看板 movie
作者 yumiuse (玻璃瓶)
標題 [討論] 安潔莉納裘莉 壞女巫 預告
時間 Mon Jan 27 18:42:19 2014

Lana Del Rey - Once Upon a Dream (Maleficent "Dream" Trailer) - YouTube Lana Del Rey's unique reimagining of the renowned song "Once Upon A Dream" from Disney's 1959 animated film "Sleeping Beauty", will be featured as the end cr...






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◆ From:
kowei526:Lana Del Rey又唱主題曲了!而且是老歌新唱~好讚啊!
那是特效妝,就像Lady Gaga的Born This Way也有類似的妝.1F 01/27 18:54
baobaocat:以為看到羊男XD3F 01/27 19:51
caro770880:超棒的4F 01/27 20:03
ElleFanning:我覺得我沒有很弱啊5F 01/27 21:05
tobylife26:羊男+16F 01/27 23:12
dorydoze:感覺好驚悚喔XDD7F 01/27 23:23
AlphaA7M2:Once Upon a Dream 老歌新唱的效果和鬼新娘差不多...omg8F 01/27 23:27
yshii:很期待這部9F 01/28 00:35
lllolll:好期待好可怕10F 01/28 00:48
PiZ1129:最近女巫都比公主還有魅力11F 01/28 00:55
InMontauk:預告的氣氛好棒 這部的女巫跟公主都很讓人期待!!12F 01/28 01:27
sleepyrat:這女巫長得有點像潘越雲....13F 01/28 01:29
niyxx:澎湃14F 01/28 11:05
tedann:頭上的牛角(?)很搶眼XDDDDD15F 01/28 11:34
yeh0216:睡美人完全配角XDDD突然愛上壞女巫了~16F 01/28 15:38
Clydevolt:超愛懷女人~XD17F 01/29 11:12
