看板 Gossiping
作者 SUPERBOWL (超級盃)
標題 [爆卦]華盛頓郵報專欄鼓吹美國幫助台灣對抗中國入侵
時間 Sun Mar 31 17:07:57 2019



未滿30繁體中文字 水桶3個月

華盛頓郵報專欄作家 Josh Rogin 最近剛出了一篇文






The United States must help Taiwan resist Chinese dominance



During a Hawaiian “transit stop” Wednesday, Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen praised the U.S.-Taiwan relationship as “stronger than ever.” But here in Taiwan, it’s China that dominates every discussion. Beijing’s malign influence is apparent everywhere, while the United States is seen as largely absent. Washington must wake up to the danger of China’s massive effort to infiltrate, undermine and eventually abolish Taiwan’s democracy.


Tsai called for Washington’s help to confront Beijing’s comprehensive campaign to exert control over Taiwanese politics and society, which is steadily eroding a 40-year status quo that has kept a shaky peace. The 1979 Taiwan Relations Act, which governs the U.S.-Taiwan relationship, stipulates that the United States will “consider any effort to determine the future of Taiwan by other than peaceful means, including by boycotts or embargoes, a threat to the peace and security of the Western Pacific area
and of grave concern to the United States.”


In 2019, those words ring hollow. Xi Jinping’s government brazenly uses economic and political pressure to interfere in Taiwan — an attempt to turn the Taiwanese people and their leaders toward Beijing and against the West. Xi himself smashed the status quo in January when he publicly called for Taiwan to rejoin China under the “One Country, Two Systems” model. One look at Hong Kong should be enough for any Taiwanese citizen to realize that means a steady erosion of their freedoms and sovereignty.


During interviews with Taiwanese politicians, officials and national security experts, our delegation in Taiwan, organized by the East West Center, heard grave warnings. Following its successful interference effort in last November’s local elections, Beijing is now focused intensely on ousting Tsai and her Democratic People’s Party in next January’s presidential contest.

「明年的選舉可能是台灣最後一次有意義的選舉。此後,這將是一場香港式的選舉。」大陸委員會副主委陳明祺說。他說,如果中國成功地讓北京屬意的國民黨重新掌權,那麼這可能是台灣永遠不再行使自己主權的轉折點。 「2020年將是統一的開始。」

“Next year’s election might be the last meaningful election in Taiwan. After that, it will be a Hong Kong-style election,” said Chen Ming-Chi, deputy minister of the Mainland Affairs Council. If China succeeds in returning the Beijing-sympathetic Nationalist Party (KMT) to power, that could be the tipping point after which Taiwan can never again exert its own sovereignty, he said. “2020 would be the beginning of the reunification.”


In other words, a Chinese military invasion is no longer the scenario Taiwanese fear most. China’s strategy to take over Taiwan is focused now on the hybrid warfare tactics authoritarian regimes increasingly deploy in free societies. Pro-Beijing interests have bought up a huge portion of Taiwanese media and coordinate with Beijing to spread propaganda and fake news and manipulate social media.




The Chinese government uses economic coercion to both recruit and punish Taiwanese leaders. Meanwhile, China is working overtime to strip Taiwan of its diplomatic allies and keep it out of multilateral institutions. Beijing is literally trying to erase the country from the map.
Taiwan is the testing ground for these methods, but China is now exporting them to other places, including the United States. That’s a threat not just to Taiwan but also to democracies worldwide, said Deputy Foreign Minister Hsu Szu-chien.

“Taiwan is only the beginning,” he said. “They want their new civilization to become a new global order. That’s what they are thinking. And together with an expansion of their physical power, now they are putting their dreams into reality.”




Several KMT officials and former officials told our delegation fears of China were overblown and seeking accommodation with Beijing was the only reasonable approach. Former deputy foreign minister Bruce Linghu said the KMT is not “pro-China” but rather “pro-peace.”

