看板 NBA
作者 mingonly (字母鋼)
標題 [外絮] 三分球過於氾濫 經紀人希望聯盟應該做出
時間 Wed Mar 10 21:25:03 2021

三分球過於氾濫 經紀人希望聯盟應該做出改變

A COUPLE OF WEEKS back, the Milwaukee Bucks and Minnesota Timberwolves squar
ed off in a game that only a few years ago would have been historic but in 2
021 is just another Tuesday night. In a sparsely filled Fiserv Forum, the tw
o teams attempted 96 3-point shots -- one every 30 seconds.


Of the 22 players who took the floor, 19 of them took at least one 3.


Wolves rookie Anthony Edwards is a marvel leaping off two feet, as witnessed
 by his recent dunk of the year spectacular?-- though you wouldn't know it f
rom this performance.The 31.4% 3-point shooter jacked up two attempts in the
 third quarter off the dribble from 26 feet, with 16 and 14 seconds remainin
g on the shot clock,

灰狼狀元Anthony Edwards以強硬的突破和勁爆的灌籃著稱,儘管當晚你從他的表現中無
法看出這一點。 在第三節,Edwards有兩次在26英尺的位置直接出手,而進攻時間顯示

Likewise, two-time reigning MVP Giannis Antetokounmpo, the league's most dev
astating finisher and still trying to cultivate an outside game, twice breez
ed across half court and launched an early triple.


For a growing number of NBA executives and coaches, the problem isn't that N
BA offenses are wrong for firing up an average of 35 attempts per game from
long distance. The problem is that they're right. It would be tactical malpr
actice for any team to swear off the 3-pointer


There are a handful of players whose midrange 2-point attempt represents a h
igh-percentage shot, but for the vast majority of players, the best shot is
one from behind the 3-point line or at the rim.


Recent conversations with multiple league insiders about the state of the ga
me reveal a consistent theme: As the rate of 3-pointers has exploded, the NB
A might finally be reaching a critical mass. Some raise concerns because the
y believe the 3-ball has created a monotonous rhythm to each game, while oth
ers believe it has distorted the scoring system that determines wins and los


"You can go overboard -- those nights you get 45 and 50 [attempts]," said De
troit Pistons coach Dwane Casey, whose team ranks 11th in percentage of fiel
d goals attempted that are 3-pointers. "Your quality of shots is going down,
 and there's going to be quick possessions. It kind of dilutes the spirit of
 the game and the soul of the game. It's about moving the ball from side to
side, not just coming down and jacking up quick 3s.

活塞主教練Dwane Casey稱:你可以走的非常極端,有時候你一場三分球能出手45-50次

Measures that have been implemented over the past 20 years to help jump-star
t scoring are approaching an age of overcorrection. In an effort to lift the
 game out of the '90s mud


THERE'S LITTLE DESIRE across the league to return to Patrick Ewing vs. Alonz
o Mourning, but there's also a sense that the game is losing diversity of id
entity, at least offensively. This school of thought maintains that a stylis
tic conformity has overtaken the game. One of the more appealing characteris
tics of basketball is the number of ways a player can score, but a 3-pointer
 every 30 to 45 seconds introduces a repetition that isn't so appealing.

聯盟並不希望比賽又重回Patrick Ewing和Alonzo Mourning肉搏的時代,但眼下的比賽

As offenses now field four or even five shooters on the floor, and dynamos s
uch as Stephen Curry and Damian Lillard must be accounted for at 30 feet or
beyond, defenses simply have too much ground to cover to properly challenge
the barrage of long-range shots.

現在不少的隊伍都會在場上擺4個甚至5個射手,再加上像Curry、Damian Lillard這種能

"It often looks like no defense is being played," Casey said. "But when ther
e are four shooters on the floor and a big man at the dunker [spot], spacing
 is inflated and a defense is stretched to its limit. Guys are working, but
it's impossible to cover that much ground against NBA speed, quickness and p


Including the playoffs, 61 games in NBA history have featured at least 90 3-
point attempts -- and 45 of the 61 have occurred since the start of last sea
son, according to ESPN Sports & Information. The 3-pointer now represents 39
.4% of all field goal attempts -- that's up 61% from the 2011-12 season. For
 those who welcome or accept the ascendance of the 3, this is a feature not
a bug.

