看板 NBA作者 thnlkj0665 (灰色地帶)標題 [情報] 24年前的今天 Kobe生涯初登場時間 Tue Nov 3 21:15:08 2020
18-year-old Kobe Bryant made his NBA debut 24 years ago today.
It was the first of 11 scoreless games during his rookie season. He finished his career with a 60-point performance & 33,643 career points (4th most in NBA history)
18-year-old Kobe Bryant made his NBA debut 24 years ago today.
It was the first of 11 scoreless games during his rookie season. He finished
his career with a 60-point performance & 33,643 career points (4th most in
NBA history)
24年前的今天,Kobe 生涯首度在NBA亮相
Hoops Nostalgia
24 years ago today...
18-year old Kobe Bean Bryant becomes the youngest player in NBA history (a record now held by Andrew Bynum).
KB8 only put up one shot in his 6:22 debut. Quite the contrast to the 50 the Mamba attempted in his final game.
Grand opening, grand closing.
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1VeLVVca (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1604409311.A.9A4.html
推 yohiko: 然後打了史上最多的鐵
還被吹進去歷史前十XDD8F 11/03 21:23
推 cloudeda: 我說在座的大家真是幸福,每個人都在見證歷史11F 11/03 21:24
推 Rlai123: 歷史前十 哪一個打鐵不多...可憐哪13F 11/03 21:26
推 younun: 老大打的第一鐵,值得紀念19F 11/03 21:32
推 Demia: 史上最強打鐵王
初試啼聲就以一鐵揭開序幕。23F 11/03 21:41
推 K951753: 老大 我愛你!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!25F 11/03 21:49
推 JerrieRip: RE2P4CT!!! 老大!!!!!28F 11/03 21:54
推 brianzzy: 看到老大的初鐵推文 笑中帶淚QQ46F 11/03 23:32
推 zaza1128: 老大,2020真是難過的一年51F 11/03 23:46
推 yeslin: 老大!!!!!!54F 11/03 23:51
推 StODf: 老大!56F 11/04 00:12
推 tallolz: 姆斯在打兩年 變打鐵排行第一的時候不知道風向會變怎樣..
打得久投得多 打鐵就多 不是很正常嗎,他還是後衛。61F 11/04 02:30