“Taiwan has to play it smart,” he said. “Why should we be provocative with China?”

KMT officials insist they support the U.S.-China relationship and are not trying to appease Beijing. But actions speak louder than words. While Tsai was speaking to Americans, Kaohsiung Mayor Han Kuo-yu, a rising KMT leader and presidential prospect, was holding controversial meetings with Chinese Communist Party officials in Hong Kong and Macau. It’s clear which relationship the KMT prioritizes.


The U.S. interest in helping the current Taiwanese government defend its democracy from Chinese interference and aggression is understood — but our will is under question. The Trump administration, despite being full of pro-Taiwan officials, has been inconsistent. There’s progress on arms sales but no progress on what Tsai wants most, a U.S.-Taiwan free trade agreement. There’s not enough U.S. support for Taiwan’s fight against China’s hybrid warfare approach.



In reality, accommodation with Beijing likely won’t work and China’s appetite in Taiwan will only grow with the eating. Taiwan proves that democracy and Chinese culture can work together and that prosperity need not require repression. This is an example that Beijing, for obvious reasons, cannot tolerate. Taiwan’s very existence plays into the Chinese Communist Party’s deep insecurity.

But time is running out fast for the United States to show the Taiwanese people they have international support for refusing to acquiesce to Beijing’s dominance over their politics, economy and society.

Ian Easton 在美國外交雙月刊「國家利益」上刊登的新文章,跟 Josh Rogin 這篇文章論點相近



Asia's Nightmare Begins: This Is How China Would Try to Invade Taiwan

Asia's Nightmare Begins: This Is How China Would Try to Invade Taiwan | The National Interest
It is estimated that Taiwan will have approximately four weeks advanced warning of a Chinese invasion. Given China's skill in the dark arts of strateg ...







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Areso: 推1F 03/31 17:08
ericisfish: 哪家野雞報社?2F 03/31 17:08


MotleyCrue: 真正的良心辦報3F 03/31 17:09
manyeo: 哈哈支那哈哈4F 03/31 17:09
sm999222: 米國885F 03/31 17:09
dbdudsorj: 五毛realcn:野雞小報6F 03/31 17:09
goldseed: 反觀某台24小時直播疝液7F 03/31 17:09
re340: 不是中天肯定假新聞8F 03/31 17:09


