看板 NBA
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
標題 [外絮] 某東區高層:希望DAJ加入湖人退休老人隊
時間 Thu Sep  2 14:32:13 2021

來源: Lakers Daily
網址: https://tinyurl.com/km6jfbw3
Rival executive throws shade at 'AARP squad' Lakers for being interested in DeAndre Jordan - Lakers Daily
An Eastern Conference executive took a major shot at the Los Angeles Lakers for being interested in DeAndre Jordan. Jordan would be the latest veteran ...


Rival executive throws shade at ‘AARP squad’ Lakers for being interested in
DeAndre Jordan
某球隊高層對於湖人對DeAndre Jordan有興趣 「退休老人隊」

An Eastern Conference executive took a major shot at the Los Angeles Lakers
for being interested in DeAndre Jordan.
一位東區某球團高層對於湖人有興趣找DeAndre Jordan這檔事開砲了。

“I hope the [Brooklyn] Nets buy him out so he can join the Lakers’ AARP
squad,” an Eastern Conference executive told Michael Scotto of Hoops Hype. “
Better yet, the LAARP. I’ve never seen a roster like this.”
區球隊高層跟Hoops Hype記者Michael Scotto說。「更酷的話可以叫他們湖老人隊

Jordan would be the latest veteran addition for the Lakers. There’s no
question that many players on the team’s roster are aging, but that doesn’t
necessarily mean that those players aren’t productive anymore.

The 33-year-old Jordan would be a nice frontcourt depth piece for L.A. His
best years are behind him, but he’s still a great rebounder thanks to his
6-foot-11 frame.

In the 2020-21 season, Jordan averaged 7.5 points and 7.5 rebounds per game.
For his career, he averages 9.4 points and 10.6 rebounds per game.

The former second-round pick has had a nice NBA career. At this stage, his
biggest weakness is arguably his defense. He has gotten slower over the
years, and he’s not the elite defender that he used to be.

Regardless, he figures to land on his feet if the Nets ultimately do buy him
out. He could conceivably land with L.A.


AARP: American Association of Retired Persons

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1XC6_mFL (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1630564336.A.3D5.html
live147222: 感覺湖人真的會找啊 一直在補那種ID看起來很強的1F 09/02 14:34
IAMGRICE: 湖老人,哭啊2F 09/02 14:35
TexasFlood: 湖中老人隊3F 09/02 14:36
Coffeewater: 湖人全明星隊到底要怎麼輸4F 09/02 14:38
jordan0634: PTT NBA版組團王表示:誰能比我強。5F 09/02 14:38
a1684114: 湖人夢幻隊蒿吐露絲= =6F 09/02 14:39
chuchu000: 哭啊 洛杉磯阿北隊的老人至少還有點實力 DAJ還有什7F 09/02 14:39
chuchu000: 這東區高層是籃網還公鹿10F 09/02 14:40
gundam01: 應該不是籃網的11F 09/02 14:41
live147222: 塞爾提克吧12F 09/02 14:41
zaqpptuse: 這老人不太行誒13F 09/02 14:42
rp20031219: 老頭戰隊14F 09/02 14:42
pickon: 三十三剛好穿紫金衫15F 09/02 14:44
hotpamsko: L.A.歐吉桑16F 09/02 14:45
tomoti: 等著看湖人笑話的吧,這東區高層XD17F 09/02 14:45
citydiver: 小喬丹33歲年齡夠老 打過明星賽 進過年度隊
戰功顯赫履歷完整 資格符合 湖人收了18F 09/02 14:47
crownschou: 比魔獸還慘20F 09/02 14:49
ks96021019: 有夠老別再收了21F 09/02 14:50
roger2623900: 這隻補進來真的不知道怎麼用22F 09/02 14:50
mmchen: 湖人怎麼輸,全明星陣容23F 09/02 14:50
ken720331: 笑死24F 09/02 14:53
HansonBobo: 完全不需要25F 09/02 14:53
slaughter99: 整個生涯都不是頂尖的防守26F 09/02 14:59
zhutou: 去年就看牌子找了抓猛 再撿小喬丹也不意外
湖人高層有些作風連球迷都看不懂27F 09/02 15:07
stevetsao123: 有魔獸了還需要DAJ嗎29F 09/02 15:08
jack0727: 這個跟抓猛一樣 我湖不要30F 09/02 15:09
a20351: 大概跟抓猛一樣上了效益很差31F 09/02 15:09
hws606: 有魔獸了 不需要32F 09/02 15:11
f77928: 底薪戰隊+133F 09/02 15:12
raven30019: 當mcgee用其實可以吧34F 09/02 15:13
a3221715: 吃餅強化版抓猛35F 09/02 15:14
sato111: 老湖隊 湖老隊 怎麼輸呀36F 09/02 15:17
cocojohn111: 湖人被看好的時候打的有夠爛
這群老人欠人瞧不起37F 09/02 15:17
neak: 這個聽起來就很像熱火隊萊利會說的 XDDDD39F 09/02 15:17
sato111: 1~5號都是明星球員直接頒冠軍了吧40F 09/02 15:19
CarlosJR: 湖佬隊41F 09/02 15:19
hbkhhhdx2006: 去年不看好結果奪冠,今年看好結果一輪遊42F 09/02 15:24
l2l: 說到McGee 湖人季後賽後來也棄用了 結果太陽還5M簽43F 09/02 15:27
EvansChang: 雖然都是底薪報團 但我覺得吃像還是比籃網好看44F 09/02 15:27
l2l: 有時候一個隊眼中的垃圾 可能在另一隊眼中是寶45F 09/02 15:29
opp9876: MYBOY 也不算棄用 就陣型被剋 沒辦法放他上場46F 09/02 15:29
l2l: 即便如此 事實上賽季一結束他轉手就被清掉了
當然不是不能用 但可能覺得太貴 或有更好的選擇
只是看到太陽用比當時在湖人更高的價錢簽下他有感47F 09/02 15:32
bob2245656: 這老人我覺得不太行50F 09/02 15:38
kosha: VC Tmac AI: yo we're ready51F 09/02 15:40
Gsun: McGee: 好歹我也是美國隊隨隊Youtuber52F 09/02 15:45
spectrumd: 敢嗆聲但不敢具名?53F 09/02 15:48
JouEriko: 龜:麥亂,搶籃板的已經夠多了。54F 09/02 15:52
shwkz: 四大禁區 馬甲AD魔獸小喬  嗯...還可以啦 保護AD55F 09/02 16:01
hsiaulong: 四大禁區 剛好一人扛6分鐘,還夠護一生喔56F 09/02 16:09
jim986988: 每次也某名或是不具名 這種言論Duck不必57F 09/02 16:17
sustainer123: DAJ魔獸小家嫂AD 六年前版本就神了58F 09/02 16:18
snow1212: 姆斯這組團紀錄以後有人破得了嗎?59F 09/02 17:04
cayalst: 當Mcgee用 當初用他就好啦 至少例行賽吃時間還可以60F 09/02 17:14
horstyle0411: 東區球團高層:氣氣氣氣氣61F 09/02 17:15
