看板 movie作者 sarada (Weihnachtstee)標題 [新聞] Netflix正式宣佈與凱文史貝西切斷關係時間 Sat Nov 4 11:22:14 2017
Hollywood Reporter
Netflix Severs Ties With Kevin Spacey, Drops 'Gore' Movie
》,以及製作中的Gore Vidal傳記電影。
美國小說家/劇作家Gore Vidal傳記電影目前正進行後製作業,由凱文史貝西製作兼主演。
Netflix is officially severing ties with Kevin Spacey amid mounting allegations
of sexual harassment made against the House of Cards series star and executive
Additionally, the streamer has scrapped a Gore Vidal biopic starring Spacey.
“Netflix will not be involved with any further production of House of Cards
that includes Kevin Spacey. We will continue to work with MRC during this
hiatus time to evaluate our path forward as it relates to the show," a
spokesperson for the streamer said in a statement.
"We have also decided we will not be moving forward with the release of the
film Gore, which was in post-production, starring and produced by Kevin Spacey.
繼合作8年經紀公司CAA和公關公司Polaris PR跟史貝西說掰掰後,Netflix也火掉他了。
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1P_J9geX (movie)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1509765738.A.A21.html
※ 編輯: sarada (, 11/04/2017 11:40:32
推 poterr: 要有所教訓啊5F 11/04 11:42
推 NVIDIA: 一定早就知道了
都敢公然在片場亂搞了6F 11/04 11:43
推 catv: 次元切割刀!10F 11/04 11:48
推 NVIDIA: 還是要推砍得好11F 11/04 11:52
推 a9a99: 哇!要徹底消失了12F 11/04 11:57
推 a3300689: 看來BABY DRIVER是最後一部好作品了13F 11/04 12:08
推 flos288: Baby driver根本不好看啊14F 11/04 12:21
→ soaping: 美國演藝圈就是偽善阿 這種行為業內人一定都知道16F 11/04 12:30
→ soaping: 等到有被害者還是whistleblower出來講才趕快切割
還譴責的一副正氣凜然的樣子18F 11/04 12:31
推 joey0602: 有動作總比繼續和稀泥好。這樣也可以嚇阻類似的人22F 11/04 12:37
→ widec: 紙牌屋只會留前兩集已經拍好的 後面沒主角了23F 11/04 12:48