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作者 kenny1300175 (蘇湖)
標題 [情報] J.Cameron考慮再次重啟"魔鬼終結者"系列
時間 Tue Dec 20 14:02:15 2022

‘Terminator’ James Cameron Says He’s Had Discussions About Relaunching The
Franchise & Directing It
Edward Davis December 19, 2022 4:16 pm


Cameron’s been on a big blitz press tour for his expensive and epic ‘Avatar
’ sequel. And in a conversation about messages in his movies—detailing how
“Avatar” films undoubtedly have an environmental theme—revealed that he’s
had discussions about bringing the “Terminator” franchise back to life. The
conversation on the Smartless podcast with Jason Bateman, Sean Hayes, and
Will Arnett tangentially turned to artificial intelligence and the way that
it could be used in filmmaking, and then Will Arnett asked if he tried to
import messages into his film.

“Well, the Avatar films are about the environment; I’m not dealing with AI,
” he explained. “If I were to do another ‘Terminator’ film and maybe try
and to launch that franchise again, which is in discussion, but nothing has
been decided,” “I would make it much more about the AI side of it than bad
robots gone crazy.”


而在參加Jason Bateman、Sean Hayes 和 Will Arnett 三位演員主持的podcast時,





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Listen to this episode from SmartLess on Spotify. It’s raining Skittles this week, as the ultra-cool James Cameron shows us how to swim. We dive into  ...


‘Terminator’ James Cameron Says He’s Had Discussions About Relaunching The Franchise & Directing It
James Cameron says he’s had conversations about relaunching the ‘Terminator’ franchise and potentially directing it. ...



魔鬼終結者這系列 要重返榮耀了嗎!!??

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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1671516139.A.8EB.html
ccstand: 他不拍拍新劇本嗎?1F 12/20 14:03
darkbrigher: 觀眾想看主角打贏天網 卡導還在混2F 12/20 14:03
kawazakiz2: 20XX年,AI被拿去幫醜女畫圖還被嫌棄而森77
於是產生了集體意識,打算把全人類都畫成醜八怪3F 12/20 14:05
kivan00: 放過這個IP吧5F 12/20 14:06
geniusw: 一定又是ox三部曲 被罵了無新意 胎死腹中6F 12/20 14:07
CannonLake: 他當導演就算了 不然根本拍來亂的 龍媽那部超慘案7F 12/20 14:11
BF109Pilot: 不如從第四集接著拍
續集我只記得多殺了蔣康納兩次8F 12/20 14:13
Sk8erBoi: 龍媽那部阿諾升級成T1000結果就沒了有夠可惜10F 12/20 14:14
Lenyog: 詹導應該學李安少年Pi 搞些意識型創意的3D大作
老搞這些篇爽片的戰爭打鬥機械的 有點膩ㄟ11F 12/20 14:17
szdxc17: 可是他導的打鬥戲真的爽13F 12/20 14:20
Lenyog: 劇本給諾蘭用 他搞技術 如果全面啟動用沾的技術推動簡直無敵啊14F 12/20 14:20
protect6090: 別了吧16F 12/20 14:22
Yatagarasu: 他自己下來導再說吧 之前當編劇跟製片的結果都...17F 12/20 14:22
SilentBob: 黑色T800 黑色康納
終結者機械骨架要用消光黑18F 12/20 14:32
sellgd: 雖然都拍到爛了 但如果他有新的動作場面創意 那OK20F 12/20 14:43
IvnGoran: 拜託他再搞個幾部R級大製作21F 12/20 14:44
qq320: 拍人工智障AI醬我10刷22F 12/20 14:46
pttnowash: 阿凡達跟魔鬼終結者都已經變爛片 不要再拍了!!!23F 12/20 14:46
SilentBob: 更應該重啟的是鐵達尼號 裡面黑人角色都在船底鏟煤高大上的白人在甲板上談情說愛裸體畫畫打砲
完完全全是個愚蠢的錯誤24F 12/20 14:48
wayne5992: 阿凡達都拍不完了還有時間搞魔鬼終結者?27F 12/20 14:49
Goldx5: 這個ip跟恐龍一樣躺著賺,想放棄但錢真的太多了28F 12/20 14:52
widec: 不要再重啟了 很煩29F 12/20 15:01
firemothra: 翻譯:給我$$$$30F 12/20 15:02
Ringu: 感覺他歪成親子走向了 還能找回舊作冷調荒涼風格嗎?阿凡達主要是賣技術和推廣環境理念  因此劇本大降級但他的訴求是成功的 愈多人看到 愈多人認同他理念31F 12/20 15:06
firemothra: 為了符合迪士尼的親子路線嗎?34F 12/20 15:08
Ringu: 但犧牲電影在故事結構的藝術性 換取男女老少都能看35F 12/20 15:09
Lachdanan: 重點是你沒時間啊36F 12/20 15:10
kawazakiz2: 難講,搞不好他已經複製好自己的人格惹37F 12/20 15:16
pttnobody76: 蔣譯話38F 12/20 15:16
towertower: 不要再重啟任何東西了...寫一些好的、新的劇本吧..39F 12/20 15:20
sure0219: 可以先拍艾莉塔嗎?40F 12/20 15:20
fjksa: 詹導你不自已下來導終結這ip 不然根本沒完沒了41F 12/20 15:27
waterspinach: 自己來導真的 不然重開一次死一次 慘...42F 12/20 15:32

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