看板 Gossiping
作者 Homura (德意志國防貓)
標題 [問卦] 美劇最霸氣的台詞?
時間 Fri Jul 21 23:13:23 2017






有迷有卦 QQ

Walter: say my name.

Other guy: my name

Walter: you're goddamn right



貓貓仰臥起坐 <3

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1PSXeMsP (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1500650006.A.D99.html
Zuleta: 咩1F 07/21 23:13
tony84590: winter is coming2F 07/21 23:14
ePaper: 趕羚羊3F 07/21 23:15
dlam002: I'll be back4F 07/21 23:15
cy4750: 樓下東巴5F 07/21 23:15
Rsreturn: tonight gonna be a legendary6F 07/21 23:15
darkerjack: Bazinga!7F 07/21 23:16
The Mountain crushes Prince Oberyn's head. - YouTube
Head exploding scene. Season 4 episode 8. The Mountain crushes Prince Oberyn's head like a melon. For entertainment Purposes only, no copyright intended.

looop: 屎蛋爸:Niggar!(指)9F 07/21 23:16
Strasburg: How are u doing10F 07/21 23:16
CCY0927: Save the cheerleader, save the world!11F 07/21 23:17
k312240204: Hijo de puta!!!12F 07/21 23:17
Ives20130: U know nothing13F 07/21 23:17
imkaikai: You know nothing14F 07/21 23:17
vinousred: legen,wait for it,dary15F 07/21 23:17
samug: 一定要推hold the door的啊!16F 07/21 23:18
luciffar: YO~~~BITCH17F 07/21 23:19
pytzog: Oh!so big!18F 07/21 23:20
KarlTowns: u jump ,I jump19F 07/21 23:20
pikakami: Where are my DRAGONS!!!!!!20F 07/21 23:20
scarofwind: hodor!21F 07/21 23:22
michael0711: I'm mother of the dragons.22F 07/21 23:22
minnie4227: we need to cook23F 07/21 23:22
lanx105: Biatch24F 07/21 23:22
zebra101: Bazinga25F 07/21 23:23
Refauth: 今天要複習工程數學和電子學。26F 07/21 23:23
shayy: Joey doesn't share food27F 07/21 23:24
hclstarkid: who is the daddy28F 07/21 23:24
goodricky04: Where are my dragons29F 07/21 23:24
cchua: I'm not in danger l'm the danger!30F 07/21 23:24
rndsulgye: Bazinga!!!!!31F 07/21 23:25
ymx3xc: winter is cumming32F 07/21 23:25
ynd: Everybody lie33F 07/21 23:26
sunnyyoung: 沙克埋迪克34F 07/21 23:27
ms0400281: how u doing35F 07/21 23:27
duo110: say my name36F 07/21 23:27
wellwest: 阿多37F 07/21 23:28
Tachiman: When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die, there's no middle ground.38F 07/21 23:28
philbyillusi: if you don't love yourself, how the hell you'regonna love somebody else? Can I get an Amen uphere?40F 07/21 23:29
gonzagri: 龍山temple station,左側開門43F 07/21 23:30
explorer136: Where Are My Dragons44F 07/21 23:31
wubai1119: Go fxck yourself45F 07/21 23:31
casper6013: yo bitch46F 07/21 23:34
ywbBetter: You are a coward! Storybrooke47F 07/21 23:36
cookieli: Pick me choose me  love me48F 07/21 23:36
spadenet: Netflix and chill?49F 07/21 23:37
johnruby: Wub Lub Dub Dub50F 07/21 23:38
mudee: I'm not in danger l'm the danger!51F 07/21 23:39
wade768: Next station, 將開縣 and memorial hall station.52F 07/21 23:40
as222as222a: over my dead body53F 07/21 23:40
chnecklace: we can talk54F 07/21 23:42
a856445: I'm the one who knocks55F 07/21 23:46
CactusFlower: Winter is coming56F 07/21 23:52
positMIT: modafucker jian yang!!!!!!!!!!!!!57F 07/21 23:53
