看板 MobileComm
作者 ReDmango (愛戰暱稱的哪個白癡)
標題 [閒聊] iCloud遭駭 艾瑪華森與眾多名人裸照流出
時間 Thu Mar 16 11:03:56 2017

Private pictures and video of Emma Watson and other celebrities leak online | TechCrunch
Photos apparently stolen from Emma Watson, Amanda Seyfried and other female celebrities have been posted on 4Chan and Reddit, drawing comparisons to a ...


Photos apparently stolen from Emma Watson, Amanda Seyfried and other female celebrities have been posted on 4chan and Reddit, drawing comparisons to a014 hack, grossly dubbed “The Fappening” that exposed nude photos and video of several celebrities. The hacker in that case, Ryan Collins, obtained the pictures from iCloud accounts via a phishing scheme and wasentencedast fall to 18 months in prison.

The imagesange from benign snapshots from clothing fittings to sexually explicit material. Several of the posts alleged that photos of other women might be leaked, as well.

“Photos from a clothes fitting Emma had with a stylist a couple of years ago have been stolen. They are not nude photographs. Lawyers have been instructed and we are not commenting further,” a spokesperson for Watson told theBC.

After addressing the United Nations about gender equality, Watsonaidn 2015 she was threatened with a leak of nude photos.兌 knew it was a hoax. I knew the pictures didn’t exist,” she said. “If anything, it made me so much more determined. I was just raging. It made me so angry that I was just like … ‘This is why I have to be doing this!’ … So if anything, it actually, if they were trying to put me off it, they did the opposite.”

Phishing scams have been behind several high-profile hacks, including that of Clinton campaign manager John Podesta during the 2016 election cycle. Hackers trick victims by sending links that appear to be from email providers that ask victims to enter their login details. The usernames and passwords are then stolen and used to log in to victims’ accounts and back up their data.

The methodology used here is not yet clear, but chatter on the 4chan message board, where many of the images began to be posted on Tuesday, indicate that they’re coming from private image sharing groups. Private groupsf phisher/hacker collectors were involved in the last major celebrity hacking, as well. Salacious images of public figures tend to get traded around amongst these collectors and used as currency to expand their private stash.

Every once in a while, dumps of these images spill over into the mainstream, triggering public attention and investigation.