losel: 標題要寫專欄作家9F 03/31 17:09
rwhung: 寫專欄作家或美國智庫代表比較好10F 03/31 17:11


SinShih: 台灣內部背骨仔太多了 政客跟腦粉都有 慘啦11F 03/31 17:11
swbthj: 台灣人:統獨假議題12F 03/31 17:11


WINDHEAD: 不過我覺得台灣並沒有證明中國文化跟民主可以並存13F 03/31 17:12
KCKCLIN: 沒提統獨假議題,強盜逼台灣買不合用扁鑽要自費那位失敗14F 03/31 17:12
※ 編輯: SUPERBOWL (, 03/31/2019 17:12:54
Southside:15F 03/31 17:12
WINDHEAD: 事實是台灣越民主 就越無法容忍中國文化帶來的侵蝕腐壞16F 03/31 17:12
※ 編輯: SUPERBOWL (, 03/31/2019 17:15:04
lustpp: 台灣人別再看韓天裝睡了17F 03/31 17:13
ourfamily: 推18F 03/31 17:14
※ 編輯: SUPERBOWL (, 03/31/2019 17:17:05
hankhui3175: 推19F 03/31 17:16
photoB1N: 推20F 03/31 17:16
PPPGGG: 可是光看八卦版被反串 和 反反串釣魚就釣到飽了21F 03/31 17:18
song6: Push22F 03/31 17:19
wsx26997785: 推23F 03/31 17:19
songyy2003: 滯台支那賤畜崩潰狂噓24F 03/31 17:19
gary0206: 推 感謝翻譯25F 03/31 17:19
wsx26997785: ========> 外交孤立、政治滲透、軍事繞台、經濟統戰26F 03/31 17:19
bill6613: 台灣民主真的要撐住!27F 03/31 17:20
a89182a89182: 也太多人高潮   這麼有新怎麼不直接接收台灣28F 03/31 17:20
tetsuro: 台灣某些人只要發大財MOU啊!29F 03/31 17:21
a89182a89182: 心*30F 03/31 17:21
arumi416: 推31F 03/31 17:21
jjXie: 推一個32F 03/31 17:22
suntw: 推翻譯33F 03/31 17:22
vinca: 推34F 03/31 17:22
amos30627: WSJ=野雞郵報35F 03/31 17:23
joe0528: 高調36F 03/31 17:24
pigboss: 再跟蔡英文說“安納哈誰又” 笑死37F 03/31 17:24
m21423: 一個地名小報  是有什麼公信力38F 03/31 17:25
kis28519: 推39F 03/31 17:25
philip0705: 五毛怒噓,來補血40F 03/31 17:26
yeh3360: 大國間外交本來就很謹慎41F 03/31 17:26
mouz: 尊重台灣民意很難嗎?台灣就想被統啊42F 03/31 17:27
xanthippe: 推辛苦翻譯43F 03/31 17:27
Grothendieck: 居然沒推爆...板上剩下的人都支那賤畜嗎44F 03/31 17:28
vincent0965: 9.2只看環球時報啦45F 03/31 17:28
laroserose:46F 03/31 17:28
jason000: 推47F 03/31 17:29
lysimach: 白藍共7pupu48F 03/31 17:30
MK250: 垃圾9.25氣pupu49F 03/31 17:30
abel0201: 專欄寫手寫的xd50F 03/31 17:31
baddad: 阿爸99551F 03/31 17:31
dddc: 覺得很難過52F 03/31 17:33
misaka0120: 靠我還以為華郵是美國中時53F 03/31 17:33
kaede0711: 真的大家要團結撐過這波54F 03/31 17:33
excell: 統你老母,是被侵略55F 03/31 17:33
kaede0711: 拜託2020年輕人一定要要出來,你立法委員要投哪個小黨都可,但總統絕對不能被國民黨拿走,一旦國民黨完全執政,衝破4分之3門檻,和平協議就來了,大家又要上街流血了56F 03/31 17:34
dddc: 年輕人比你想像還要親中60F 03/31 17:35
jillcc: 幫推61F 03/31 17:35
jerrysuper: 推62F 03/31 17:35
dddc: 況且 台灣的民主認真說起來 並沒有規模流血 所以不會被珍惜63F 03/31 17:36
HwaSIn: 不是不爆 是op了64F 03/31 17:36
