看板 Gossiping
作者 michael0419 ()
標題 [問卦] 看冰與火之歌真的可以學英文嗎
時間 Wed Nov 23 15:07:36 2016





※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1ODK0wH2 (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1479884858.A.442.html
iverson22: 你程度太差1F 11/23 15:07
flux: 有種把龍女的稱號背起來2F 11/23 15:08
alex01: winter is coming,大概第一句學到的3F 11/23 15:08
karta1271642: fuck them all /fuck the king4F 11/23 15:08
andrewyllee: YOU KNOW...5F 11/23 15:08
pengjoker: where are my dragons?6F 11/23 15:08
alex01: 連中文都記不住了....7F 11/23 15:08
toto0202:  winter is coming8F 11/23 15:09
st2913sbck: Hold the door9F 11/23 15:09
j23932: 面試自介背出龍母名號,面試官會跪著請你當執行長10F 11/23 15:09
devilend: Hold the door11F 11/23 15:10
thindust: my lord     your grace12F 11/23 15:10
xoxosoul: Hold the door QQ13F 11/23 15:11
widec: boooooooooooooooooooobs14F 11/23 15:11
hsw0502: You know nothing.15F 11/23 15:11
alex01: Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men,Lady Regnant of the Seven Kingdoms,Protector of the Realm, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea,Queen of Meereen Stormborn, The Unburnt, Mysha, The Silver Queen,of Chains and Mother of Dragons!!!!!16F 11/23 15:12
awdxabc295: hole21F 11/23 15:12
wwvvkai: you know nothing22F 11/23 15:12
dda: say my name!23F 11/23 15:13
INeverSmile: You have my word24F 11/23 15:13
wadekuo3: shame~~~shame~~~shame~~~shame~~~shame~~~shame~~~25F 11/23 15:13
coosina: It is known!26F 11/23 15:14
cqr97sam: shame shame shame27F 11/23 15:14
danny0178: SHAME~~~SHAME~~DING DING DING!28F 11/23 15:14
sundazlas: hold the doooooooooooor29F 11/23 15:14
yahe0526: Hold the doooooooooooor30F 11/23 15:14
alex01: 等等哪裡來的say me name,錯棚了31F 11/23 15:15
andrewyllee: Valar morghulis32F 11/23 15:15
littlesing13: hold the doooooooooooor33F 11/23 15:15
yeeroyuy: 哪部不能?34F 11/23 15:15
HSNU1151XU: bazinga35F 11/23 15:16
tmaclon: 我是如來佛祖玉皇大帝觀音菩薩指定取西經特派使者花果山水簾洞美猴王齊天大聖孫悟空啊。跟這個有87趴像
龍母的稱號36F 11/23 15:16
langeo: 大概除了洛基以外的英文電影都可以學好英文吧
史特龍的大舌頭光是聽都聽不太清楚了39F 11/23 15:18
mig: You know nothing, John Snow.41F 11/23 15:19
magamanzero: 當然不行 你學的是美語 不是英語 這差非常多42F 11/23 15:20
hsiyafel: 龍母稱號連中文都背不起來了,還要英文,樓下背一下43F 11/23 15:20
magamanzero: 另外講正統英語的人 會歧視那些用語混雜的人44F 11/23 15:21
fecccc0000: hold the door 那段超好笑 肥宅gg45F 11/23 15:21
mig: 樓上n層,是 Breaker of the chains46F 11/23 15:22
ohrring: 炫!炫!炫! 叮叮47F 11/23 15:22
HolaDiego: My watch has ended48F 11/23 15:22
a25270672: Read my name.49F 11/23 15:23
exporn: The king of the north50F 11/23 15:28
FishKing5566: 靠北  say my name51F 11/23 15:30
xupmc: You know nothing52F 11/23 15:30
dragon50119: Doesn't look like anything to me  (錯棚53F 11/23 15:32
kingrichman:  boobs whore 這類英文吧54F 11/23 15:33
lazywings: my lord~~55F 11/23 15:34
Ekmund: Nad處決人時那段也是夭瘦長56F 11/23 15:35