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vc5566: 宅:興奮1F 03/16 11:05
kh555069: 低調2F 03/16 11:05
babeamy: 居然沒有駭亞洲明星3F 03/16 11:07
breadf: icloud真的很carry4F 03/16 11:07
AtsukoErika: 果粉:5F 03/16 11:07
force5566: 意圖使人複習D槽6F 03/16 11:07
hank12332: 滿糟糕的                                  載點呢7F 03/16 11:09
Asbtt: 圖呢?沒圖只是屁!8F 03/16 11:09
fantasylee: 分享中9F 03/16 11:10
blueskyly: 說個笑話 ios最安全10F 03/16 11:10
vc5566: 無恥                                      求載點11F 03/16 11:10
pf775: 韓國貨不意外12F 03/16 11:11
T60: 幹!太沒品了啦                              求圖13F 03/16 11:11
victorW5566: 太糟糕了                        跪求載點14F 03/16 11:12
joker00507: Emma Watson早就一堆了15F 03/16 11:14
aikolove: 也太容易被駭了吧16F 03/16 11:15
Andy7577272: 樓下跪求載點17F 03/16 11:19
peterandjuly: 很容易找啊 自己估狗18F 03/16 11:21
alashih: 之前的改圖吧19F 03/16 11:21
Toge: 發文沒附圖喔20F 03/16 11:21
StarLeauge: 說個笑話,蘋果最重視個資安全21F 03/16 11:23
Andy7577272: 其實改圖很多22F 03/16 11:24
Asbtt: 卓卓高潮了!!23F 03/16 11:24
mah0919: 好安全呦24F 03/16 11:25
force5566: 這一定是opple,我們果果都說蘋果最安全惹25F 03/16 11:28
more5566: 精神為之一振26F 03/16 11:30
xx335599: 卡等載點27F 03/16 11:32
ch6341: 門?28F 03/16 11:32
YanYain: 不被駭照樣一堆,8729F 03/16 11:32
poi96300: 說個笑話 蘋果最封閉最安全30F 03/16 11:34
bailan: 大家還真愛把這些東西上傳啊...31F 03/16 11:35
T60: 人家蘋果自動備份到iCloud,都不用手動上傳32F 03/16 11:38
dylanlee: 潮33F 03/16 11:39
sam613: 謝謝icloud神備份34F 03/16 11:40
shelizi: 蘋果好棒棒35F 03/16 11:43
CHTWifiHinet: 敗壞風俗           第一個100p36F 03/16 11:43
chxptt: 第一位200p37F 03/16 11:44
blazed: 沒p幣QQ 請好心人做功德38F 03/16 11:48
b23053812: 感謝樓主一生平安39F 03/16 11:49
steve55987: 第一位100p 沒p幣 求站內40F 03/16 11:50
Lumia625: otherhtc92表示41F 03/16 11:50
bl3649765: UCCU42F 03/16 11:50
hyghmax1202: 沒有亞洲人是因為駭客是針對性攻擊的 原因大概跟政治有關…43F 03/16 11:51
momoisacow: 讚嘆steve jobs 感恩steve jobs45F 03/16 11:51
TearForYou: 妙麗小小的46F 03/16 11:53
jagger: 感謝蘋果大大無私分享47F 03/16 11:56
xiaoyao: 推 Lumia625: otherhtc92表示。  抗議少了s48F 03/16 11:57
CCFfans: 求站內49F 03/16 11:57
xiaoyao: others 才對XD50F 03/16 11:58
KD007: 站內第一100p51F 03/16 12:01
leo10: 我要看愛瑪華生……跪求52F 03/16 12:02
Lumia625: 阿 抱歉53F 03/16 12:03
beast1969: 另類行銷54F 03/16 12:05
lll156k1529: 我才懶的管iCloud什麼小的,我說那個圖呢?55F 03/16 12:07
BadGame: iPhone版沒發新聞啊?56F 03/16 12:07
cassey147000: 站內 第一 100p57F 03/16 12:07
c016041129: 站內58F 03/16 12:08
hbk20491: 第一位500p59F 03/16 12:16
blackniniru: 可以改主打「就算照片流出去,也有夠多名人裸照能夠幫坦吸引目光,正所謂藏樹於林」60F 03/16 12:17
j855102: 1000P62F 03/16 12:19
wi1221: 500p63F 03/16 12:20
AZBTPATONY: 私私64F 03/16 12:20
jeff101234: 棒棒  icloud年度福利上線啦~65F 03/16 12:22
bhis: 說個笑話:ios很安全66F 03/16 12:23
nyybos8812: 第一位500P67F 03/16 12:26
shin9770: 要想想為什麼icloud常常被駭名人還是照用68F 03/16 12:28
willie052800: 300p69F 03/16 12:28
shin9770: 是android太費?70F 03/16 12:29
henry8168: 站內50071F 03/16 12:29
semihumanity: 沒圖沒真相72F 03/16 12:30
a3619453: 駭入icloud端跟駭入ios就本質上來講差很多73F 03/16 12:32
ww: icloud:名人不會用安卓 被駭了也只有阿宅自拍照74F 03/16 12:32
a3619453: google雲端被駭入你會說android不安全嗎?75F 03/16 12:33
ReDmango: Google Drive目前有任何裸照外洩事件?願聞其詳,icloud可是連續三年都有76F 03/16 12:33
opengaydoor: 第一位200p78F 03/16 12:35
suifong: 謝謝iCloud79F 03/16 12:36
ZERGSON31: 第一位200p80F 03/16 12:37
a3619453: 沒人說google被駭入 只是有人搞不清楚被駭的是什麼 舉例一下罷了 別看到黑影就開槍81F 03/16 12:37
oskarsson: 私83F 03/16 12:37
b08297: 第一位1000p84F 03/16 12:38
ReDmango: 那請問ios還有其他雲端整機備份的方式嗎@@85F 03/16 12:38
nan7719: 我想紅,我用icloud XDDDDD86F 03/16 12:38
triumphhell: 第一位5000P之後的700087F 03/16 12:38
shyshyan: 站內+188F 03/16 12:39
othersHTC92: 你看不懂英文 可以找中文網站 不要急著被打臉89F 03/16 12:40
jeff101234: 被駭的是icloud不是iOS  但是iOS綁定icloud備份阿90F 03/16 12:40
othersHTC92: 整篇文章連iCloud被攻破的敘述都沒有
上面抓了一個iCloud關鍵字就以為被攻破 你英文有沒有這麼爛啊 讀懂這篇新聞再發心得很難嗎?
英文爛就算了 還用假消息帶風向
從頭到尾iCloud和iOS都沒被攻破 就你一個鍵盤攻破者連英文新聞內容在說什麼都搞不懂 就急急忙忙攻破iOS和iCloud了 帶風向帶成這樣很難看啦
你要不要回高中重新讀一下英文 至少也學會查單字吧91F 03/16 12:40
angierlee: 抱歉,愛馬華森我不行,最近口味比較重99F 03/16 12:48
WWIII: 上傳雲端根本最大陰謀100F 03/16 12:51
othersHTC92: 順便跟你說一下 2014年豔照門 犯罪者Ryan Collins承認他用釣魚網站偷到的不只iCloud 連Gmail帳號都有看起來google裡面也存了不少裸照可以給大家看嘛
http://cnet.co/2npSHpt101F 03/16 12:53
Emma Watson's private photos leaked online - CNET
Pictures of the actress that appeared on Reddit and 4chan were stolen, her publicist says. ...

mamamia0419: Emma幾乎都改圖吧,該不會還有人不知道?我要看真的105F 03/16 12:54
