作者 vivianhsu319 ()
標題 [影音] 少女時代日專Repackage 試聽
時間 Tue Dec 27 23:27:17 2011

少女時代日專Repackage 試聽

慶祝PTT終於修好了 趕快來聽聽看這次日專改版裡的新歌吧

http://youtu.be/xw0foIiqBBM  Time Machine
SNSD- Time Machine [Audio] The Boys Jap Album Repack. - YouTube SNSD - Time Machine [Jap Ver] Took from Girls Generation The Boys Repackaged Album Jap Ver. LYRICS Itsumo yori sukoshi hiroi heya tada hitori de It's over, g...


http://ppt.cc/L,!, http://ppt.cc/JUhx Time Machine日文+中翻歌詞對照fr.百度少女吧

http://youtu.be/CQm6djIgFlM  The Boys (Japanese Ver.)
111227 SNSD-[Audio/HQ] Official 01. The Boys (Japanese Ver.) - YouTube 111227 111228 111229 111230 111231 120101 120102 120103 [111227] SNSD-[Audio/HQ] Girls' Generation-Official 01. The Boys (Japanese Ver.) @ Re:package Album "...


http://youtu.be/MrEAS9uCqjU  The Great Escape (Brian Lee remix)
Girls' Generation (SNSD) - The Great Escape (Brian Lee remix) [Repackage The Boys] - YouTube Repackage Album GIRLS' GENERATION - The Boys (SNSD) 2. The Great Escape (Brian Lee remix)


http://youtu.be/cwH_Vwxl4Ww  BAD GIRL feat. DEV (The Cataracs remix)
Girls' Generation (SNSD) - BAD GIRL feat. DEV (The Cataracs remix) [Repackage The Boys] - YouTube Repackage Album GIRLS' GENERATION - The Boys (SNSD) 3. BAD GIRL feat. DEV (The Cataracs remix)


http://youtu.be/0svdRMyRjzA  MR TAXI (Steve Aoki remix)
Girls' Generation (SNSD) - MR TAXI (Steve Aoki remix) [Repackage The Boys] - YouTube Repackage Album GIRLS' GENERATION - The Boys (SNSD) Bonus Track: MR TAXI (Steve Aoki remix)


舊歌我就不貼了 聽完記得支持正版阿

另外itunes已經可以購買音源了  http://itunes.apple.com/jp/album//id487512961
iTunes - ミュージック - 少女時代「Re:package Album “GIRLS' GENERATION"~The Boys~」 iTunes Store で 少女時代「Re:package Album “GIRLS' GENERATION"~The Boys~」の曲をプレビュー。 「Re:package Album “GIRLS' GENERATION"~The Boys~」をプレビューして ¥2,600 で購入。曲は ¥200 から。


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
smallsatyr:慶祝終於修好了!!!!!!!!!1F 12/27 23:28
opopzzieric:推!!!2F 12/27 23:28
ohbravo:好好聽!!!!!!!!!!!!3F 12/27 23:28
smallsatyr:我只有在人少時才搶的到頭推= ="4F 12/27 23:28
starbox0703:推推!!!!!!!!!超好聽!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!5F 12/27 23:31
makilaifan:這首讚6F 12/27 23:32
jjoonnyy:好聽!! 剛剛有人放假影片 害我嚇到 一個聲音都認不出來!!7F 12/27 23:34
bear1991:好聽!!8F 12/27 23:35
hojoe:好聽!!9F 12/27 23:36
horyuken9:這首好讚阿!!!10F 12/27 23:37
larvill:好好聽 我要哭了T^T11F 12/27 23:44
eric61401:日專快來吧!!!12F 12/27 23:45
sunaki:推~!!!13F 12/27 23:47
jacky3518:這首只有五位主唱的聲音耶 是嗎? 不過好好聽喔14F 12/27 23:48
humorista:聽好幾次也只聽出五主唱的聲音...但疑似有聽到小鹿的15F 12/27 23:59
hanswwe:詞很好16F 12/28 00:08
EdenX:日版 TB 考淵的RAP感覺容易打結, 哈哈17F 12/28 00:11
genius04:     孝18F 12/28 00:12
starbox0703:輪流悲劇是哪招XDDDDDD19F 12/28 00:19
hanswwe:http://ppt.cc/tGhS 這是啥= =?20F 12/28 00:23
SNSD - Time Machine Lyrics + Download link - YouTube
Im not sure if the lyrics are exactly like that, I just wrote down what I heard. If there are any mistakes please feel free to notify me. Thanks! So this is ...

kenkie:那是之前流出的Demo吧?21F 12/28 00:25
※ 編輯: vivianhsu319    來自:       (12/28 03:37)
iambling:推時光機跟日本男孩!!!!!! REMIX就.....呃....22F 12/28 04:51
lee155080:又有新歌了阿~~~~23F 12/28 09:12
taker530:The Great Escape讚耶!24F 12/28 12:10
EdenX:Remix 實在是太棒了!!!   喜歡Bad Girl25F 12/28 12:29
irishcyl:喜歡The Great Escape和Mr.Taxi的remix~26F 12/28 15:00
JustSa:好喜歡大逃亡喔!希望在韓國也打一下XD27F 12/28 16:42
JessicaAlba:Time Machine好好聽28F 12/28 17:41
dodoboo:Time Machine 好好聽+129F 12/28 22:02
july22:簽名檔可以借用嗎^^?30F 12/31 16:55