生在上個賽季開始之後。 如今各隊平均三分出手佔比達到39.4%,比2011-12賽季增加了

"I don't think we can call it a bad thing when players are highly skilled, w
hich is what the game should be about," Carlisle said. "The 3-point shot has
 revolutionized our game. Taking a dribble-up 3 six or seven years ago was a
 cardinal sin. And now we're all doing drills where guys shoot dribble-up 3s
-- and we include our 7-3 center in those drills. The value of this sort of
3-point shot is big.


WHERE AND WHEN the trajectory levels out and 3-pointers are no longer a grow
th commodity in the NBA is unknown. The league could soon see a day when mor
e than 50% of attempted shots are fired from beyond the arc, or it could see
 the advent of creative defenses led by a generation of players who can stem
 the tide. Just as likely, those who govern the NBA may believe that reining
 in the 3-pointer is a solution in search of a problem.


Given the 50% premium for a shot that's rarely 50% more difficult, getting p
layers to wean themselves off 3-pointers wouldn't come without some signific
ant changes to the incentive structure.


A more radical proposal from a longtime league power broker who wishes to re
main anonymous (unless the idea gains traction) would curb inflation by limi
ting supply: Cap the amount of 3-pointers a team can take over the course of
 a game.


Over the first 42 minutes of the game, each team would have the chance to at
tempt 20 shots from beyond the arc that would count for three points. Once a
n offense runs out of those 20 attempts, it can keep shooting from behind th
e line, but each subsequent make would count for only two points -- until th
e 6:00 mark of the fourth quarter, when attempts would once again worth thre
e points until the game is over.


Under these rules, an offense would need to be strategic and selective with
its 3s.


A successful league remains in a constant state of vigilance about the chara
cter of its product and the pat of its trends. Scoring, and the 3-pointer i
n particular, revitalized NBA basketball at some of its most precarious mome
nts when it threatened to fall behind the NHL, then again two decades later
when it lost its aesthetic appeal.


NBA insiders say all these 3s are reaching a critical mass
Coaches and executives open up about the NBA's 3-point explosion. Is there a fix? ...