wwwwhite: 華盛頓郵報是地名小報? 這樣的水準很可以66F 03/31 17:37
albert22: 推67F 03/31 17:39
rayonwu: 高調68F 03/31 17:39
hellobuffet: 推69F 03/31 17:39
sorrywow: 推70F 03/31 17:41
Dethklok: 韓上任後,共狗絕口不提,用台軍攻打尖閣群島,與菲越海戰?71F 03/31 17:41
BatZ05: 推 垃圾五毛跟國民黨滾回中國72F 03/31 17:41
conbanwa: 推73F 03/31 17:41
Moratti: 台灣離中國這麼近 又有中國來的政黨和中國移民 阿爸放我們單獨面對中共太沒危機意識了74F 03/31 17:43
evaji548: !!!76F 03/31 17:44
a5245242003: 推 翻譯77F 03/31 17:45
AmazingKuo: 爽78F 03/31 17:45
sl11pman: 9.2誓反美帝!79F 03/31 17:46
tkglobe: 假議題啦 先拚經濟  再拚移民80F 03/31 17:47
BlackBass: 支那賤畜要氣屎了81F 03/31 17:48
littlean: 推美國爸爸82F 03/31 17:49
REALJOINGO: 推83F 03/31 17:50
riomusi: 高調84F 03/31 17:50
l75cm: 推85F 03/31 17:52
Kamelie: 高調86F 03/31 17:53
tn00371115: 假議題 我只想打藍打綠87F 03/31 17:53
HarrisLind: 要不要公投直接納入美國一州?88F 03/31 17:53
sam682097: 哪裡來的小報89F 03/31 17:54
JoeBorowski: 高調推90F 03/31 17:54
mocca000: 快撐不下去了 台灣民眾普遍缺乏警覺 非常非常缺乏
對態勢過於樂觀 簡單來說就是傻傻的 有賣水果就很高興91F 03/31 17:55
chichi30: 推93F 03/31 17:57
s0930194: 建交?94F 03/31 17:57
RecluseMF: 推!! 幫高調95F 03/31 17:57
liudwan: 推96F 03/31 18:00
Cezaill: 台灣人很奇怪,只要是民進黨講的都不太願意聽+197F 03/31 18:00
abain521: 美國爸爸真是阿呆,統獨只是假議題,那麼認真幹嘛?98F 03/31 18:01
j5163124: 台灣一堆低能兒短視近利,還跟你一樣都有一票99F 03/31 18:03
Sixigma: 民主黨側翼說的話能聽嗎100F 03/31 18:04
zeroshin: 推101F 03/31 18:05
demitri: 加油102F 03/31 18:06
jfpsc221: 不管啦 民進黨只會收買外國勢力 2020繼續補刀103F 03/31 18:08
pda2001: 高調推104F 03/31 18:08
pmes9866: 可悲的是台灣內部就有台灣人在配合中共105F 03/31 18:09
heavenkghs: 人民要先醒醒我們正在被侵略106F 03/31 18:09
ndtoseooqd: 推107F 03/31 18:09
silentlin: 高調! 絕對不能讓中共得逞109F 03/31 18:10
gracefeather: 幹你娘支那滾啦幹110F 03/31 18:11
gz: 國民黨:讓台灣依賴中國 以後台灣就只有投降一途啦 桀桀桀111F 03/31 18:12
as80110680: 很難啦,一直有人在扯後腿,說這些是假議題112F 03/31 18:12
zucca: 推。台灣不能失守。113F 03/31 18:13
cocota: 美國八八九九五114F 03/31 18:13
theword: hihi115F 03/31 18:13
john371911: 推。116F 03/31 18:14
kenichisun: 唯一支持台灣加入美國一州117F 03/31 18:14
lostman: 明年投錯,台灣就滅國元年啟動了118F 03/31 18:14
cocota: 對未來真的感到悲觀阿119F 03/31 18:15
semicoma: 亞馬遜要被逃稅被停業了嗎120F 03/31 18:15
dostey: 台灣有國民黨的存在 真的是害死台灣121F 03/31 18:16
asdfjoe: 幫補血 一堆狗也敢亂吠122F 03/31 18:17
yeyun: 反觀123F 03/31 18:17
sicazu: 推124F 03/31 18:18
