看板 NBA
作者 scott6065 (Dongsoso)
標題 [花邊] 77:我喜歡Wood,我吼他他都不生氣
時間 Mon Jan  2 00:09:59 2023


Luka Doncic on relationship with Christian Wood: "He doesn't get mad at me whe
n sometimes I yell at him, and that's what I appreciate. ... Sometimes it's ha
rd to be with me on the court probably. I just want to win. He appreciates tha
t, he never gets mad. ... It's working great."


Luka Doncic on Christian Wood's sense of humor: "He has no sense of humor. I h
ave way more. I tell him my jokes. My jokes are great, so he's learning from m
e. You should ask him." Doncic: "It's more dad jokes. It's okay. They're great
Wood: "Yeah, we're pretty close."



77說 都是些大冰奶封膜上面的笑話。

dad jokes,聽的人覺得笑話超冷,但是講的人卻覺得超好笑的笑話

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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1ZiR1Pei (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1672589401.A.A2C.html
foolishbi: 甲上1F 01/02 00:11
laptic: 這裡不適合群聊 = =2F 01/02 00:12
Mentha: 又一個FUN GUY?3F 01/02 00:14
MotleyCrue: 這裡是男同俱樂部 不是nba4F 01/02 00:18
BerlinerBlau: 在那叫什麼!5F 01/02 00:19
usmangaruba: dad jokes 我倒是想到密爾瓦基的一個男人6F 01/02 00:19
wwf1588: 那誰不幽默?7F 01/02 00:20
Arigatosam: 77也懂大冰奶8F 01/02 00:20
mose56789: 管理層知道該做什麼了吧9F 01/02 00:24
stune: 老爸的笑話吧10F 01/02 00:25
etfive217: 那吼kp呢 (挖坑11F 01/02 00:25
josephpu: 大冰奶笑話,這翻譯很可以12F 01/02 00:26
horstyle0411: 騙人! 77知道大冰奶笑話就不會那麼胖了13F 01/02 00:30
santiago148: 大冰奶笑話XDD 翻得好傳神 讓人會心一笑14F 01/02 00:36
allenchtw: 大冰奶封膜上面的笑話 這句翻譯超讚!15F 01/02 00:42
alex0973: 休息是為了走更長遠的路 但是走太遠 會沒網路~~~ 囧16F 01/02 00:43
wayne0215: 但77的罰球有時候真的像剛喝完早餐店大冰奶的樣子18F 01/02 00:51
sikadear: 77扛的住烙賽大冰奶喔 太神了吧19F 01/02 00:52
REI3173: 吼吼吼吼齁 吼吼齁~齁吼齁齁~洽幾20F 01/02 00:53
issy: 頭牌開金口了,管理層該續下去了吧21F 01/02 00:56
linfon00: TD會是你的最愛22F 01/02 01:01
awheaton311: 想說大冰奶笑話的英文是啥 翻譯的不錯耶23F 01/02 01:06
MK47: 大冰奶笑話XD24F 01/02 01:12
SCLPAL: 不過伍德好像會攤手lol?今天有球77自己上,他在攤手25F 01/02 01:30
b2305911: 這裡是群聊26F 01/02 01:47
hbl420ii: 伍德在火箭時不是很氣氛嗎27F 01/02 01:55
mushroomDD: 贏球治百病啊28F 01/02 02:17
a3221715: 77喜歡 留了29F 01/02 02:17
lkjhgfdsa681: 推大冰奶翻譯XDD30F 01/02 02:46
DrNTU: pretty close應該是很合的意思31F 01/02 03:34
wahaha303: Boban在你身後 他很生氣32F 01/02 03:58
Zante: 噗嘰噗嘰33F 01/02 03:59
