看板 NBA
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
標題 [外絮] Looney說K湯給他取的外號是"Looajuwon"
時間 Tue Oct 18 11:04:24 2022

Why Klay Thompson's hilarious Kevon Looney nickname 'means a lot' - NBC Sports Bay Area
Kevon Looney talked about the nickname Klay Thompson gave him in the playoffs last season and what it means to him. ...


Why Klay's perfect Loon nickname 'means a lot' to Dubs big man

When Klay Thompson gives you a nickname, it’s almost a guarantee it will

Thompson dubbed Warriors center Kevon Looney the perfect moniker last season
after Loon’s historic 22-rebound performance in Game 6 of the Western
Conference semifinals against the Memphis Grizzlies.
當上個季後賽西區準決賽Game 6勇士面對灰熊,Looney拿下單場22個籃板後,K湯就給

"Kevon Looajuwon."
「Kevon Looajuwon。」

And several months later, the nickname still brings a big smile to Looney’s

“That means a lot, especially hearing it from Klay,” Looney told NBC Sports
Bay Area’s Warriors insider Monte Poole in September. “He’s somebody who
knows what I’ve been through. He kind of had that same journey; we had to
miss the game of basketball. So he knows how hard it is to get back to that

“For [Thompson] to get back to that point and give me that praise and
compare me to somebody like that, it’s cool," Looney said. "Dream is a Hall
of Famer, one of the top 10 greatest players ever but for me to just have
moments and get a nickname like that is just awesome.

"Klay’s a different type of guy, and for him to come up with that, it’s


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cidcheng: 魯阿啾望1F 10/18 11:05
※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 10/18/2022 11:05:30
canoe: 魯阿豬旺2F 10/18 11:06
DeAyton: 懶X比雞腿3F 10/18 11:06
lafeelbarth: ㄎㄧㄤ4F 10/18 11:06
Strasburg: 一魯四射5F 10/18 11:07
breadf: 歐拉朱旺→歐天王,這個應該可以稱魯天王6F 10/18 11:08
gg8n8nd34ss: 間歇性歐拉朱萬症候群7F 10/18 11:09
sustainer123: 魯天王8F 10/18 11:10
GreenMay22: 打氣成分居多啦,旁人吃不到喊燒才在那邊比雞腿9F 10/18 11:10
mjordanlin: 差很多10F 10/18 11:10
d270007: 以前有魯長老,現在出了一個魯天王11F 10/18 11:10
ji394tb: Juwan Howard:12F 10/18 11:12
shark23peng: 滷豬旺聽起來很下飯13F 10/18 11:13
chen2021: Loodman14F 10/18 11:14
NudieJeans: 肚子餓了15F 10/18 11:15
inuyaksa: 魯尼補習班開課啦~16F 10/18 11:16
xbit: 就綽號而已..你喜歡也能取台北金城武當綽號阿17F 10/18 11:19
findwind0826: 季後賽22籃板真的好猛…18F 10/18 11:20
Jason0813: 應該是法號19F 10/18 11:22
Marytin: k湯除了維持健康不行 其他都很專業20F 10/18 11:24
Eijidate: 魯辣豬王21F 10/18 11:26
saTUnotSATO: 不是魯尼爾嗎22F 10/18 11:31
karmel: 這就稱讚而已啊 他自己也知道差很多 但還是會開心23F 10/18 11:32
Olajuwon: ?24F 10/18 11:33
karmel: 如果魯尼跟Olajuwon一樣強 勇士會比KD勇還變態25F 10/18 11:33
HrtUndrBld: 魯天王...真的好強...26F 10/18 11:34
karmel: 但魯尼那場22籃板真的救世主27F 10/18 11:35
mscmobitai: 龍豬亡28F 10/18 11:36
karmel: 而且11個進攻籃板
那場剛好G6湯也顯靈 不然G7很抖29F 10/18 11:36
sunnyyoung: 魯歐拉朱萬31F 10/18 11:37
s310213: 有點拗口啊XD32F 10/18 11:38
moon963: 懶叫王33F 10/18 11:39
tomoti: 歐比王表示:...34F 10/18 11:44
Antares: 勇士就是魯咖連線啊
其他都雜魚35F 10/18 11:45
Azabulu: 魯辣腸旺37F 10/18 11:49
karmel: 新賽季智將應該能分擔他的很多工作38F 10/18 11:51
RadioMan: 魯豬旺 感覺很好吃39F 10/18 11:51
pp18637: 這是很棒的鼓勵40F 10/18 11:51
kennyru04wj4: 好好笑 XD 嚕啦啾萬41F 10/18 11:59
ptt821105: 希望魯尼中距離越來越穩42F 10/18 12:00
SundayPeople: 還有人認真 笑死43F 10/18 12:04
greedfat: 魯德曼比較會抓板44F 10/18 12:04
OPPAISuki: 魯有腳45F 10/18 12:05
hannah5269: 皇城內一片歡愉46F 10/18 12:06
darren2586: 智將*健康的話47F 10/18 12:09
f92174: 超尼 我的魯人48F 10/18 12:10
JoshSmith: 魯有腳49F 10/18 12:13
Harrison1814: 推魯尼我勇的超人50F 10/18 12:14
APC: 季後賽 22 板有資格上這個外號了,嚕阿朱望 aka 灣區奧拉朱望51F 10/18 12:14
headcase: 笑死 差那麼多53F 10/18 12:15
interact: 22板吹一輩子,厲害了54F 10/18 12:16
Argen: 老闆來一顆 滷辣豬丸55F 10/18 12:16
hyperfrog: 滷豬王56F 10/18 12:21
basswalker: 就是個稱讚跟激勵 有些人很激動欸==57F 10/18 12:21
hyperfrog: 感覺很像豬腳專賣店58F 10/18 12:22
dkl1027: 嘴綠事件靜悄悄 這種事倒是很多話59F 10/18 12:23
delhuang: 就取個外號而已也有人能崩潰 人生一定很累吧XD60F 10/18 12:23
wake00005: 我覺得努力成為魯德曼比較實在61F 10/18 12:24
kixer2005: 外線給浪花  內線腳步給他騷起來62F 10/18 12:25
new1974: 沒有前10啦63F 10/18 12:26
timchiu1: 這就是個輕鬆的新聞 大家好較真64F 10/18 12:26
hank7218: 為什麼不是魯德曼?65F 10/18 12:29
malain: 抱歉本魯大安東尼。戴維斯,準備開啟連勝66F 10/18 12:31
akko76815: 哪裡靜悄悄 魯尼不是發言很多嗎 有人在雲67F 10/18 12:35
MattiaPasini: 滷啦豬旺68F 10/18 12:37
DeAyton: 不想整天看蛹蛹吹雜魚也算崩潰喔,一言堂?
還有那個說旁人吃不到的笑死,除了你們在吹還有哪隊要69F 10/18 12:48
basswalker: 不想看你還特地回頭來留言是真愛吧 給你愛的鼓勵啦不要生氣72F 10/18 12:50
xo1100: Looneal74F 10/18 12:51
dvnorlag: 爐就旺75F 10/18 12:53
malain: 打小獨,你口中的雜魚關鍵時刻留在場上抓籃板,你搶7被冰在板凳哭哭,懂?76F 10/18 12:54
seedhorse: 季後賽22籃板真的是很鬼神...78F 10/18 12:59
st890284: 取球員id還在丟臉真的好笑79F 10/18 13:01
vasia: 魯天王80F 10/18 13:07