sspeuxtnik: 辛苦了125F 03/31 18:19
Tatami4931: 推126F 03/31 18:20
colinfeng: 推,支那目前正在侵略台灣127F 03/31 18:20
ttykimo: 美國媒體竟然討論假議題XDDDDDDDDDD128F 03/31 18:21
rex44391: 推129F 03/31 18:22
v64kiu78: 推翻譯130F 03/31 18:23
neddchiu: 推131F 03/31 18:23
userpeter: 高調!132F 03/31 18:24
Moratti: https://i.imgur.com/g4JDJGk.jpg 配合中共的人133F 03/31 18:24
engert: 推134F 03/31 18:24
Moratti: https://i.imgur.com/45A9TgH.jpg 台北市長 嘔135F 03/31 18:24
x740552: 吉娃娃又高潮了136F 03/31 18:25
hagidove: 推137F 03/31 18:25
killeryuan: 推138F 03/31 18:26
voyhanxu: 哪來的野雞報紙?我只看最公正環球時報139F 03/31 18:27
BDG: 孬英禿蘇還不快消滅通匪內奸140F 03/31 18:29
farmoos: 不打正泛紅 卻去抹紅泛綠的一派 這才是害台灣141F 03/31 18:29
DrGun: 美國爸爸快來幫忙清共匪好嗎?現在不幫要等到變中國台北嗎142F 03/31 18:30
piex: 推144F 03/31 18:30
losesoul01: 推145F 03/31 18:32
sid300: 美中互戰拿台灣當籌碼  就是要台灣多繳保護費而已146F 03/31 18:33
dwote: 推 守住台灣147F 03/31 18:34
raku: 美國阿爸講的才會聽沒錯 事實上大多數人還是不能接受被中共統治 即使是一國兩制 但多數人對台灣各界被中共滲透的警覺心不夠 真的是溫水煮青蛙148F 03/31 18:34
crescentsnow: 用心大推151F 03/31 18:35
nick790111:  消費、喊燒繼續執行。152F 03/31 18:35
dostey: 推153F 03/31 18:35
aragonite: 果然美國看得透徹154F 03/31 18:36
sma7061: 推155F 03/31 18:37
sodamnpig: 安啦,柯說統獨假議題就是假議題,這就是素質156F 03/31 18:38
langeo: 美國人吸獨啦  新潮流害的 統獨假議題 政府幫買車買房157F 03/31 18:39
jorden: 柯基犬:假議題158F 03/31 18:39
sonyabear: 翻譯:還不上貢159F 03/31 18:39
sodamnpig: 現在就是一群腦殘以為當假議題統一就不會發生,真的被160F 03/31 18:40
sonyabear: 只信老美在那邊撥弄是非,不認血緣與親情真的北七161F 03/31 18:40
sodamnpig: 統一了,這就是人民的素質,果然不適合民主,還是乖乖給北京餵奶水162F 03/31 18:40
sodes: 假議題 台灣人根本不需要好嗎164F 03/31 18:40
sodamnpig: 就一群腦殘以為藍綠爛就支持柯,被統也活該啦165F 03/31 18:42
omegajoker: 推166F 03/31 18:43
revera1992: 推167F 03/31 18:44
pujipuji: 推168F 03/31 18:46
sodamnpig: 兩岸情況已經變了,北京不給台灣模糊空間了,柯粉信徒還是只會跟柯ㄧ樣講講些無關緊要的話169F 03/31 18:47
cecil60735: 推171F 03/31 18:49
xiaomeimei: 推172F 03/31 18:50
glendawl: 推 還在假議題的真的信仰很足173F 03/31 18:50
sodamnpig: 上次學姊被砲的豬頭三一樣,柯現在完全不敢再主動屁什174F 03/31 18:50
leo755269: 美國當年放棄國民黨政權已經犯一次錯誤了 要犯第二次嗎175F 03/31 18:51
hankwtc: 人一藍 腦就殘176F 03/31 18:51
Pieces53: 推177F 03/31 18:52
ez2dancer: 一堆喜韓兒還是覺得韓總當選台灣可以歌照唱舞照跳178F 03/31 18:53
tomwdc: 華盛頓郵報的權威和中立是頂尖的179F 03/31 18:54
homerunball: 民進黨外圍組織180F 03/31 18:55
