看板 PokemonGO
作者 bmw3633 (滑鼠兔)
標題 Re: [情報] GO Tour:城都地區 長期調查
時間 Wed Feb 16 06:58:13 2022

Lugia S and Ho-Oh S (the forms we found a couple of months ago, that have now been confirmed to be Apex forms) were just pushed to the game. Same moves and stats as their normal versions, but their purification costs are only 5000 dust and 5 candy.


laker7634: 以後不會所有神獸都給你加個「至尊」重新出一隻吧……02/16 02:58
Also, a while ago we found Suicune S, Entei S, and Raikou S, and those were just pushed as well. They don't have any differences however in terms of moves, purification, etc but it's safe to assume these three forms will also be 'Apex' versions as well.

mouse711217: 之前努力打團體戰抓到的100洛奇亞跟鳳王都.....02/16 06:33
Their purified/shadow moves are the ++ and + moves respectfully, as announced. Ho-Oh S also received Sacred Fire as an ETM move (Ho-OH regular does not).


N社企劃:活動不吸引人? 沒人買票? 開個限定版就解決了

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Re: [情報] GO Tour:城都地區 長期調查
02-16 06:58 bmw3633.
junhong706: 一般的鳳王應該要等城都活動結束後,才會在技能池中加入原始版本的限定招式吧,到時候就能用厲害招式機1F 02/16 07:31
mmsw: 乃哥3F 02/16 08:52
Iknow: Twitter是說只限至尊,有說一般版沒有~強迫逼課~4F 02/16 08:57
zerowingtw: 感覺一般鳳王還是會有神聖之火耶~~只是不能神聖之火+5F 02/16 09:02
R3210: 應該是+跟++才要課?如果是的話就還好 有錢招式升級 合理但沒保證iv 就有點誠意不足6F 02/16 09:03
jayak472001: 長期任務有可能比照任務怪保底。8F 02/16 09:11
LoserLee: 還行啦就測信仰值...抽到保底IV至尊也是蠻尷尬的==9F 02/16 09:16
laker7634: 看來以後沒有「至尊」級的神獸,都可以送博士回收了…10F 02/16 09:18
Iknow: 任務應該有保底IV,淨化還能三圍+2也不會太差了
只有追IV 100的難受而已XD11F 02/16 09:41
popopal: 難受阿13F 02/16 10:29
j022015: 逼死人欸14F 02/16 12:12
ihsan: 至尊拉達15F 02/16 12:43
gilson1974: 等至尊厲害招式機了16F 02/16 13:09
mouse711217: 說不定真的會有樓上說的17F 02/16 13:27
LeftCorner: 應該從至尊綠毛蟲開始出,可以再戰十年18F 02/16 13:29
KiSeigi: 至尊券XD19F 02/16 15:24
arthur6401: 至尊只有課金買才能捕捉囉?
課金拿任務-->解完直接給抓兩隻至尊?20F 02/16 16:26
donnyyy: 至尊....噁噁噁噁噁噁噁
N社是想玩死這個遊戲了吧22F 02/16 16:56
mouse711217: 好好的寶可夢搞得像博弈遊戲24F 02/16 16:57
junhong706: 為了賣至尊鳳王把原版神聖火焰做得比過熱還爛25F 02/16 17:26
fddk: 那之前那隻超夢是不是該自動變至尊超夢?26F 02/16 17:52
Two4: 是說暗影超夢外觀本來就有其他暗影沒有的閃電氣場,跟這次至尊鳳王洛奇亞的外觀還真的有點像27F 02/16 18:28
bmw3633: 本傳的聖火不是本來就比過熱爛嗎?也比大字爆爛29F 02/16 18:57
b99202071: 可是本傳命中率比較高 而且50%灼傷30F 02/16 19:23
shangguan125: 寶可夢不是本來就運氣遊戲?31F 02/16 19:42
Kuromi0929: 馬上進行至尊對決32F 02/16 23:17
pinacolada: ヌシ オヤブン  太免洗了吧 XD33F 02/17 03:03
R3210: 以現在的環境 就算+++ pvp沒用處也不值得花錢啊 又不是買招能單刷五星 但如果淪落到要花錢買招式 我看也沒人想玩了
以娛樂性來說其實免費也能玩得高興34F 02/17 09:56
