看板 movie
作者 yorock (Remix)
標題 [請益] 電影中經典吶喊畫面或台詞
時間 Thu Apr 16 00:41:08 2015





浩劫重生裡wilson掉了,tom hank下海一直喊wilson那一段
300壯士裡面"this is spartan"




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fatotaku: 你為什麼要逼我啊~~~1F 04/16 00:42
pauljet: 刺激19952F 04/16 00:47
a731390820: 刺激1995海報看來在吶喊 可是我怎麼記得其實沒喊3F 04/16 00:50
will8149: 鐵達尼號 I'm the king of the world4F 04/16 00:50
ab81312: 大笨蛋5F 04/16 00:51
ReiFan: 賭~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~聖!!6F 04/16 00:51
maverickming: 絕對是:英雄本色的FREEDOM~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~7F 04/16 00:54
sally6245: 阿~~足麵啦  媽媽弟 吉娃娃~~8F 04/16 00:54
shinshong: 情書 中山美穗9F 04/16 00:55
TRIMGAL: 吵啦a夢裡面的大雄被欺負後也會大喊算嗎?10F 04/16 00:56
MPSSC: 教父3,艾爾帕西諾(不講場面避免暴雷)11F 04/16 00:57
samsong318: 經典絕對是情書啊!!12F 04/16 00:58
worshipA: 藤原龍也13F 04/16 01:01
wcc960: Leon,尚雷諾爆氣和蓋瑞老人的e~~very~~one~~~~~14F 04/16 01:06
raAE: 在世界中心呼喊愛 aki~~~~~~~QQ15F 04/16 01:08
wcc960: 世界大戰中Dakota Fanning的每一個尖叫16F 04/16 01:09
kikijuice: Hulk~~~ Smash17F 04/16 01:10
jamaal: 第一反射也是想到英雄本色~ freedom ~~~~~~~~~~18F 04/16 01:14
sunnyyoung: 梅爾吉勃遜之英雄本色  free~~~~~dom~~~~~~~19F 04/16 01:14
bennetlee: 我 的 啊 媽 尼 ~~~~~!20F 04/16 01:14
o6789: Wilson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!21F 04/16 01:15
belleaya: Freeeeeedom
Everyoooooone22F 04/16 01:17
AGUSTA: 般若波羅蜜~24F 04/16 01:18
belleaya: 奪命鎗火 保羅沃克:Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!!!!!!!!
地心引力 "You gotta be kidding me!!!!"25F 04/16 01:19
klarc: 征服情海 show me the money / 慾望街車 Stella27F 04/16 01:20
lgng66133: 星際大戰 黑武士和路克28F 04/16 01:21
BF109: 絕地任務 最後場景放信號彈那邊29F 04/16 01:22
Doubleband: 星際異攻隊  一句滿足你的需求30F 04/16 01:25
ssaw5166: 大家可以回家喇~~31F 04/16 01:28
nowistzki: 奪魂鋸:Game over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!32F 04/16 01:28
Top 10 Famous Movie Yells - YouTube
***Apologies for the re-publishing of this video, there was a processing glitch in the original version. The movies may are iconic, but it's the loud noises ... ...

ray04040: 拎杯嘎哩晚點名34F 04/16 01:38

jackblack: 情書「お元気ですか」
https://youtu.be/M0UA1yrUTfs36F 04/16 01:42
Love Letter Trailer - YouTube
The original theatrical trailer for Shunji Iwai's beautiful film, Love Letter.

Nicolas Cage Losing His Shit - YouTube
Cage Rage. Montage of Nic freaking out. Full film list here: The Cage himself talks about this video in this interview: / Music - Clint Mansell - Lux Aeterna...

xx17xx: I'm groot39F 04/16 01:45
newgunden: 星際大戰 歐比王跟安納金 還有西斯與達斯維達40F 04/16 01:45
ppc2t2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ld5mycaFQUU 阿諾最強41F 04/16 01:48

