看板 LoL
作者 gully (溝鼠)
標題 [閒聊] 很有誠意的雷紋Coser
時間 Tue Apr  3 10:35:55 2012


League Of Legends: Riven by ~DarkAmyLee on deviantART
"What is broken can be reforged!" (c) Riven The Exile My Riven look from League Of Legends Probably future cosplay :3 ...
League Of Legends: Riven II by ~DarkAmyLee on deviantART
"A sword mirrors its owner." (c) Riven The Exile ...
League Of Legends: Riven III by ~DarkAmyLee on deviantART
"A broken blade is more than enough for the likes of you!" (c) Riven The Exile ...
League Of Legends: Riven IV by ~DarkAmyLee on deviantART
"For those who were lost." (c) Riven The Exile ...

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
asdfe88466:看完了....     蛤什麼? 他cos雷玟?1F 04/03 10:37
K988:如果今天賣點不放在胸部的話   應該沒人知道是啥=.=2F 04/03 10:39
crykillsmall:靠~洋妞馬~流鼻血3F 04/03 10:39
Dalaia:推1 2樓4F 04/03 10:40
henrysmall:還可5F 04/03 10:43
cat0405:Riven頭髮沒那麼長吧  而且她只cos臉... =_=6F 04/03 10:43
sboy1111:就一個白毛人而已,你說他cos兀兒德我也信...7F 04/03 10:45
thomas0229:COS臭臉嗎8F 04/03 10:46
donkatu:沒看標題完全看不出來是Riven....9F 04/03 10:48
kaisudo0520:只覺得第三張好一些,其他張只看臉也不知道是RIVEN除非有全身吧...10F 04/03 10:50
keepoo:沒有破劍、美尻12F 04/03 10:52
yoyotvyoyo:只有髮色 髮型..13F 04/03 10:52
FZK:這種大頭照就說是COS還不如去看上面的杯子蛋糕14F 04/03 11:01
johnnyjaiu:cos HSGG15F 04/03 11:13
Murasaki0110:http://ppt.cc/,tW-16F 04/03 11:17
Riven Cosplay! - League of Legends Community
Riven Cosplay! General Discussion ...
dennis15:誠意在哪裡?這cos的誠意大概跟本篇字數差不多17F 04/03 11:22
SASHIKEME:只有臉跟胸 cos什麼??18F 04/03 11:27
richking:下面沒有了!19F 04/03 11:30
喔喔 M大有PO連結了20F 04/03 11:35
viceangel:誠意?露出胸部是道歉的誠意不是cos的誠意吧.....22F 04/03 11:45
dewking:也沒有露出來好嗎???為啥我只看到低胸的...23F 04/03 11:54
youyou4509: 不夠瘦24F 04/03 11:56
virleo:她 我可以25F 04/03 12:22
rayba:有臉有胸有髮型 這樣還不叫cos ? 你們當雷文是什麼 ?紅蘿蔔放置架嗎 ? 真的是一堆不把雷文當人看得26F 04/03 12:41
Jackalxx:那雷玟是頭髮跟胸部放置架喔? 推文連結就很有誠意啊28F 04/03 12:51
Tronga:不是我的菜29F 04/03 12:54
sboy1111:現在對COS的定義這麼弱喔..?30F 04/03 12:57
kaisudo0520:推文連結好的多...不是帶頂假髮就是COS好嗎31F 04/03 13:11
rayba:我想你不懂這胸部的價值32F 04/03 13:44
