看板 Android
作者 svng72 (好心不等於好下場)
標題 [情報] Xperia U終於在幾週內準備吃冰
時間 Sun Sep 16 23:14:38 2012


Xperia U ICS update starting in “next few weeks”
by XB on 05/09/2012

in Android, Firmware, Xperia U

Sony Mobile has just confirmed that the Android 4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich
update for the Xperia U will “kick-off within the next few weeks and rollout
gradually“. We’ll bring you further news as we have it.

Sony原廠已確認,Xperia U系列的ICS 4.0.4吃冰升級計畫將「於數週內推出」。





而且,到底會不會出背蓋跟底蓋讓使用者更換啊= =,

I would rather be ashes than dust!            寧化飛灰,不作浮塵。
I would rather that my spark should burn out  寧投熊熊烈火,光盡而滅。
    in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry-rot.
                                              Credo by Jack London (1876-1916)

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◆ From:
wuliou:我的TAB2國外有鍵盤底座台灣也沒賣啊...1F 09/16 23:16
james732:U的使用者推一個 (背蓋在拍賣有人賣,我也想買...)2F 09/16 23:16
GeniusKiKi:說好的 ion 呢.. 哭哭3F 09/16 23:23
Rhevas:sola....4F 09/16 23:25
luvya:sola呢...QQ5F 09/16 23:27
pedrosa26:ION呢!6F 09/16 23:32
ting701:i9103才又剛跳票7F 09/16 23:32
kyle0478:sola勒.......囧8F 09/16 23:45
wade007bard:sola呢9F 09/16 23:47
kblover:期待sony2012系列的升級...10F 09/16 23:47
jumbotest:sola勒 給我一個擁抱 sola勒 夢想替我撐腰11F 09/16 23:48
yfes:ion呢..........12F 09/16 23:55
orzreynold:ion呢!13F 09/17 00:33
wilsmart:吃冰 我把他看成 跳水   Orz~~~14F 09/17 00:44
idxxxx:sola也要給他梭啦(冷)15F 09/17 01:00
jamesporter:Sola呢 敲碗16F 09/17 07:57
bulcas:數周大約是 1 個多月的時間17F 09/17 12:08
cyp001:ION呢?18F 09/17 12:10
idxxxx:還是要先觀望一陣子...19F 09/17 12:16
netburst:sola再不升級就要賣掉了20F 09/17 15:18
XP都升一個月了21F 09/17 17:26
