看板 SuperJunior
作者 debby40135 (Show)
標題 [日記] 120118 始源推特更新
時間 Wed Jan 18 00:53:32 2012

[2012/01/18 韓國時間 01:45]
done now. and working out. what a long day.. im very tired after working with inflexible people. but making smile!

done now. and working out. what a long day.. im very tired after working with
inflexible people. but making smile!

done now. and working out. what a long day.. im very tired after working with inflexible people. but making smile!

工作的事也幫不上忙.辛苦了!! 加油!! 早點休息吧?! ^^

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
AlBeeQQ:始源晚安 感覺他過了辛苦的一天QQ照片後面是赫宰嗎1F 01/18 01:00
windli:始源走亨利路線耶2F 01/18 01:00
chpeggyen:難得看始源也有小抱怨 累翻了吧 這是強顏歡笑圖??3F 01/18 01:36
motnahp:始源的牙齒好可愛...>///<4F 01/18 09:05
arazu:有抱怨是好事  這孩子常常悶著不講才讓人擔心5F 01/18 09:45
suntfg:我也覺得有抱怨是好事  至少有發洩出來 不會累積在心裡6F 01/18 09:54
jane80289:照片好可愛!!7F 01/18 10:59
rayivy:好卡通的笑容.可愛~~~8F 01/18 11:26
pqupqu:後面是李赫宰當背景嗎XD9F 01/18 12:21