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[外絮] 三分球過於氾濫 經紀人希望聯盟應該做出改變
03-10 21:25 mingonly.
akanishiking: SBL領先全美1F 03/10 21:26
SEVEnMonth: 開放4分球嗎2F 03/10 21:26
※ 編輯: mingonly ( 臺灣), 03/10/2021 21:27:00
takechance: 笑死 季後賽就是中距離穩拿比不穩定三分好用3F 03/10 21:27
l2l: 自從允許後撤步三分就逐漸變成現在這個樣子了4F 03/10 21:28
black205: 火箭也沒奪冠啊5F 03/10 21:28
jumpballfan:  哈哈 美國也走進SBL泥淖  之後收視會開始往下掉6F 03/10 21:28
crystal666: 不然把三分改2.5分阿7F 03/10 21:29
amazingwow: 不然算每個距離的平均命中率 再調整分數讓期望值相8F 03/10 21:31
ooxxman: 把三分線弄再遠,降低命中率得分期望值,或獎勵兩分10F 03/10 21:32
asd831129: 有點像之前有人抱怨棒球太多全壘打XD11F 03/10 21:32
mose56789: 笑死 乾脆改成灌籃算三分好不好12F 03/10 21:34
ooxxman: 台灣彈力球使中職是超級打擊聯盟也是出現反動換球了13F 03/10 21:34
brightest: 改成三分犯規只能罰兩球如何14F 03/10 21:34
dakkk: 灌籃也很多15F 03/10 21:35
smik: 白痴,要不要把3分線塗掉?16F 03/10 21:35
MPtter: 誰是Vincent Edwards?17F 03/10 21:36
sezna: 觀賞上的確是問題 很多隊最後追分就是一直賭3分18F 03/10 21:37
dcoog7880: 智障評論19F 03/10 21:37
sezna: 幾球沒進後變超難看20F 03/10 21:37
amazesql: 把籃框縮小如何?21F 03/10 21:37
※ 編輯: mingonly ( 臺灣), 03/10/2021 21:38:28
ken720331: 髮膠真的商業聯盟的領先羊22F 03/10 21:38
corlos: 西門:23F 03/10 21:38
kkjjkkjj: 學581啊有夠難看24F 03/10 21:39
GeeBen: 三分不是重點 重點還是要把球投進25F 03/10 21:39
shadow0326: 這還不簡單 建立四分球制度 大家就不會投三分了26F 03/10 21:40
CCFACE: 最早波波就說了27F 03/10 21:40
gadoma: 同意是因為允許後撤步的使用增加太多三分球出手空間,問題不在次數相對稀少的logo shot28F 03/10 21:40
ooxxman: 三分三秒:進攻除持球者,其他人到前場後不能停三秒30F 03/10 21:41
kimo6414: 西門按了讚31F 03/10 21:41
gadoma: 一堆三分球都是因為後撤步造出來的投籃空間32F 03/10 21:42
pneumo: 20尺外投球算背框33F 03/10 21:44
ooxxman: 其實大三分砲手濫觴,浪花兄弟沒什麼在用後撤步三分34F 03/10 21:44
alonelykid: 比起三分我比較不想看要犯35F 03/10 21:44
IBIZA: 聯盟幾時不允許後撤歩三分過?36F 03/10 21:45
nnkj: 只剩湖人以努力防守與兩分球打出戰績37F 03/10 21:45
kerogunpla: 西門的經紀人喔38F 03/10 21:45
IBIZA: 聯盟也沒幾個人拿後撤三分當主要武器39F 03/10 21:45
brian040818: 一律兩分就好了,站越遠越自找麻煩40F 03/10 21:46
KingChang711: 乾脆把三分線弄遠一點好了,這樣保證出手次數降低更狠的方法就是直接廢除三分球41F 03/10 21:46
rebuildModel: 三分線加2公尺就搞定啦。43F 03/10 21:47
asd831129: 湖人去年是總冠軍史上場均最多三分出手的一年44F 03/10 21:48
bloodruru: 三分主流就是 一堆籃球天才開發出來的Meta 除非有限45F 03/10 21:48
icou: 能贏就是重點46F 03/10 21:48
bloodruru: 制(禁角) 不然不可能改掉的47F 03/10 21:49
kenton1234: 我只想知道這個有權勢的匿名經紀人是哪個白痴48F 03/10 21:49
candbilly153: 所以以後投三分是要被判進攻犯規啊49F 03/10 21:49
taiwanalien: 鬍子那種在規則內多一步的不太算後徹步三分50F 03/10 21:50
ddabc1234: 阿就不會只守三分外圍 禁區完全放給他切啊!還會靠腰三分太多??51F 03/10 21:50
