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作者 craig819 (Drizzle)
標題 [情報] 消息數則 (勇士、灰熊、拓荒者、小犢)
時間 Mon Aug  2 07:50:47 2021

Joe Lacob discusses Jonathan Kuminga pick and his win-now, develop-now plan
for the Warriors

Joe Lacob談Kuminga和勇士 win-now、現在就發展的計劃,

Source: The Warriors will waive Alen Smailagic before his contract guarantees
on August 6th. He had two more non-guaranteed seasons remaining on his deal.
Took him 39th in 2019 draft. Didn't pan out. This frees up an extra 15-man
spot as they add to the roster in coming day.

勇士放棄2019選中的 Alen Smailagic,騰出名單簽下自由球員

The Memphis Grizzlies have declined Justise Winslow's $13 million team option
for next season, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium

灰熊拒絕了 Winslow 的球隊選項

Source says Mavs are leaning toward picking up center Willie Cauley-Stein's
$4.1 million option for next season. Deadline is Sunday and Mavs are waiting
to see if situation unexpectedly materializes to make that cap space worth
parting with a big man they like.

獨行俠傾向接受 WCS 下季410萬的合約

Portland isn't extending the $7M qualifying offer to Zach Collins, officially
making him a free agent, source tells ESPN.

波特蘭沒向 Zach Collins 報價

Exclusive: Joe Lacob discusses Jonathan Kuminga pick and his win-now, develop-now plan for the Warriors – The Athletic
The Warriors owner is "ecstatic" about drafting Jonathan Kuminga and Moses Moody, confident Golden State can contend for a title in 2021. ...

Anthony Slater
Here's a free agency preview for the Warriors. Nic Batum is clearly a top target.https://theathletic.com/2742822/2021...t-could-kelly-oubre-jr-return/ …
Tim MacMahon
Source says Mavs are leaning toward picking up center Willie Cauley-Stein's $4.1 million option for next season. Deadline is Sunday and Mavs are waiting to see if situation unexpectedly materializes to make that cap space worth parting with a big man they like.
Shams Charania
The Memphis Grizzlies have declined Justise Winslow's $13 million team option for next season, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium.
Adrian Wojnarowski
Portland isn't extending the $7M qualifying offer to Zach Collins, officially making him a free agent, source tells ESPN.

感想:看了其他報導,勇士可能會追 Batum 或 Rudy Gay

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[情報] 消息數則 (勇士、灰熊、拓荒者、小犢)
08-02 07:50 craig819.
AtomCat: Batum來打小球中鋒嗎1F 08/02 07:53
Ten6666: 留 Kuminga 說要 win now,勇士真的很敢想2F 08/02 07:54
PeterHenson: Zach Collins太痛了3F 08/02 07:54
sustainer123: WCS要留喔 那老鄉/砲應該走一個4F 08/02 07:57
gn02355346yi: 勇士還是看KT狀況 再等一季也合理5F 08/02 07:58
Kidd0502: 簽回小ai來帶年輕球員6F 08/02 07:58
nkjbond: 勇士先穩穩拿下小AI吧7F 08/02 07:58
Pinky555: Gay好像一心想要上車啊XD8F 08/02 07:59
Fezico: 勇士要Win NOW要處理的是智將吧...9F 08/02 08:01
DirkMavs: 拜託不要留wcs了10F 08/02 08:02
jack0727: 湖人需要D gay你可以優先上車11F 08/02 08:02
Fezico: WCS拿來當人肉TE?12F 08/02 08:04
michelin4x4: 當初選智將 呵呵13F 08/02 08:07
Leaflock: Winslow就這麼放掉真慘  代表灰熊用Ja和JJJ的薪資紅利幫熱火吃垃圾合約==14F 08/02 08:15
Pixis: Winslow怎麼會淪落到這樣16F 08/02 08:15
henry910119: Gay 跟 batum都蠻適合勇士的17F 08/02 08:15
AbukumaKai: 做的跟win now都完全相反18F 08/02 08:21
BryceHarper: igu湖人要了19F 08/02 08:23
Toy17: 你犢還要用WCS喔20F 08/02 08:24
chengyu1010: 跟智將一樣留著當雙寶21F 08/02 08:31
clarkyoona: WCS打的還可以啊 為啥不留22F 08/02 08:34
j3307002: 就是想win now又想留著潛力新秀啊,這是人性xd23F 08/02 08:39
nuggets0916: 灰熊….24F 08/02 08:43
PeterHenson: Gay就體能退化的圍巾阿 不過出手果決多了25F 08/02 08:45
gotohikaru: 灰熊跟熱火的交易賭贏也沒啥賺 結果全賠XD
然後選秀前又玩一次 真夠鳥的26F 08/02 08:45
MK47: winslow就是要丟掉才能完成跟鵜鶘那個交易 然後他不但慣傷在灰熊也打的蠻爛的 就算對手都是替補 但只要他有在場上 就是能讓攻守都更爛這樣28F 08/02 08:49
chenborruey: 我湖 gay跟表弟一起收了吧31F 08/02 08:52
ooxxman: 贏慢大傷後復出不行了,可惜一位好球員32F 08/02 08:53
henry910119: Gay & batum 可以打回死亡五小 不過batum要更大張合約吧
表弟不是在快艇…. 你湖把howard簽回來就差不多了33F 08/02 08:53
tyrone0923: KT要能滿血回歸勇士才有win now的本錢36F 08/02 09:03
KKyosuke: KT能回來本來就是勇士的先決條件  回不來就重建了37F 08/02 09:12
deadair: Win now?38F 08/02 09:13
allenzhuang: 怎麼沒湖人?這篇不專業了39F 08/02 09:14
harrybbs: 勇士意思是觀察到交易截止日為止…………嗎?
win now還是要交易Kuminga40F 08/02 09:15
blackflag: Winslow好可惜QQ 他現在IG每天07:00 po勵志文42F 08/02 09:18
tyrone0923: 勇士應該想看KT能否正常上場再決定吧43F 08/02 09:20
j3307002: batum要更大張?好像某隊給過他頂薪XD
好啦尼克好久沒簽爛約,來個頂薪八吞如何xd44F 08/02 09:27
hank7218: 勇士沒要交易啦46F 08/02 09:30
MK47: Winslow身體回不去了 認真的練外線吧47F 08/02 09:33
WIGGINS22: 好慘 Winslow當初季後賽打暴龍G7還當先發中鋒48F 08/02 09:49
stja:49F 08/02 10:24
scot0521: 勇士不要再想win now了,好好培養倒是真的50F 08/02 10:44
MTBF: KT今年回不來啊 確定的51F 08/02 11:14
aa7520tw: 國文不好的人可能小犢是什麼都不知道…52F 08/02 11:35
eric003a: 感覺Zach 2、3年沒打球了53F 08/02 12:37
xlargebing: WCS這咖 小犢還敢用?54F 08/02 13:06
mileshbk29: 整篇含推文看下來已經搞不清楚勇士是要win now還是winslow55F 08/02 13:51
gchee: 看起來是想交易K 但不想便宜交易所以這樣講57F 08/02 14:50
taichunmin: 不是吧wcs 砲 老鄉不好嗎58F 08/02 15:33
tapiola: 樓上上上...XD59F 08/02 16:09
killuaz: 勇士現在就進可攻退可守啊!有MVP級的再歐印,沒有就練菜鳥,不用再為了A咖被凹要歐印籌碼
選前7#14#只是雞肋簽 能換win now最好 選後撿到寶 想走天賦養成也不是不行60F 08/02 16:21
