Wesley Snipes, Denis Leary, and Sylvester Stallone.


編劇 Daniel Waters 前幾天回答了這三個貝殼的由來

'm paraphrasing, Dan said: "I won't tell you the actual secret, but I'll tell
you where it came from. There's a scene where Stallone has to use a restroom.
I'm trying to come up with futuristic things you'd find in there. I was
having trouble, so I called my buddy, another screenwriter across town, asked
him if he had any ideas. Ironically enough that guy was taking a dump when he
answered the phone, looked around his bathroom and said 'I have a bag of
seashells on my toilet as a decoration?' I said 'Ok, I'll make something out
of that.'"

他說他不會講這三個貝殼到底怎麼用 但告訴我們靈感來源

有一幕史特龍要用廁所 然後這個場景他要擺入具有未來感的物品



他看了一下說廁所裡有一袋的貝殼當裝飾品  最後劇本裡就有了這麼一段..


他還是沒講觀眾最大的問題三個貝殼該怎麼用  每次這部電影的推文都有人問到

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1418112083.A.E51.html
※ 編輯: beckseaton (, 12/09/2014 16:02:29
SKnight: XDD 這問題真的是太經典了1F 12/09 16:02
HAIWEI: 這問題我想了快20年有...2F 12/09 16:05
qazxswptt: 我怎麼回答 連我自己都不知道答案的問題3F 12/09 16:05
Vassili242: 等到2032年就有解答了4F 12/09 16:06
nosweating: 影史上的經典問題之一XD5F 12/09 16:10
crosszero: 原始人只好狂罵髒話了6F 12/09 16:17
Bigcookie2: 應該說根本沒答案吧......7F 12/09 16:22
kdash: 所以貝殼要怎麼用?8F 12/09 16:36
yorkbuster: 貝殼是肥皂嗎???9F 12/09 16:40
toyamaK52: 按下貝殼 -> 馬桶免治 這樣?10F 12/09 16:44
MarcoKyle: 前陣子有播就順便又看完一遍了 XD11F 12/09 16:44
ko2042002: 從小第一次看就一直有的疑問 看來是無解了XD
史特龍在電影裡問的時候其他人還一直笑他哈哈12F 12/09 16:45
iam0718: 想到噁心的體液交換14F 12/09 17:07
Istari: 導演自己也不知道怎麼用15F 12/09 17:26
damnedfish: 影史懸案終於破解了lol16F 12/09 17:29
qq320: 貝殼用法早在大約2005年左右史特龍就親自解釋過了...
http://tinyurl.com/y3x2eg 中間有節錄史特龍的回答17F 12/09 17:47
Mystery of the three seashells solved! Kinda | The Intellectual Appreciation of Poop Humor | PoopReport.com PoopReport.com is a community with a unique agenda: we are an intellectual poop site. A salon. A brokerage house that specializes in a specific category of humor: brown humor (vs. gallows humor or black humor). We explore, even meditate upon the human condition from the vantage point of pooping and  ...

qq320: 用法基本上就是拿兩片像筷子那樣夾一夾 再用剩下那片刮乾淨19F 12/09 17:50
sony1256: 哈哈阿 我當年也不得解 怎麼用20F 12/09 18:48
Fanchiang: 我比較好奇的是 貝殼大家共用嗎?21F 12/09 19:28
okbon66: 問神奇海螺啊22F 12/09 19:34
xxx22088: 懸案...23F 12/09 20:17
BlacKlonely: 美國版塞杯24F 12/09 23:03
Wolfen: 乾最好刮得乾淨啦XDDD25F 12/09 23:07
x77: 我覺得這篇才是正解,用夾的應該是唬爛的26F 12/09 23:31
jhnny: 刮完, 痣瘡都破了...27F 12/09 23:36
djyunjie: 記得設定是年代嚴重缺乏紙張 其中一段史特龍狂罵髒話
藉此收集紙張去上廁所XD28F 12/09 23:49
erichavez: 不是缺乏紙張,是未來的都人用貝殼,所以沒放衛生紙30F 12/10 00:20
marcohpsh: 一直覺得是用有弧度那面對準括約肌抹呀抹...31F 12/10 00:45
Emerson158: 又不是吃孔雀蛤 互相刮一刮...32F 12/10 00:55
Wozniacki: 這片真的經典 現在不太可能出現這類片型了33F 12/10 01:29
fetemen: 居然如此隨性...34F 12/10 02:21

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