taiwanalien: MJ中距離那種一步後撤拉開後間後馬上出手,比較算53F 03/10 21:50
wpd: 底線三分抽掉啊 照圓弧畫不縮 底線只剩腳尖可以站54F 03/10 21:51
taiwanalien: 鬍子比較像凌波微步55F 03/10 21:51
wpd: 看你怎麼放腳色球員埋伏底線三分56F 03/10 21:51
live147222: 在中距離投籃,好看!在三分線外投籃,不好看!57F 03/10 21:52
roee333: 增加三分線距離啊不然是多會投58F 03/10 21:52
kkk242526: 肉搏時代觀眾也很多啊59F 03/10 21:53
Bronze5god: 8760F 03/10 21:53
Drainhide: 不然學投籃機啊,每節最後3分鐘投三分才算三分61F 03/10 21:54
baggio717: 開放hand check,三分球就會往下掉62F 03/10 21:54
narniaplus: 讓三分買飯變難 ,內線買飯容易馬上風向就變了64F 03/10 21:55
sixis: 改2.5分是唯一解65F 03/10 21:57
mepass: 文章內就提到了啊 三分線出手的效益就是比中距離高 所以要解決就是拉遠三分線66F 03/10 21:58
sixis: 如果不更改場地大小的話68F 03/10 21:58
mepass: 當大家覺得三分不好投的時候 自然又會往裡面攻69F 03/10 21:59
IWID: 推開放hand check,另外允許對射手稍多的身體接觸難買飯就行了70F 03/10 21:59
raysilence: 那把藍框縮小算了 = =72F 03/10 22:00
toeic900: 開放四分球不會喔73F 03/10 22:00
ooxxman: 籃框變小是所有的投籃都被影響,打鐵率大增反變難看74F 03/10 22:01
glaten: 現代人真的越來越廢,不去苦練球技,而是限制球星的能力75F 03/10 22:01
tedandjolin: 改灌籃三分啊 大部分的人都能投進三分 但是灌籃一輩子都無法 怎麼想都灌籃比較難77F 03/10 22:01
Liszt1025: 還不都是封鎖hand chech的鍋,變成大射手時代79F 03/10 22:02
mark31326: 我覺得背籃慢慢磨才他媽難看80F 03/10 22:04
palapalanhu: 以後沒內線球員了81F 03/10 22:04
heavensun: 籃框 用機器移動82F 03/10 22:04
kidjoe: 贊成灌籃加分   依難度應該4分83F 03/10 22:05
nba407t: 比賽內容的最大問題是一分球不是三分84F 03/10 22:06
sk050607: 3分改2.5分,罰球依舊罰三,完美解決85F 03/10 22:06
gotohikaru: 重新計算各距離的得分啊86F 03/10 22:07
mirac1e: 就開放四分球啊 不然三分球也沒意義了87F 03/10 22:08
Drainhide: hand check開放後就會有更多衝突打架了88F 03/10 22:09
Alipapa: 吹判尺度才是難看主因 比賽都被切得很零碎89F 03/10 22:09
h321123aa: 就讓聯盟自然演變就好,遲早會修正90F 03/10 22:11
aquacomfort: 現在滿滿的四成命中率等球射手 hand check是能幹嘛91F 03/10 22:11
XZJLoser: 油漆區三分啦  三分線撤掉:)92F 03/10 22:12
heavensun: hand check 阻止不了哈登93F 03/10 22:12
testttt: sbl領導籃球發展94F 03/10 22:14
lillardfor3: 改成空檔3分算2分 有對位才算3分95F 03/10 22:14
a5923849: 一堆投三分結果罰球線都投不進96F 03/10 22:16
ldr521: 有怎樣嗎97F 03/10 22:17
sunnyyoung: 限制次數 什麼智障想法 就再拉長三分線距離 取消底線三分線 自然就降掉三分分比例了98F 03/10 22:19
Demia: 我覺得大三分時代也是有刺激之處,沒必要改吧。100F 03/10 22:21
andieschen: 禁區 中距離 3分 籃球再怎麼玩不就這三種 廢掉3分然後全部的人都龜在3分線內 這樣會比較好看?101F 03/10 22:22
heavensun: 以前聯盟縮短過三分  發現3分太多  又拉長
現在3分太多  再拉長三分線9好惹  有先例阿103F 03/10 22:22
qazo321: 一直投三分是真的頗無聊105F 03/10 22:23
s9415154: 裁判才是最大問題吧106F 03/10 22:24
qazo321: 文中沒有提到要取消三分線吧107F 03/10 22:24
wpd: 而且FIBA也拉長 NBA只要秉持94要比FIBA遠多少距離的精神  古派今派也沒啥好吵距離的108F 03/10 22:24
