看板 NBA
作者 EZ78 (EZ78)
標題 [外絮] Mikey Williams面臨最高28年刑期的起訴
時間 Sat Oct 14 12:16:56 2023

Memphis guard Mikey Williams ordered to stand trial as prized recruit faces six felony gun charges - CBSSports.com
Williams, once ranked as the No. 2 player in his class, has an arraignment scheduled Oct. 24 ...


Former prized recruit and current Memphis freshman Mikey Williams was ordered
to stand trial by a Superior Court judge in California on Tuesday as he faces
six felony gun charges from an incident earlier this summer in which he is
accused of firing a gun at a vehicle carrying five people. Williams, a former
five-star prospect who was at one point ranked as the No. 2 player in his
class, is not currently with the Tigers team but remains on the roster and
enrolled in classes as his legal situation plays out, the school said in

過去高天賦且是曼菲斯大學新鮮人的Mikey Williams因今年夏天稍早被指控朝著有5個人在




Williams has been free on $50,000 bond since his arrest on April 13. At a
hearing Tuesday, Judge Sherry M. Thompson-Taylor assigned an arraignment date
of Oct. 24 for Williams, according to the Associated Press.

Memphis began its fall training camp on Sept. 25 without Williams, who
because of his situation does not have access to team-related facilities or
activities. It is scheduled to open the season Nov. 6 vs. Jackson State -- 13
days after Williams' scheduled arraignment.


證會上法官Sherry M. Thompson-Taylor為他指定了10月24日的出庭日期。


與訓練營。目前曼菲斯大學第一場對Jackson State大學的比賽排在11月6日,而這僅僅距


Williams was arrested in April and booked on five counts of assault with a
deadly weapon and one court of firing into an occupied vehicle, charges that
could carry nearly 30 years prison time if convicted on all counts. The San
Diego Sherriff's Department alleges he fired shots at, and struck, a vehicle
as it was driving away, but no one was hurt.


名全數成立他可能會面臨接近30年(Associate Press準確的:28年)的監禁。聖地牙哥警察


Williams' attorney, Troy P. Owens, said the incident happened after "several
uninvited individuals" entered Williams' residence and caused a disturbance.
Though Owens has said Williams is a match for the description of the shooter,
his client "looks forward to addressing any allegations against him using the
established procedures in our justice system."

Williams的律師Troy P. Owens表示這起事件發生在"數名並未受到Williams邀請"的人進入



A 6-foot-2 combo guard, Williams chose Memphis over offers from Kansas,
Oregon, USC and others. Ranked No. 39 overall in 247Sports' player rankings
for the 2023 cycle, he is the highest-rated Tigers signee for their freshman
recruiting class that ranked No. 19 overall in the Team rankings.




Career done...?

