看板 Gossiping
作者 f05978 (新使用者)
標題 Re: 求:跟菲律賓人在國外新聞網站吵架的救援軍
時間 2013年05月16日 Thu. PM 08:27:34

※ 收件者: chiachia339

Please sharing this message!!!
The Philippines government is lying.
(1) They said the Taiwanese fishing boat tried to collide their coast guard's boat. It is LOGICALLY impossible because the fishing boat is unarmed and has a slower speed than the coast guard's. Also, the investigation found that there are no marks due to collision on the fishing boat.
(2) The coast guard of Philippine said they just wanted to warning. However, there are more the 50 bullet holes on all over the fishing boat. Also the fishing boat is chased for more than one hour, which showed that the coast guard was trying to kill Taiwanese fishmen rather than warning them.
(3) Every country can claim 200 nautical miles for its EEZ. If some counties' EEZs overlay to each other, they need to negotiate and make an treatment. However, the last few decades, the Philippines government refuse to negotiate with Taiwan. Thus, in this incident, both of Taiwan and the Philippines have the right to claim the position is in their own territory, which makes to dispute it happened in whose EEZ is pointless.
(4) The Philippines coast guards claimed that they have the video information of  incident. However, they are not willing to announce it publicly.

ALL WE WANT IS THE TRUTH and a sincere FORMAL apology from the Philippines government.  

※ 作者: f05978 時間: 2013-05-16 20:27:34
※ 同主題文章:
Re: 求:跟菲律賓人在國外新聞網站吵架的救援軍
05-16 20:27 f05978