※ 本文轉寄自 applejone.bbs@ptt.cc 時間: 2011-06-13 17:38:24

看板 PC_Shopping
作者 RayHouston (Superay)
標題 [情報] Corsair發佈新水冷散熱器H80 & H100
時間 Wed Jun  1 15:09:22 2011


The H80 includes a double-thick 120mm radiator for compatibility with virtually
all standard ATX PC cases. The top-of-the-line H100 uses a dual 120mm radiator
for even better performance, and is compatible with PC cases that provide
mounting capability for a standard 240mm radiator. The Hydro Series H80 and
H100 will be available from Corsair-authorized retailers worldwide in June.

The Hydro Series H80 will be available for a US suggested retail price of $109
USD, and the Hydro Series H100 will be available for a US suggested retail
price of $119 USD.

H80: (增厚120mm水冷排;零售價109美金)

H100: (240mm水冷排;零售價119美金)


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
vic81324:LOL1F 06/01 15:11
a9734329:有點貴,樓下買給我2F 06/01 15:27
stupidfox:剛買H60 沒錢3F 06/01 15:31
hh410:越來越巨大的冷排4F 06/01 15:35
shuvaliya:這麼大是要拿來當冰箱喔...5F 06/01 15:46
ArthurYao:把改散熱的錢 拿去買好一點的CPU 讓他以低負載跑 會不會比較好一點?6F 06/01 15:50
mantohu:好大XDD8F 06/01 15:53
hh410:回A大 應該不會我覺得 基本上玩遊戲很難跑到滿速
只有轉檔的時候使用率才會高的可怕 好的CPU只是縮短時間罷了我是這樣思考的9F 06/01 16:01
lsslss:咦 H100我看到94英鎊耶...12F 06/01 17:21
pomelo168168:好大=.=13F 06/01 17:21
flamedevil:都沒廠商要弄冷媒的..14F 06/01 19:09
ang728:以前有用過 太貴了  KENDON KR-115F 06/01 21:10
AmoGT:H100要裝在哪  會不會也太長16F 06/01 22:17
tn00210585:中高階機殼上方有雙風扇孔位17F 06/01 23:28
ebolalala:LOL18F 06/02 00:06
