看板 WomenTalk作者 KSqoo (Qoo有種果汁真好喝)標題 [討論] 大家覺得Coldplay哪首歌最好聽?時間 Sun Apr 3 15:30:09 2016
前幾天剛好在spotify上無聊就聽了最新的a head full of dreams
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推 qixu868: the scientist3F 04/03 15:33
推 atua: The scientist4F 04/03 15:33
推 dppddt: Fake plastic tree6F 04/03 15:34
推 ttuys: paradise7F 04/03 15:34
推 thenorth: Fix you、The scientist10F 04/03 15:36
推 samdi99: viva la vida12F 04/03 15:36
推 star031: fix you~演唱會版的mv很讚13F 04/03 15:39
推 marcbmj: 推fix you 演唱會版!!!16F 04/03 15:42
推 namis77: Hymn For The Weekend17F 04/03 15:45
推 mayday1136: fix you /the scientist/yellow18F 04/03 15:45
噓 bg306900: speed of sound19F 04/03 15:45
推 aiyukkie: the scientist
fake plastic tree不是radiohead嗎?!20F 04/03 15:45
推 fatcat1022: swallow in the sea, square one22F 04/03 15:46
推 unif8180: The scientist24F 04/03 15:53
推 katierong: the sky full of stars26F 04/03 15:54
推 heheee: fix you好聽27F 04/03 15:55
推 ttuys: 第一次看fix you演唱會版 QQ28F 04/03 15:55
推 FallenWYN: viva la vida的精華是最後的喔喔喔喔喔29F 04/03 15:57
→ ahcahc: Paradise32F 04/03 15:58
推 kimchi55: viva la vida / the sky full of stars34F 04/03 15:59
推 r0730: the scientist 聽到哭35F 04/03 15:59
→ modjo: Trouble39F 04/03 16:01
推 ne579: viva驚豔 最愛還是fix you40F 04/03 16:02
推 hatery: The scientist44F 04/03 16:06
推 mave0: the scientist46F 04/03 16:07
推 meeee: A sky full of stars47F 04/03 16:07
推 halimouw: the scientist, hymn for the weekend有點後來居上51F 04/03 16:11
推 xq4935: A sky full of stars+1 MV我都說是蝸牛逛街XD52F 04/03 16:11
推 ohcarrie: 最愛YELLOW 希望他們巡迴可以來台...53F 04/03 16:12
推 ghostrick: every teardrop is waterfall/a sky full of stars54F 04/03 16:12
推 mypen: fix you/viva la vida56F 04/03 16:14
→ vw1414: 最愛yellow 也愛The scientist59F 04/03 16:19
推 Fiona: yellow62F 04/03 16:22
推 Juiling: 只有我把標題堪稱Cosplay嗎
看成67F 04/03 16:26
推 yougottt: VIVA la vida 神曲!!69F 04/03 16:26
推 tungde: A sky full of stars !!!70F 04/03 16:27
推 audzzz: Yellow71F 04/03 16:29
推 gynd31517: fake plastic tree 是radiohead的啊 哈哈73F 04/03 16:29
推 rutice: Trouble ,其實每個時段覺得好聽的歌都不同74F 04/03 16:29
推 greenowl: TRUE LOVE竟然沒人推,我超愛的!上一張ghost stories我很喜歡,新專輯沒有很對我口味><76F 04/03 16:38
推 headheadgood: magic Ghost story評價還蠻兩極但我很喜歡這張的突破80F 04/03 16:46
推 jewish123: 還是比較喜歡之前冷冽的唱法><,現在的冷玩編曲都太擠了87F 04/03 16:53
推 ttyl5566: Every tear drop is a waterfall89F 04/03 16:53
推 phwang96: a sky full of stars 每次聽他們的歌都覺得到底什麼時候要開始唱 XD前奏太長了~90F 04/03 16:53
推 tntchn: Every Teardrop is Waterfall
但Ghost Stories絕對是最神的專輯92F 04/03 16:53
推 sucl18: 不行 實在都太經典了95F 04/03 16:58
推 sxtx: magic97F 04/03 17:00
推 wj4w94: Shiver98F 04/03 17:04
推 dooann: Viva La Vida!100F 04/03 17:06
推 yayzh: viva la vida101F 04/03 17:11
推 sophie60341: paradise/the sky full of stars102F 04/03 17:17
推 shawn2304: a sky full of stars103F 04/03 17:17
推 s78036: yellow還是完勝105F 04/03 17:26
推 Zoeyyyy: We never change106F 04/03 17:28
推 s78036: 神團 每首都很優107F 04/03 17:30
推 e42536: yellow百聽不厭~~好愛108F 04/03 17:30
→ xcape: 手機鈴聲只下載yellow110F 04/03 17:31
推 tos286: 都好聽(>﹏<)111F 04/03 17:33
