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作者 cat0806 (Cater)
標題 [外絮] Amir Johnson談Pierce:像吃了偉哥在自嗨
時間 Sat Apr 18 11:43:55 2015

Raptors forward compares Paul Pierce’s comments to Viagra, says fans will
give him hell
By Scott Allen April 17 at 8:34 PM

Wizards forward Paul Pierce says he’s enjoying “each and every moment” of
his penultimate NBA season, and in the days leading up to the 37-year-old’s
12th career playoff appearance, that’s meant getting a small rise out of
Washington’s first-round opponent, the Toronto Raptors.

近日接受採訪時,巫師前鋒Paul Pierce表示,


On Thursday, Pierce attempted to clarify his comments to ESPN’s Jackie
MacMullan about Toronto lacking an “It” factor, suggesting that he was
speaking generally about a number of potential playoff opponents, but Raptors
players and Toronto GM Masai Ujiri have been asked to respond to Pierce’s
perceived slight all week.




“To me personally, I think that’s just to get Paul Pierce going, you know?”
 Toronto forward Amir Johnson, who is 10 years younger than Pierce, said
Friday on TSN. “Older guy, a vet, you know, he needs to get himself going
and I think that’s what those comments are for. It’s just like, you know,
when you use Viagra, you know, how do you get yourself going?”

對此,小老皮10歲的暴龍前鋒Amir Johnson表示:

「對我來說,我認為這是Paul Pierce為了讓自己嗨起來的言論,你知道嗎?


Johnson said his teammates won’t use Pierce’s comments as added motivation.


“I think our fans are going to do pretty much do the booing and the talking
for us,” Johnson said. “Jurassic Park will be wild and I’m pretty sure
when he touches the ball they’re going to give him hell.”


Raptors forward compares Paul Pierce’s comments to Viagra, says fans will give him hell - The Washington Post
The veteran Pierce jokes that he's a five-star general playing against captains. ...


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slimak: 偉哥是你1F 04/18 11:44
iamchyun: 我家老皮很乖  一定是交了壞朋友KG才會變成這樣2F 04/18 11:45
wweking2002: 等著被真理電吧 屁話一堆3F 04/18 11:45
sbflight: 反正暴龍會被電4F 04/18 11:47
hmt17: 侏儸紀公園-生化人老皮大戰牆暴龍5F 04/18 11:47
miha80425: 有火藥味才好看阿6F 04/18 11:47
Aggro: 有點話題性 觀眾才會爽阿 XD7F 04/18 11:50
kobestkober8: 暴龍準備被史上進攻手段最多的小前鋒電吧8F 04/18 11:50
AAApower:     暗諷 老皮 六點半9F 04/18 11:51
hsnucct: 所以Johnson很常吃偉哥囉10F 04/18 11:55
leo255112: 菜逼巴還敢反嗆11F 04/18 11:55
Romeo5566: 老皮真的要打的話  暴龍 堪憂12F 04/18 11:55
wwewcwwwf: 老皮要搭配走路人才是完全體13F 04/18 11:59
AAApower: 暴龍              老皮14F 04/18 12:00
wwewcwwwf: 人來瘋 老皮 這種球員超機歪15F 04/18 12:02
web946719: 男人老了只能靠小藥丸不是新聞16F 04/18 12:02
elve7878: 老皮:為什麼這些人要承認自己是廢物17F 04/18 12:03
anoymouse: 在座的各位都是18F 04/18 12:03
chinhan1216: 上次歪理嗆聲就被皇帝逆轉打歪臉了
他那張嘴真的很愛給自己找羞辱19F 04/18 12:05
nastycurry: 拜託打火爆點21F 04/18 12:09
edisonic1: 反正都拿不到冠軍~ 有啥好吵的~22F 04/18 12:11
jkduke: 去年老皮就用 再見火鍋 送暴龍放暑假了23F 04/18 12:12
wweking2002: 去年暴龍lowry還狂假摔 真不要臉24F 04/18 12:14
AriesC: 去年真理送他們回家氣到現在25F 04/18 12:22
hahaluck: 開賽還沒打就先嘴砲戰了26F 04/18 12:24
BorisDiaw3: 結果這組火藥味最濃XD27F 04/18 12:28
Rover: 季後賽,多點火藥味才有看頭 大家都和和氣氣哪有意思28F 04/18 12:37
otakuwill: 不管誰贏都會在第二輪打包有什麼好吵29F 04/18 12:44
blooddance: 0冠B嘴30F 04/18 12:51
auronx1132: 暴龍的小混混板凳群該拿出真本事了31F 04/18 12:59
AIRJEREMYLIN: 菜  以為老皮有在怕噓聲的嗎~32F 04/18 13:02
execspeccfg: 我是指在坐的各位33F 04/18 13:02
sunnyyoung: 哪顆蔥薑蒜,哪輪得到你來回嘴?34F 04/18 13:08
gbm520love: 很好,有看頭35F 04/18 13:12
darkdixen: 老皮釣魚高手36F 04/18 13:20
dryadg27724: 繼續嗆繼續嗆37F 04/18 13:24
HeavyBlue: 你誰38F 04/18 13:34
mybo: Viagra表示:39F 04/18 13:35
yashiky2010: 感覺暴龍吃了這顆小藥丸之後比較嗨40F 04/18 13:39
fredchan1992: 感覺老皮會鐵一整場結果飆進關鍵三分41F 04/18 13:39
jack7923love: 老皮季後賽才會爆發的啦42F 04/18 13:43
Alonzoooo: 爆發什麼 拿幾冠?43F 04/18 13:46
badbad5566: 去年被送回家的在嘴硬啥XDD44F 04/18 13:50
skixhbyu: 老皮是丟偉哥給暴龍吃吧…45F 04/18 14:02
Farid: 老皮事後滅火就輸了46F 04/18 14:09
jjkk: P迷:季後賽爆發型   結果生涯抱腿拿一冠XDD
牆哥雖是個好腿,但不夠粗,PP這次抱得到冠軍嗎?47F 04/18 14:16
WinShot: 去年也在嘴  結果49F 04/18 14:21
j71648: 怒送暴龍回家啦50F 04/18 14:36