eric5038: Mystic River 西恩潘 在開場為被謀殺的女兒哭喊42F 04/16 01:51
mochiQ: 孤兒怨 I'm not you fucking mother!!!!!!!
*your43F 04/16 01:53
mathafaka: 歡迎光臨死亡小鎮 Now, who's the dummy?45F 04/16 01:55
sgin: This is 斯巴達!!!300壯士 電影當年預告 我狂笑46F 04/16 02:00
AuTumnLyu: 推 我的阿媽尼~~~47F 04/16 02:05
allenlee6710: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~~~~~~~~~~~~   - 653部電影48F 04/16 02:12
devin0329: 進擊的鼓手:Dra…dragging…
So you do know the difference!!!!!!!!!!!!!49F 04/16 02:25
LuChiehY: im your father
nooooooooooooooo51F 04/16 02:30
gn00647797: 我的阿嬤尼阿53F 04/16 02:46
aredifficult: 甘道夫you shall not pass54F 04/16 02:51
god00090: 推~大家可以回家啦!!!!55F 04/16 02:52
linuk1288: 力王 大家可以回家啦!56F 04/16 03:15
oasvoke: 快叫救護車!!!57F 04/16 03:16
lightborn0: 即刻救援 - 骨辣可58F 04/16 03:21
kl4: 有錢無罪、無錢有罪59F 04/16 03:29
kina: 前兩天的台北市議會60F 04/16 03:40
jasonchangki: 箱~~~~~神~~~~61F 04/16 04:14
daisyung: The Matrix Neo跟Trinity去大樓救Morpheus 大堂的保全大喊"FREEEEEEZZZZZE!"62F 04/16 04:30
lovemika: 當然是堤真一在嫌疑犯X的獻身中的哭喊64F 04/16 04:36
coiico: 星際大戰二  "I am ur father" "No!!!!!!!!!"65F 04/16 04:48
a7641229: 我的野蠻女友66F 04/16 05:00
opklm: 3D貞子女主角的獅吼功67F 04/16 05:03
ICEFTP: 甘道夫:You shall not pass!!~~~~~~~~~~68F 04/16 05:54
jay0000: 謝祖武:我要當老師~!69F 04/16 06:00
srlan: 神隱少女70F 04/16 06:46
cattyVSlydia: Why so serious ?71F 04/16 07:23
dirtyroot: 小太陽的願望:fuck---72F 04/16 07:30
winnietslock: 嫌疑犯X的獻身73F 04/16 07:50
johnlak5566: 泰山 喊了N次74F 04/16 07:56
WeGoYuSheng: 快跑
蘿拉快跑75F 04/16 07:56
linkunyin: 情書。 你好嗎,我很好~~77F 04/16 08:00
mathrew: The Rock78F 04/16 08:03
luciferwing: Nonononono~~~變形金剛79F 04/16 08:23
firezeus: 我就跟你賭命!我就跟你賭命…我就跟你賭命……80F 04/16 08:31
kodaayu: 猩球一凱薩的No!!!81F 04/16 08:35
Cwai: 搶錢、搶糧、搶娘們82F 04/16 08:45
Dillon0801: 艾爾帕西諾的"女人香":I'm In the Dark!!83F 04/16 08:48
poiu1234: 1st class:fuck off84F 04/16 08:49
Rabbit19264: JOKE :85F 04/16 09:14
ott: http://disp.cc/b/18-8CVd (This is Sparta! - ott板 - Disp86F 04/16 09:17
Vassili242: 凱吉的惡靈線索 最後凱吉的吶喊87F 04/16 09:23
ryan100100: 富堡機車行~老闆陳平偉~你是在大聲什麼啦88F 04/16 09:38
whatwrong: 給開司一罐啤酒89F 04/16 09:51
kennyhen: freeeeeeee~~dom~~太震憾了.其它都沒印象90F 04/16 10:12
Butcherdon: 開麥拉驚魂 阿湯哥和火龍幫談判 最後那句imma fk u uphttps://youtu.be/Odd8Zdhuj9o?t=1m38s91F 04/16 10:22
Tropic Thunder - Les Grossman Yelling (HD) - YouTube
An epic scene of Les Grossman yelling at Flaming Dragons. "Now, I want you to take a step back and literally fuck your own face! I don't know what kind of Pa...

serval623: Freedom 想到都超痛的,他被腰斬耶93F 04/16 10:25
NANJO1569: 阿凡達 Jake: This is our land!!!!!!!94F 04/16 10:33
RapunzElsa: 勒伊夠~勒伊夠~~95F 04/16 10:34
Deathstroke: I'll be back
疤面煞星:Say hello to my little friend~96F 04/16 10:35
nuga: 我的野蠻女友,全智賢向對面山頂大喊98F 04/16 11:02
notea: 惡靈線索 尼可拉斯凱吉: NO~~~~~~~~~~99F 04/16 11:10
bananaaaaa: \讓她生/\讓她生/\讓她生/203F 04/18 07:44
benbenstop: 為什麼你要代替你爹?204F 04/18 13:32
xerod3211: 三傻: All is well~~205F 04/18 18:15
LOVEUU: Gary Oldman:everyone~~  https://youtu.be/74BzSTQCl_c206F 04/18 22:14
Gary Oldman - "Leon the Professional" "everyone" scene (HD) - YouTube One of Gary Oldman's best performances. Imagine having a friend who reacts like that. ** or like that:  :)

lourdes: may the force be with you....居然沒人推207F 04/18 22:14

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