推 YUDINA: 一定是Amsterdam!!!!最愛112F 04/03 17:34
推 april777: the scientist118F 04/03 17:46
推 polly1234: 竟然沒人推Don't panic....119F 04/03 17:46
→ hoheha: 推新歌 fun120F 04/03 17:50
推 whovegone: paradise,準確來說Mylo xyloto這張都超棒121F 04/03 17:53
推 world2515: your love means everything123F 04/03 17:55
推 f860170: a sky full of star我認為的神作品127F 04/03 18:18
推 st88201: violent hill130F 04/03 18:30
推 santer123: Everglow怎麼沒人推~~~133F 04/03 18:33
推 catv: fix you134F 04/03 18:42
推 tisuroko: Speed of sound135F 04/03 18:42
推 bondi0607: fix you 每個階段聽都不一樣137F 04/03 18:46
推 Aline05: 英式搖滾真的有味道139F 04/03 18:46
推 wawawawoo: 不行 我還是最愛Everglow ><141F 04/03 19:01
推 miage: yellow142F 04/03 19:01
推 venq1218: Viva la vida145F 04/03 19:04
推 thruxton: Life In Technicolor149F 04/03 19:13
推 abonbon: fix you,yellow,every tear is waterfall
,Charlie brown,viva la vida,152F 04/03 19:25
推 joyce813: everything's not lost154F 04/03 19:26
推 makikawai: viva la vida是唯一一首聽超久還沒膩的 真的大推155F 04/03 19:27
推 sandy0925: Hymn for the weekend 超愛157F 04/03 19:31
推 ilikeeat: viva la vida159F 04/03 19:45
→ canblow: A sky full of stars160F 04/03 19:47
推 lazyyui: Fix you 超棒163F 04/03 19:55
推 uunn: fix you,viva la vida165F 04/03 19:58
→ nyx254: A sky full of stars169F 04/03 20:10
推 KEDEN: VIVA LA VIDA171F 04/03 20:15
推 drajan: Clocks173F 04/03 20:18
推 jyekid: Viva la vida 經典啊175F 04/03 20:23
推 waspie: 還是最愛Viva La Vida176F 04/03 20:25
推 rissos: Viva la vida177F 04/03 20:36
推 wechain: The scientist、Fix you,之前看過一部片叫"搖滾爺奶"每看必哭178F 04/03 20:38
推 yasummer: Yellow 每次聽都會回想起那那時候的回憶~180F 04/03 20:40
推 GIE13: FIX YOU181F 04/03 20:44
推 s12319110: 都愛拉 只求此生可以在台灣看到他的演唱會182F 04/03 20:52
推 jeyang: The scientist184F 04/03 21:42
推 Andrea0809: Hymn For The Weekend !!!!186F 04/03 21:46
推 featherbbma: Yellow/Paradise/Viva la vida 會聽到哭190F 04/03 22:12
推 milanlee: magic / a sky full of stars / true love
hymn for the weekend / every teardrop is waterfall196F 04/03 23:04
推 Tiacz: everglow 跟 fun200F 04/03 23:14
推 debby81824: Hymm for the weekend201F 04/03 23:14
推 sasa625: Miracles跟x&y203F 04/03 23:17
推 mrkiwi: a rush of blood to the head204F 04/03 23:17
推 grce310: fix you!!!205F 04/03 23:18
推 qulik: oceans207F 04/03 23:45
推 EydieLin: viva la vida209F 04/04 00:11
推 liuer: The scientist210F 04/04 00:16
推 rushsoda: Adventure Of A Lifetime, Paradise213F 04/04 00:47
推 loxamber: Viva la vida215F 04/04 01:03
推 wwwpietw: The scientist!!!!!!!!!216F 04/04 01:11
推 CutQoo: Viva la vida218F 04/04 01:48
推 idkwmni: 怎麼那麼少人推magic rrr~~~219F 04/04 01:50
推 hbfu: the scientist/fix you223F 04/04 03:23
推 USEZIGGS: 看了推文去找來聽,哭了…224F 04/04 06:10
推 awestlifer: 也好喜歡新專輯的everglow!!!!!226F 04/04 10:23
推 KCChan: magic 在學長車上聽到覺得讚!228F 04/04 11:36
推 tingha: fix you229F 04/04 13:01
推 SeaWolf: fix you. or clocks231F 04/04 14:39
推 ummumm: 每張專輯的每首都好聽233F 04/04 16:07
推 yayagogo109: Hymn for the weekend 好像去演唱會!!
好想234F 04/04 16:24
推 circleee: 絕對是the scientist236F 04/04 17:16
推 tiffu: Strawberry Swing / Ink / Don't Let It Break Your Heart238F 04/04 19:28