gm79227922: 灌籃也三分這樣互相傷害比較有趣110F 03/10 22:25
a2881105: 取消三分就變成1960年代球風了啦,沒三分線等於只有中鋒能打111F 03/10 22:30
jojo90320: 裁判問題>>>>>>>>>>>>三分球過多113F 03/10 22:31
roger744: 灌籃算3分,現在的3分球算2.5分114F 03/10 22:31
heavensun: 吹太多 金身一堆罰  比賽才變無聊
球員比較常抱怨的也是  對方吹哨太多115F 03/10 22:34
WLR: 該是時候做出4分球來區分Logo shot型射手了117F 03/10 22:35
Drainhide: 把那個甚麼第0步取消,走步運球等相關違例嚴格吹判比修改三分還要來得重要多了118F 03/10 22:35
abdgmnzc: 那不就變成禁區磨老半天的比賽120F 03/10 22:37
OyAlbert: 改規則允許一定程度的身體接觸啊==121F 03/10 22:39
minimum: 事實就是難看122F 03/10 22:39
IBIZA: 恢復身體接觸是不可能的啦, 聯盟認定大家不愛看低比分的肢體碰撞防守比賽, 也的確是這樣123F 03/10 22:40
johnny3710: 吹判才是真的主因125F 03/10 22:43
alittleghost: 在兩側底角這種縮短的3分線,投進計2分126F 03/10 22:49
MK47: 你把hand check加回來啊 這樣沒擺脫誰敢亂拔起來投127F 03/10 22:51
PTTfaggot: 數年前看台籃SBL不就這樣了 領先全球128F 03/10 22:52
edshen: 每場最多出手20次 如何?? 超過就技術犯規129F 03/10 22:52
TOKYOLin: 一直投三分比賽真的難看...90年代比賽好看不是沒有原因的!130F 03/10 22:53
wurenben: fg算3分 原3fg算4分,罰球仍1分..但進攻時間延到30秒132F 03/10 22:57
KOFIORI: 2分變3分 3分變4分就解決期望值的問題了133F 03/10 22:57
wurenben: 所有出手犯規都罰1球,降低罰球期望值134F 03/10 22:58
conanhide: 應該要開放第六人參戰了。6v6全場!135F 03/10 22:59
WLR: 匿名經紀人的建議沒參考價值,只代表他的客戶不是靠三分吃飯,他才會講這種話136F 03/10 22:59
mark0204: 啥時改6呎以上的人禁止進入禁區?138F 03/10 22:59
egghard29: 讓禁區三分跟中距離犯規標準一致 應可以稍微改善139F 03/10 23:04
JRSmith: 為啥阿銀會覺得美國人愛看這種碰瓷投籃大賽140F 03/10 23:05
lucifiel1618: 奇怪你廢掉hand check就不算限制球星的能力嗎
乾脆說走步腳踢球等等違例也是限制球星的能力好了141F 03/10 23:09
Mensholaten: 以前肉柱磨禁區才被罵翻 現在三分也要罵143F 03/10 23:13
Edison301076: 應該畫灌籃線 愈遠灌愈多分144F 03/10 23:21
walter741225: 給外線防守多點空間才有辦法 不然無解145F 03/10 23:21
wpd: 球星投三分不是問題   問題是角色球員都挑投三分的該解的解法是讓投三分的角色球員效率降低146F 03/10 23:24
Renishikawa: 那個後撤步先改回來再說148F 03/10 23:25
wpd: 而不是去限制球星149F 03/10 23:27
NCTUEE800808: 避免武肺R 先劃圓150F 03/10 23:27
wpd: 當你角色球員拉空間效果降低  球星已經會稍微會有受到衝擊了  不過應該是可以調整的範圍151F 03/10 23:27
kixer2005: 2分改成3分  3分改成4分  效率值差距直接少一半153F 03/10 23:29
wpd: 得幾分牽扯到歷史記錄問題 不可能會改的154F 03/10 23:29
bofa: 限制三分球...不如叫球員玩籃球機算了155F 03/10 23:30
wpd: 資訊不發達年代改就算了  現在動不動每天都提記錄改幾分只會翻天覆地156F 03/10 23:30
kixer2005: 改計進球數就可以了  分數其實沒有意義158F 03/10 23:31
jameslin510: 提速提速!159F 03/10 23:32
wpd: 得分其實沒有意義?? 幾屆得分王 81精神 通通不同意你覺得沒意義 放你心中就好160F 03/10 23:32
jyunwei: 不要給買飯啊,圓柱體垂直空間被侵入以外的什麼前仰後仰買飯都不要給162F 03/10 23:34
taiwanrules: 劃重點 Casey :看起來沒防守 實際上是太難防了 Carlisle:不是壞事 球員們變得技術更好了 看來教練們還是了解狀況的164F 03/10 23:36