Sbeauvoir: 推 我們真的太沒警覺了!!181F 03/31 18:55
enzowalker: 野雞報社讓八卦黨工都高潮惹~182F 03/31 18:58
kenphin0729: 9.2五毛韓粉:美國野雞報被綠媒洗腦183F 03/31 18:59
Sbeauvoir: 幫推幫高調184F 03/31 19:00
g4zoco196: 假新聞啦~185F 03/31 19:02
xmmj: 推186F 03/31 19:05
cbc0402: 高調187F 03/31 19:06
kaejen: 台灣的民主真的很珍貴QQ188F 03/31 19:07
buddar: 台灣是世界和平與維持平衡的關健189F 03/31 19:09
fhsh115: 台灣就想當支那賤畜不行ㄇ190F 03/31 19:11
observer0117: 推翻譯191F 03/31 19:12
AS2000: 謝謝翻譯!我先生看了好緊張><192F 03/31 19:12
s3f4e9g6aa7: 推193F 03/31 19:15
hunc: 台灣主權不能受傷 by 蔡英文。194F 03/31 19:16
scuxun: 全世界都知道,就台灣人不知道,覺得悲哀195F 03/31 19:18
ajan007: 華視頓郵報不顧北京反對196F 03/31 19:18
forbake1: 垃圾国冥黨197F 03/31 19:20
fallennrise: 台灣主權可以讓給米國爸爸沒關係198F 03/31 19:21
theword: 台灣被併吞成功後(不管是實質土地佔領 還是現在的政經媒淪陷ing模式) 都會變成其他國家軍訓課的經典例子199F 03/31 19:22
revera1992: 幫補,柯糞會說這是假議題201F 03/31 19:23
theword: 一個自我欺騙 麻痺的民族 到底有沒有資格成為一個國家202F 03/31 19:24
tcboy: 柯韓粉:假議題203F 03/31 19:25
gtnb: 推204F 03/31 19:26
mrjj123: 讚205F 03/31 19:26
stw0975: 推206F 03/31 19:27
Munro: 外國人都看得很透徹,只有智障白粉還在說是假議題207F 03/31 19:28
kuma52: 反觀狗台208F 03/31 19:29
sleepyrat: 把拔趕快把台灣收歸國有~~209F 03/31 19:31
shmicute: 推推推 阿爸快把中共打死210F 03/31 19:31
oiolo: 推211F 03/31 19:32
King0615: 美國都不斷警告了台灣人要醒醒啊212F 03/31 19:33
a72737363: 支持台獨,但dpp的勞工 房價政策讓人只能投其他選擇213F 03/31 19:33
Szss: 推214F 03/31 19:34
nanami56: 血3洨親情,血親拿飛彈對著你整天說留島不留人操你媽的215F 03/31 19:35
goldorange: 推216F 03/31 19:35
sam16888: 推217F 03/31 19:36
Addidas: 我國新聞才不看外國新聞的 看了也是一兩個月後爛翻譯才報218F 03/31 19:37
nptrj: 台灣趕快淪陷,讓全世界後悔219F 03/31 19:40
cosmite: 唉220F 03/31 19:41
Drizzle: 推221F 03/31 19:43
EggAcme: 無奈啊,可以看公視有話好說,有提到,中國入侵台灣學校222F 03/31 19:43
awj32jo: 外國人不用承受台灣低薪高房價 也沒見識過灣灣黨證的力量223F 03/31 19:43
EggAcme: 也很嚴重,用極便宜的中國旅遊等等收買人心。224F 03/31 19:43
buci: 推225F 03/31 19:48
ahaha777: 前幾天才一堆智障柯粉在板上說台灣悲觀的被統情緒哪來的整天在那邊廠工 帶風向 實在有夠白癡226F 03/31 19:49
bluesee: 幹他馬的中國人228F 03/31 19:50
morphology: 推翻譯229F 03/31 19:51
justdoit: 建交再叫我230F 03/31 19:52
asole: 希望台美更緊密合作231F 03/31 19:53
jixiang: 高調232F 03/31 19:53
kreator666: 推翻譯233F 03/31 19:54
kerkerlu: 推,感謝翻譯234F 03/31 19:56
Simakui: 推 高調235F 03/31 19:58
lklk3711: 感謝美國爸爸236F 03/31 19:59
