看板 Contemp_Music_Arts
作者 yichenglin(CMC )
標題 How to apply an account in DISP
時間 2010年05月23日 Sun. PM 09:46:36

1. Please go to the English registeration page to register: http://disp.cc/user/register_eng.php 

2. And then it will go to the second page and says your registeration is done.

3. It automatically goes back to the front page (http://disp.cc) of this website. Now you can just type your username (enter) and then password (enter), and then click "N" (enter)

* for logging in in the future, you can just go to http://disp.cc, and type your username (enter) and password (enter)

4. For going to this board, go to Class-->Recreation-->Contemp_Music_Arts

5. It is more convenient to use ← → ↓↑ to enter or choose a post to read.

Hope people who don't understand Chinese can still find this board! \o/


※ 來源: DISP BBS 看板: Contemp_Music_Arts

※ 編輯: yichenglin  來自:  時間: 2010-05-24 11:01:53
※ 編輯: yichenglin  來自:  時間: 2010-05-24 13:45:18