看板 movie
作者 alljerry04 (Jas)
標題 [討論] 超驗駭客 Transcendence 前導預告
時間 Fri Dec 20 02:52:20 2013

TRANSCENDENCE - Official Teaser Trailer (2014) [HD] Johnny Depp, Morgan Freeman - YouTube Release Date: April 18, 2014 (2D theaters and IMAX) Studio: Warner Bros. Pictures Director: Wally Pfister Screenwriter: Jack Paglen Starring: Johnny Depp, Pa...



導演:Wally Pfister (黑暗騎士三部曲攝影指導)

監製:Christopher Nolan


Johnny Depp Paul Bettany, Rebecca Hall, Kate Mara, Cillian Murphy, Clifton
Collins, Jr. and Morgan Freeman.

Transcendence is set to be released on April 18th, 2014.


Transcendence - Movie Trailers - iTunes
Dr. Will Caster is the foremost researcher in the field of Artificial Intelligence, working to create a sentient machine that combines the collective intelligence of everything ever known with the full range of human emotions. His highly controversial experiments have made him famous, but they have  ...

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◆ From:
tewrqazbn:Cillian Murphy!!!1F 12/20 02:52
※ 編輯: alljerry04      來自:        (12/20 02:56)
machine139:諾蘭御用攝影師的執導處女作即將與 Interstellar 對決!2F 12/20 03:06
zealeliot:卡司很強喔3F 12/20 09:24
MarcW:不會對決吧,這片四月就上了4F 12/20 17:06