kimgordon: yes, 買樓57F 11/23 15:37
Insania: i see dead people58F 11/23 15:37
fredpig: I am your whore59F 11/23 15:38
otonashi1003: Confess60F 11/23 15:38
eason1991: shame61F 11/23 15:39
Number41: You know nothing!62F 11/23 15:39
MADAOTW: 英國自己發音都很混雜了63F 11/23 15:42
nova06091: やられたら、やり返す。倍返しだ!64F 11/23 15:42
cchch: Is babala do it .65F 11/23 15:44
dufehlstmir: Hodor hodor66F 11/23 15:49
staychris008: say my name!!!67F 11/23 15:52
m96y0105: I saw white walkers!68F 11/23 15:58
albertfeng: Bastards 私生子 雜種69F 11/23 16:03
gammablue: king in the north70F 11/23 16:11
noahblack: Valar Dohaeris , Valar Morghulis
SAY MY NAME 是三小啦,HHeisenberg 咧71F 11/23 16:11
Dethklok: The Lannisters send their regards.73F 11/23 16:16
Gladstone: My lord my lady74F 11/23 16:16
maydayholic: I did not kill Joffery, but I wish that I had!75F 11/23 16:23
gaddafi: You Know Nothing76F 11/23 16:29
eagle080717: Take that demon!77F 11/23 16:30
modulation: 以上 閱78F 11/23 16:32
erasdfer: burn them all79F 11/23 16:36
yokan: ding ding ding ding ding80F 11/23 16:39
Fari: dracarys81F 11/23 16:47
ryyya: shame82F 11/23 16:53
ron761230: let him fly
還沒看到hold the door83F 11/23 16:57
ACEMOON: Bastard ~85F 11/23 17:04
sober921: you know nothing86F 11/23 17:06
ksksks: 我看斯巴達克斯學英文87F 11/23 17:13
gunfighter: where are my dragons88F 11/23 17:18
suckmyfamily: Reak!89F 11/23 17:19
focuslin33: winter is coming90F 11/23 17:22
elikey: Freedom~~~~~~~~91F 11/23 17:25
Proker: fucking boars hunting whores------kingslyer92F 11/23 17:50
tupacshkur: 當然可以啊!! 好期待第七季喔!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!93F 11/23 17:52
ozon: 看小說版你學到很多冷門字,例如馬匹的種類94F 11/23 18:05
tree748596: a girl has too many name95F 11/23 18:43
popyuning: Shame shame shame shame96F 11/23 18:44
tree748596: Bastard shame whore hooker97F 11/23 18:45
ji2my: cunt98F 11/23 18:49
NSPS6150: mercy99F 11/23 19:05
HealthyAging: You know nothing, John Snow.100F 11/23 19:07
k312240204: Tight tight tight101F 11/23 19:32
henry1915: 你應該只會學到whore之類的吧102F 11/23 20:05
airmax369: the lannister always pays his debts103F 11/23 20:13
ji394snoopy: shame104F 11/23 20:59
powerless128: Maggie I'll find you o口@105F 11/23 21:16
alex0421: the girl has no name106F 11/23 21:26
dfgtyu0000: hodor那段幫肥宅QQ,另外怎麼混入毒師和行屍走肉@@?愛亞我的,蘿莉最高!!!107F 11/23 21:32
dream1285201: Tight! Tight! Tight!109F 11/23 21:52
GUOBenny: 一直出現私生子bastard110F 11/23 22:00
Letter1530: Me watch is ended111F 11/23 22:14
JHEWEI: I'm the danger112F 11/23 22:16
juice1028: shame (搖鈴113F 11/23 22:25
jajoy: 能背出龍女一串自介才是強者114F 11/23 22:37
alsk2939: 看到 tight tight tight 竟然有聲音wwww115F 11/23 22:57
buteerr: The night is dark and full of terrors116F 11/24 00:03
saky: Valar Dohaeris117F 11/24 00:28
jenny7258: 英國室友說這樣說出來的英文會很老,有點怪118F 11/24 04:29