gomi: 灌籃改三分 多拉一竿加一分 三夾以上再加兩分167F 03/10 23:38
wayne0215: 應該先禁止KI這種運球過肩的打法168F 03/10 23:38
awheaton311: 教練可以控制球隊的進攻走向啊 不然你來幹嘛169F 03/10 23:41
qaz19wsx96: 可是要我回到2000年初期的馬刺鐵血陣地戰我也受不了170F 03/10 23:41
s891050: 一堆屁話,什麼都要該,乾脆別打172F 03/10 23:42
qaz19wsx96: 現在回去看以前的比賽都會wtf明明三分空檔這麼大幹嘛硬要往前運一步173F 03/10 23:42
s891050: 先把殘判問題處理好啦!175F 03/10 23:42
awheaton311: 肉搏互相打鐵也沒比較好看啊176F 03/10 23:43
qaz19wsx96: 而且以前肉柱對打不是也被酸磨屁股有夠難看嗎177F 03/10 23:44
markkao456: 改一堆規則讓後衛更好打還一堆走步的 還不投爆178F 03/10 23:45
NiuBi5566: 就太保護三分射手吧 輕微接觸一下就響哨賠三罰179F 03/10 23:45
s891050: 怎麼不禁止駭客戰術,怎麼不檢討殘判亂吹哨?180F 03/10 23:45
Neotiger: 靠邀這個不如考慮減少摸毛哨 整場逼逼叫看罰球181F 03/10 23:51
jimmyisgay: 把三分線再擴遠182F 03/10 23:53
Tawara: 那個經紀人是不是簽了一堆不投三分的球員183F 03/10 23:54
g27834618: 請改哨音問題好嗎184F 03/10 23:56
wahaha303: 西門想早個十年出生185F 03/10 23:56
EricTao: 乾脆三分沒進倒扣0.5分好了186F 03/11 00:10
mikeneko: 把兩分球算3分,3分球算4分不就好了
現在問題是三分球期望值太高,那就讓期望值下降啊187F 03/11 00:10
Truck2: 我認為最簡單的改法就是:三分線外出手犯規罰1~2球(其他規則都不變),降低三分線外出手犯規的罰球數,防守方自然更敢積極防守189F 03/11 00:12
megumirei: 技術變更好了 看不粗來呢 根本沒防守192F 03/11 00:18
karmel: 是沒錯,但這樣就要改革也有點...193F 03/11 00:18
j60105ocg: 經紀人算哪根蔥194F 03/11 00:18
dinosaurjr: 就像大聯盟不是三振就是全壘打 數據效率決定趨勢195F 03/11 00:18
xcv591: 不爽可以不要投阿196F 03/11 00:20
SuikaJasper: 減3分罰球不可行啦,那只要對面有空檔三分就毀掉再說,投射太好毀掉了你壯也沒用,這規則射手會被打死197F 03/11 00:24
kingroy: 進攻方現在是切入不能被hand check還有第零步可以後撤三分 跟一堆神奇腳步199F 03/11 00:24
puro: 無法跟著改變就被淘汰啊 哪個智障提出來的啊201F 03/11 00:27
matthew60707: 我覺得如果有合理的方式可以讓球員更謹慎的出手三分我是樂觀其成   但很難202F 03/11 00:33
zxriffey: 還不是裁判害得,太容易嗶嗶,導致出手空間大204F 03/11 00:34
yudofu: 改成一次六個上場,或者三分不進倒扣0.5205F 03/11 00:43
starchiang: 這沒什麽,等你收視率開始掉,才會去改的206F 03/11 00:44
kfcgg520: 灌籃算三分就好 增加球員想要灌籃慾望207F 03/11 00:49
leoz69927: 變成三分球大賽208F 03/11 00:50
ksuenjjr: 恢復hand check,禁止前仰買飯209F 03/11 00:51
vanson37: 簡單啊,那就增設四分球嘛,這樣大家就不會投三分了210F 03/11 00:54
HAYABUSA1207: 灌籃得4分,大家就會卯起來幹籃下211F 03/11 00:54
mmk: 不投三分都是戰術失誤 不組團都是陪姆斯打球
不賣小將就是只會組團不會冠軍212F 03/11 00:56
kenmore: 防守強度問題,有摸毛哨就容易出手214F 03/11 01:01
as1357975: 這評論不優,這是市場決定出來的215F 03/11 01:12
orangeray: 一直投三分真的不好看但限制次數反而是過頭了216F 03/11 01:17
DrizztMon: SBL:217F 03/11 01:18
josh0412: 還是3分球沒進-1分218F 03/11 01:27
ciafbi007: 投的進就問題不大 裁判蝦機八亂吹還比較影響觀看體219F 03/11 01:33
bbcumback2me: 打不贏就想改規則,真他媽有你的221F 03/11 01:38
