看板 CityNight
作者 Ctea (Ctea)
標題 [國際] G7: 2018七大工業國高峰會
時間 2018-06-20 Wed. 02:05:36

> http://disp.cc/b/261-aF7c

World leaders surround Donald Trump and his national security adviser, John Bolton. Photograph: Jesco Denze Handout/EPA

From left: Donald Tusk, Theresa May, Angela Merkel, Donald Trump, Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, Shinzo Abe, Giuseppe Conte a

Donald Trump calls for G7 to readmit Russia ahead of summit | World news | The Guardian
US leader says suspension should be reversed, sparking fresh rift with allies at summit.

G7 in disarray after Trump rejects communique and attacks 'weak' Trudeau | World news | The Guardian
Leaders believed they had a deal until the US president launched a personal attack on Canada’s prime minister.

'My touch, my feel': Trump shows his contempt for G7 allies | US news | The Guardian
At summit, president hit EU and Canada on trade, urged kindness to Russia and enthused about meeting North Korea’s dictator.

Trump: I'll know whether Kim summit will be successful 'in first minute' | US news | The Guardian
President speaks to press at international summit in Canada, saying he will be guided in nuclear talks by ‘just my touch, my feel’.

Trudeau 'stabbed us in back' on trade, says Trump chief economic adviser | US news | The Guardian
Kim Jong-un ‘must not see American weakness’, Larry Kudlow says in fierce attack, while trade adviser Navarro promises a ‘special place in hell’ for C ...

G7 in disarray after Trump rejects communique and attacks 'weak' Trudeau | World news | The Guardian
Leaders believed they had a deal until the US president launched a personal attack on Canada’s prime minister.

不爽加國總理放話 美不簽G7公報 - 財經 - 自由時報電子報
杜魯道批鋼鋁稅是對盟友的侮辱川普反擊是「假聲明」 ...

#加拿大 #杜魯道 #川普

If Trump wants to blow up the world order, who will stop him? | Yanis Varoufakis | Opinion | The Guardian
As horrified as we may be at Trump’s uncouth antics, it is important to understand the tectonic shifts underpinning them.

> https://www.plurk.com/p/lzttjv

Hanger-on May is no more than a bit player at the G7 summit | John Crace | Politics | The Guardian
Donald Trump and the other world leaders found little time for the prime minister in Canada.

※ 作者: Ctea 時間: 2018-06-20 02:05:36
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-06-20 02:46:49
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-06-20 02:47:00