winerya: Put the gun down!!58F 07/21 23:59
a80055power: Bitch please59F 07/21 23:59
mc9669: My nigga60F 07/22 00:08
ilovebeagle: I'm the one who knocks61F 07/22 00:08
charles9201: Lets cooking62F 07/22 00:13
yulo: 當然是龍后的自介詞 每次報完名要三十秒63F 07/22 00:17
linchen1121: You know nothing64F 07/22 00:19
MoseHas: Say my name應該是最霸氣的一句65F 07/22 00:21
zeng50: Say my name66F 07/22 00:24
jocabyu: 當然是say my name阿....沒有之一67F 07/22 00:26
Kelvinchen: 囧snow,you know nothing.68F 07/22 00:31
ruokcnn: 瑟熙嗆小指頭那段 力量才是力量 power is power69F 07/22 00:32
ohyeahyaya: Say my name70F 07/22 00:37
Felix30810: House: Life is pain71F 07/22 00:39
equalivant: Winter is coming72F 07/22 00:40
masala: Penny Penny Penny73F 07/22 00:44
notneme159: for the night is dark and full of terrors74F 07/22 00:44
MRfridge: I'm the one who knocks75F 07/22 00:50
zero12395: Bazinga!76F 07/22 00:59
Insatiable: Joey doesn't share food!77F 07/22 01:01
amy3563867: Challenge Accepted78F 07/22 01:03
sromys: it's raaaaaaaaaw79F 07/22 01:05
ambitious: what's your name80F 07/22 01:05
selvester: You r so lucky that I'm a coward.81F 07/22 01:07
gg889g8: Say my name82F 07/22 01:16
fatetwister: everything on the world is about the sex except the sex, sex is about the power83F 07/22 01:18
likisee: Bazinga!85F 07/22 01:21
eggwraprice: You know nothing86F 07/22 01:22
high949: Everybody Lies87F 07/22 01:29
eric840421: Say my name88F 07/22 01:30
helloyou: Indeed a wise choice89F 07/22 01:44
jerry3418: Everyone not us is our enemy
也種下中二喬心中的種子QQ90F 07/22 01:56
ray130340: How u doing~~~
That's bullshit93F 07/22 01:57
iampro: it will cut.95F 07/22 01:58
iverson88: Better call Saul96F 07/22 01:59
wwvvkai: my watch is ended97F 07/22 02:05
lzkai: Wub Lub Dub Dub98F 07/22 02:06
Howard61313: 估辣可99F 07/22 02:15
Rafale: Hodor100F 07/22 03:18
Yao910336: you know nothing101F 07/22 03:25
sunnybeank: Shame shame shame102F 07/22 03:39
crimson11: The night is dark and full of terrors103F 07/22 03:58
Joey4506: Hasta la vista baby104F 07/22 04:02
fukku100: I'm well mannered, but I'm not nice.105F 07/22 04:16
SAsong319: Manners market man106F 07/22 04:54
onigirigood: 讓子彈飛一會兒107F 07/22 05:40
gunfighter: surprise motherfucker108F 07/22 07:05
chris40610: We are the walking dead109F 07/22 07:23
Sawyer80: I'm the danger.110F 07/22 07:31
a11250: Hold door hold door111F 07/22 08:00
myth0422: god damnn112F 07/22 08:47
behero: Say my name.113F 07/22 08:48
TitanEric: We are not in danger, I am the danger.115F 07/22 10:30
tammywang0v0: 七樓,哈哈哈116F 07/22 10:57
killer113: how do you turn this on117F 07/22 10:57
allen710522: Everything's gonna be okay然後就死了118F 07/22 11:08
catv: winter is coming
凡人皆有一死119F 07/22 11:16
Justine1937: Joey doesn't share food!121F 07/22 11:28
soar1983: Holddoor122F 07/22 12:06
noitcidda: I AM THE DANGER123F 07/22 12:23
a4683123: legen... waiy for it ........dary124F 07/22 12:53
SHIU0315: You know nothing125F 07/22 13:11
roy0075430: Carl papa126F 07/22 13:34
