看板 ReadingBooks
作者 nevets (tutulu)
標題 Re: 創造力
時間 2012年10月06日 Sat. PM 07:52:29

※ 收件者: RoseSelavy

When ambition enters, creativity disappears -- because an ambitious man cannot be creative, because an ambitious man cannot love any activity for its own sake. While he is painting he is looking ahead; he is thinking, 'When am I going to get a Nobel Prize?' When he is writing a novel, he is looking ahead. He is always in the future -- and a creative person is always in the present. We destroy creativity. Nobody is born uncreative, but we make ninety-nine percent of people uncreative

※ 作者: nevets 時間: 2012-10-06 19:52:29
※ 同主題文章:
10-12 10:33 RoseSelavy
Re: 創造力
10-06 19:52 nevets