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國)
※ 作者: EZ78 2023-10-14 12:16:56
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bAXOwCk (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1697257018.A.32E.html
yuechen: NBA Franco1F 10/14 12:18
laptic: 職業生涯毀於一旦 (?)2F 10/14 12:20
ebabyebaby: 黃蜂隊未來的後衛3F 10/14 12:20
UD305: 沒死人要關28年?!4F 10/14 12:20
他被指控6項罪名 而且都是算最高 疊起來很正常(?
gg8n8nd34ss: 黃蜂隊可以選一下 開個監獄大隊5F 10/14 12:20
s880303: 殺手特質6F 10/14 12:21
asd07633: 跟偶像JA學的嗎7F 10/14 12:21
※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 美國), 10/14/2023 12:22:07
mhkt: 28年……  意思說就算入獄服刑出牢之後也已經40好幾了8F 10/14 12:22
f92174: 無敵的mikey10F 10/14 12:22
love1500274: 頂級囚員11F 10/14 12:25
pokemon: 監獄杯12F 10/14 12:26
kingianlin: 不過他好像本來就沒進步,也不一定有NBA打13F 10/14 12:27
NightElf: 武道來不及出來阻止嗎?14F 10/14 12:28
Hettt5655: 黑色衝動15F 10/14 12:29
Kazmier: 又一個自毀前程。不過他是百萬網紅  早就賺到流油16F 10/14 12:29
kinve1014: 反觀…某島17F 10/14 12:32
jyekid: 如果某島一樣嚴 代表島民出門聽到鞭炮聲會本能抱頭趴下18F 10/14 12:34
LKN555: 這隊好像很毒?20F 10/14 12:35
candbilly153: 這個真的沒救了21F 10/14 12:36
mirac1e: 罪名是一定成立 畢竟都開槍了 人證物證都跑不掉22F 10/14 12:36
kano2525: 黑色衝動發作了嗎?23F 10/14 12:36
mirac1e: 但是沒出人命沒人受傷的話 還有輕判的可能
就看律師夠不夠力了24F 10/14 12:36
sweetsmoke: 哈,大概就是這樣26F 10/14 12:38
s111228s: 年輕人又初犯的話認罪協商應該不用關27F 10/14 12:38
jack34031: 這哪位28F 10/14 12:40
limitlesscit: 潛力囚員29F 10/14 12:41
feng990719: 哇..30F 10/14 12:41
FengQQ: 在台灣光天化日開槍射館長都不用關那麼久31F 10/14 12:42
yata4547: 這咖本來就不會上nba根本沒差32F 10/14 12:43
ohiyo104: 黑.....黑色衝動...33F 10/14 12:43
Endranoe: 現在怎麼一堆年輕潛力不自愛34F 10/14 12:46
atmmaxing: 來台灣 有悔意 假釋三年出來 參考一下35F 10/14 12:47
gandalflee: 曼非斯這麼多槍喔36F 10/14 12:48
bb031v2k: 愚蠢37F 10/14 12:49
e8e88: 黃蜂要了38F 10/14 12:52
frank901212: 黃蜂:這我要了39F 10/14 12:57
jgps61203: 樓下MikeyWills現身說法40F 10/14 13:03
kkl522608: Mikey…. 原來還期待他在Memphis41F 10/14 13:06
c6500123000: 黑色衝動42F 10/14 13:08
windowdoor: 真。黑色衝動43F 10/14 13:13
RamenOwl: 活該44F 10/14 13:15
NankanAvenge: 無敵的mikey45F 10/14 13:16
vgil: 這比8ja9還猛46F 10/14 13:16
pppbruce: 黑色衝動47F 10/14 13:19
ksuenjjr: 黑色衝動…48F 10/14 13:20
zxcv40604: 那是最高判28年 要判最高機乎不可能49F 10/14 13:21
william12tw: 潛力囚員50F 10/14 13:28
jason930502: 曼菲斯51F 10/14 13:33
kissmy0926: 血統正確 黃蜂收52F 10/14 13:34
william12tw: 他就超級網紅然後賺超多錢結果交一堆壞朋友 膨脹到害死自己53F 10/14 13:35
EriCartman: 黑色衝動55F 10/14 13:36
melzard: JA比起來好像已經沒什麼了56F 10/14 13:53
attpp: 誰啦有被選到嗎57F 10/14 13:53
Azabulu: 原本大好前途 就算只關個五年十年 出來變廢人58F 10/14 13:56
greedfat: 標題沒下曼非斯差評59F 10/14 14:08
EZ78: 因為這整件事其實跟曼非斯沒啥關係(?60F 10/14 14:10
newIheart: 曼菲斯手上有槍61F 10/14 14:13
GHowPan: 台灣開槍打死人絕對沒關28年62F 10/14 14:16
GymRat: 反觀鬼島63F 10/14 14:17
OliverJin: 只記得他很跳64F 10/14 14:44
ILLwill: 可能最後只判個八九年吧,三年假釋65F 10/14 14:49
KingChang711: 臺灣的話,任何重罪都可教化66F 10/14 15:00
McDaniel: 太傻了!忍一下進NBA就可以拿槍直播,主席銀爸還會護航67F 10/14 15:02
asgardgogo: 反觀69F 10/14 15:06
s95115260: 第一次基本上都沒事70F 10/14 15:27
b54102: 在台灣就可以當yt了71F 10/14 15:29
mangojocker: 一分錢怎麼那麼衰...72F 10/14 15:42
Yofu: 這種人還是關起來別危害人吧73F 10/14 15:49
jailkobe5566: 曼菲斯兵工廠隊歡迎你74F 10/14 16:13
PKming: 黃蜂隊要了☺75F 10/14 16:18
BMHSEA: 生不逢國 來台灣隨便你開76F 10/14 16:34
GoodDonkey: 可以跟Ja合體開直播了77F 10/14 16:34
asdfzx: 關一分錢什麼事?78F 10/14 16:56
windowdoor: 在台灣開槍打死人可能都不用28年79F 10/14 17:19
alex0973: 只要別像徐倫一樣被搞 認罪協商應該很好用...?80F 10/14 17:53
xgMd1trtw: 沒死人就算最重洲法也不會28年 28年其實也是一個錯誤算法…因為這案就同個行動不會數罪加在一起 估計判5.6年然後再減刑差不多2.3年左右81F 10/14 18:00
WangJerry: @JA84F 10/14 18:07
cow7585519: 我家Mikey很乖 一定是黑色衝動搞的鬼==85F 10/14 18:12
kurenaiz: 台灣先喝幾罐高粱 然後開槍清空彈匣
我看也判不到28年86F 10/14 19:17
hlb5828: 潛力囚員88F 10/14 19:37
Utopiasphere: 這隻黃蜂要了89F 10/14 19:45
a03520: 傻蛋,來台灣這些罪加起來頂多緩刑三年90F 10/14 20:43
alex0973: 在台灣喔? 你說你有精神疾病更好 對校A很包容91F 10/14 21:16
gametv: 請個好一點的律師吧92F 10/14 21:18
Brucetk: 一定沒事啦93F 10/14 22:15
s9321312: 未受邀請就闖進住所在美國不是可以開槍自保嗎?94F 10/14 22:26
mark0204: "離苦得樂"...zzz...95F 10/14 22:55
coollonger: 曼菲斯96F 10/14 23:32
pkpkpk3426: 頂監球員97F 10/15 11:29
xuelianlin: 全美監獄盃預計再添一名猛將了,哪個監獄會抽到狀元籤呢98F 10/15 11:41
