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作者 roger29 (看我幹麻 你把我當垃圾啊)
標題 [情報] Kerr對裁判咆哮後立刻對Pop投以微笑
時間 Sun Mar 20 13:43:15 2016

消息來源:SB Nation  http://tinyurl.com/jmfbt3a


Moleman's post on Vine
Watch Moleman's Vine taken on 20 March 2016. It has 4 likes. The entertainment network where videos and personalities get really big, really fast. Download Vine to watch videos, remixes and trends before they blow up. ...


Steve Kerr knows that sometimes NBA coaches have to pretend to be angry at
the refs. It's a way to stand up for players or wake up their team. He wanted
the tech and got it, but it clearly was an act. He even ended the performance
with a complicit smile to Gregg Popovich.

Chris Mannix
Steve Kerr blows up at the ref, gets a tech, continues to go after official
until catching the eye of a bemused Pop, says, "You like that?"
8:58 AM - 20 Mar 2016

Good for Kerr. If your job involves yelling at people, try to enjoy yourself.


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Amgine: 老狐狸XDD1F 03/20 13:45
leo755269: 經典暗黑兵法之一3F 03/20 13:45
yukowolf: 向Pop致敬4F 03/20 13:45
dickyman:  下一季教練該換華頓惹吧 柯爾帶的戰績太鳥惹5F 03/20 13:46
iolefe: 幹 這反差太好笑了XD6F 03/20 13:46
RicFlair: 哈哈7F 03/20 13:46
some61321: 甲8F 03/20 13:47
keroromoa: 難怪簽米粉頭,全隊都想學當影帝XD9F 03/20 13:47
QUP3M06: 比賽當下有看到 真的很詭異XD10F 03/20 13:48
girtas: Got it!?11F 03/20 13:48
keypad: 感覺很享受XD12F 03/20 13:49
pagenotfound: Popo的老招了,飆球員也飆裁判13F 03/20 13:49
shena30335: 萌>////<15F 03/20 13:50
spiderman885: popo: 乾,學我。16F 03/20 13:53
IrvingKyrie: 有POPO的反應嗎17F 03/20 13:54
MicroB: popo:裁判抗議 他學我18F 03/20 13:57
mystage: 他們那麼熟了,師父徒弟關係19F 03/20 14:00
coox: 喂!我姆斯啦,需要會演戲的小前鋒嗎?20F 03/20 14:00
Norther: 有姆斯假摔美技來的B真嗎????????21F 03/20 14:03
maxmessi: XDD 太有趣了!22F 03/20 14:05
miayao417: 超好笑 XD23F 03/20 14:11
peiqua: 哈啊哈哈24F 03/20 14:13
Alik: 哈哈25F 03/20 14:19
ringking999: 是真的想飆裁犬 哈哈26F 03/20 14:21
befly10015: 哈哈27F 03/20 14:23
DogBe105: 有夠好笑 看到爸爸是不是啊28F 03/20 14:25
wutaiching: 叮噹肯後來還過去跟他喇賽29F 03/20 14:29
thomaspig: 這場裁犬真的欠罵 一堆補哨= =30F 03/20 14:34
jjohnny0802: 看的時候覺得失心瘋了31F 03/20 14:34
djcc: 影帝!!!!!!!!!!  姆斯果然是教練32F 03/20 14:35
kiddlau: XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD33F 03/20 15:00
peace305: 這一幕我有看到..XD 我想球員都知道吧34F 03/20 15:06
a12442112: 哈哈超好笑XD
多點這種師徒對抗應該不錯35F 03/20 15:15
wolfganghsu: 太經典,笑了XDD37F 03/20 15:17
jack860214: 還太嫩了 popo都直接被趕出場38F 03/20 15:58
henry90254: 這也太好笑了吧39F 03/20 16:02
peter78963: You got it O_<40F 03/20 16:02
sam123343: kerr:你這老狐狸!等我!41F 03/20 16:04
ericf129: XDDD42F 03/20 16:33
karoshi: 推Kerr 笑死43F 03/20 16:41
soratora: 不錯不錯 名師出高徒44F 03/20 16:44
asd7724: 好詭異45F 03/20 16:52
chk95: 美國陳志忠46F 03/20 16:57
sam86716: Kerr 靠北XD48F 03/20 17:20
jojozp06: 超好笑49F 03/20 17:42
RadioMan: 反差萌 XD50F 03/20 17:47
pppli: 頗屌51F 03/20 17:53
Neal121: 不太懂用意在哪,有高手可解惑嗎52F 03/20 17:53
jyekid: 刺激板凳球員 向POP致意53F 03/20 17:59
yukowolf: 學Popo,給裁判壓力還有提升球員的專注度吧!54F 03/20 18:13
god829: 波波暗黑兵法第一式55F 03/20 18:13
arx55522: 那張臉看起來好像老番顛XD56F 03/20 18:15
anderson1979: Kerr:不是約好同時被趕出場,在後面一起泡茶57F 03/20 18:16
nswallen: 抗議無效,不就跟跑步游泳一樣你做什麼他做什麼嗎58F 03/20 18:43
tfrence: 也太好笑XDD59F 03/20 22:53
bruce00595: XD60F 03/20 23:06
ImMACACO: 這人是戲精吧 XD61F 03/20 23:58