Molester5566: 感謝分享237F 03/31 20:00
Eric2213: 推238F 03/31 20:01
fransiceyho: 推 9.2沒到言論自由消失前是不會覺醒的239F 03/31 20:01
ws44052000: 推240F 03/31 20:03
s89022190059: 推241F 03/31 20:06
cheng31507: 推242F 03/31 20:09
jj980734: 9.2:那美國怎麼不跟我們建交243F 03/31 20:10
chuby81229: 推244F 03/31 20:14
Dulcia:245F 03/31 20:20
TaurusWolf: 用心好文246F 03/31 20:24
loki94y: 中國的擔憂被誇大了 不就柯講的統獨假議題247F 03/31 20:25
window77: 不要以為寫英文 我就看不出是廠公體248F 03/31 20:29
creulfact: 9.2:為什麼美國人不直接建交?249F 03/31 20:29
nova06091: 垃圾習  幹250F 03/31 20:34
yzvr: 推251F 03/31 20:35
abc1212050: 推這篇252F 03/31 20:35
aiueokaki: 怎麼釣出這麼多翻牆過來 不知道華盛頓郵報的253F 03/31 20:36
vodkalime607: 假議題啦!!! 這報紙是DPP外圍組織 XDD254F 03/31 20:36
abc1212050: 推255F 03/31 20:37
bighorse0: 小英:建交不指望了 F16可以算便宜一點嗎
美國:自由從來不是免費的256F 03/31 20:42
itoh: 光說不練258F 03/31 20:45
MarcJacobs: 推259F 03/31 21:00
M1004218: 美國要是清醒點請派CIA跟海豹六隊來,隨時解體KMT260F 03/31 21:05
lv256: 樓下噓華爾街日報野雞小報261F 03/31 21:11
wenx2062: 推 希望台灣人清醒一點262F 03/31 21:14
god2: 推263F 03/31 21:16
magic123:264F 03/31 21:24
monkeydog119: 美國:$$$$$$$$$$265F 03/31 21:25
icpolonaise: 票投國民黨,台灣變香港266F 03/31 21:37
amilu: 推267F 03/31 21:44
zenar: 幫推268F 03/31 21:46
losesoul01: 推269F 03/31 21:46
redlance: 推翻譯270F 03/31 21:48
killloli: 推271F 03/31 21:52
apollon0990: 高調272F 03/31 21:56
chxxyy1: 推273F 03/31 22:02
a18947: 推,感謝資訊提供!274F 03/31 22:08
twptt: 高調275F 03/31 22:12
a18947: 戰已經開始,全民一起來防堵假新聞的入侵!276F 03/31 22:13
calamus: 感謝翻譯推277F 03/31 22:20
btmep: 9.2:只是野雞小報278F 03/31 22:23
kazamitaketo: 推!台灣是民主國家!279F 03/31 22:38
MattOwl: 推280F 03/31 22:50
interrupt1: 大家要團結守護台灣主權281F 03/31 22:52
mudee: 推282F 03/31 23:02
cecilia824: 推283F 03/31 23:03
Charmeur: 推284F 03/31 23:35
baronterry: 國民黨人專扯後腿XD285F 04/01 00:00
silentbear: 推,美國都警告了286F 04/01 00:07
tamynumber1: 推287F 04/01 00:10
louis13: 推288F 04/01 00:10
scarfman: 大多數台灣的電視媒體都不報這種消息,統媒勢力龐大289F 04/01 00:15
dl921109: 推290F 04/01 00:21
RustyNail: 推291F 04/01 01:02
fakeimage: 推翻譯292F 04/01 01:19
scorpii1113: 推293F 04/01 01:22
Nfox: 用力推294F 04/01 01:28
aa85ss20: 推295F 04/01 02:15
Brucetsai541: 推296F 04/01 03:22
geez0219: 高調297F 04/01 05:31
