看板 NBA
作者 lollygagger (chivalry's alive)
標題 [外絮] Pop Finals G4 postgame interview
時間 Fri Jun 13 20:47:40 2014

June 12, 2014 | ASAP SPORTS
ASAP Sports Transcripts - Basketball - 2014 - NBA FINALS: HEAT v SPURS - June 12 - Gregg Popovich ASAPSports FastScripts, a system using state-of-the-art technology created to produce verbatim FastScripts of press conferences and player/team interviews at sporting events around the globe. ...


Gregg Popovich


San Antonio Spurs - 107
Miami Heat - 86

Q.  Pop, you called your defense mediocre after Game 3, and you spent all
your time working on it.  Were you more satisfied with the defensive effort

COACH GREGG POPOVICH:  I thought we did a better job tonight than we did in
Game 3 at the defensive end.

Pop, 第三戰賽後你說貴隊防守端一般般,聽說你從那時侯努力改善的也是這點。


Q.  Coach, how much of this win is attributed to your team just being a
better shooting team than the Miami Heat?

COACH GREGG POPOVICH:  You know, winning and losing is never one thing.  A
lot of factors.  It's not just shooting well or shooting poorly.  There are
turnovers and there are free throws, and there's rebounding and there are all
kinds of things.  I can't tell you how much of it is shooting, but if you
shoot well, you're glad that you did.  Obviously, it's a factor.




Q.  Would you say it's the biggest factor of all of those that you mentioned?
COACH GREGG POPOVICH:  I have no idea.  I'm not that smart.



Q.  Tonight the shooting wasn't as extreme as in Game 3.  Why was it
sufficient to win this game?

COACH GREGG POPOVICH:  Well, Game 3 was an anomaly.  That's never going to
happen again.  I don't even know what we shot tonight, to be honest with you.
I don't look at the stats much.


Well, 第三戰那種命中率只能說是異常,不會再發生的事。老實跟你講,我甚至
不知道我們今晚的命中率,我不常看 Stats。

Q.  54%, something like that.

COACH GREGG POPOVICH:  So the question is what?

好像是 54% 左右。


Q.  Why was a normal range shooting sufficient for you guys to win tonight?
COACH GREGG POPOVICH:  You said we were about 54?


你說今晚我們命中率 54 左右?

Q.  I know it's above average--

COACH GREGG POPOVICH:  Well, if you shoot 54%, you're in pretty good shape,
as long as everything else is copacetic.  If you turn it over 27 times, it
doesn't matter how well you shoot.  So if everything else is equal and you
shoot 54%, you're probably going to be in good shape most nights.

我知道 54% 是比平均值略高...

哎呀,如果你其他部份也很優的話,命中 54% 表示你狀況不錯好嗎?
假設你失誤個 27 次,投得再準也沒用。

所以,如果你其他部份表現有水準,然後投個 54%,對大多數比賽

Q.  All of your players did a great job in the past four games.  So if you
get a championship, who will be your Finals MVP candidate, strongest one?


FMVP 的人選會是誰? 誰最有希望?


Q.  Pop, you always tell us that coaches are never happy, but is there any
level of satisfaction watching your team execute this well on this stage?

COACH GREGG POPOVICH:  I'm pleased that they performed as well as they did
while we've been in Miami, and that's about as far as it goes.  Now we've got
to go back home and play as well or better.

Pop, 你老說教練是永遠不會滿意球員表現的,但是總是有程度上的差別吧?


Q.  Could you talk about the play of Boris tonight.

COACH GREGG POPOVICH:  You know, Boris pretty much does the same thing every
night as far as helping us be a smarter team, at both ends of the floor.  He
knows what's going on most all the time.  At the offensive end he's a passer.
 He understands mismatches.  He knows time and score.  At the defensive end,
he knows when to help.  He's active.  So he just helps the whole team have a
better IQ, I think.

談談 Boris 那球好嗎?

你知道,在團隊戰力來說,打從 Boris 加入我們他就是這麼出色的球員,在攻守

防守方面他知道要聯防、要補防,他很積極。總之,我感覺有了他團隊的 IQ 更高了。

Q.  Tonight Timmy got a couple pretty significant playoff career records:
 Most minutes and he also picked up the record for career double-doubles in
playoffs.  I wonder if you could talk about those two achievements
he got.

COACH GREGG POPOVICH:  I can assure you he doesn't care.

今晚又是 Timmy 的記錄之夜,除了季後賽上場分鍾數,連季後賽上雙也破了


Q.  You said at this time of year it's about executing and getting better.
Do you think your team got better tonight?

COACH GREGG POPOVICH:  Well, usually to judge getting better, one game is not
much of a sample.  You usually decide if you're getting better after two,
three weeks or after a month into the season, that sort of thing.  So I don't
really look at it that way, after one game and say are we better than we were
when the game started.  That's tough to do.



Q.  A lot of people say or a lot of coaches may say that clinching game, that
final game is probably the hardest to come by.  Your experience, what is it
like for you?

COACH GREGG POPOVICH:  Well, they're exactly right.  I mean, every closeout
game is very difficult, for all of the obvious reasons.



FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1402663665.A.75E.html
chandrian:Bynum:關門戰很簡單。1F 06/13 20:49
IMPMatthew:頂一下就可以提早下班了2F 06/13 20:53
LanceLiu:"Next question."  XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD3F 06/13 20:53
same60710:下一題 霸氣XD 波老也懂不要敗人品這個道理4F 06/13 20:53
hinenak:記者又被POPO電了...XD5F 06/13 20:54
raylock1216:前面幾題真的有夠廢= =6F 06/13 20:54
Feuerbach:下一題   霸氣外漏7F 06/13 20:55
ts105425:XDDD8F 06/13 20:55
dreamtime09:會艱辛我隨便你9F 06/13 20:55
eric38364:波波表示:下一題....10F 06/13 20:56
jiuan1027:波波:蔡逼八也想釣我11F 06/13 20:57
oopsmamamiya:原來不只台灣記者會問蠢問題 大概也是平常不看籃球12F 06/13 20:58
krajicek:波波一年多的惡夢大概就快要結束了,可以睡得安穩了13F 06/13 20:58
hawk920412:每個回答都很霸氣XDDDDDDDDDD14F 06/13 20:58
w9:FMVP那題本來就是記者白目。16F 06/13 20:59
joumay:Popo: Next Question (OS:菜逼巴想陰我?)17F 06/13 21:01
yabbie:頭腦超清楚的POPO18F 06/13 21:02
PaulOneil1:下場炎帝爆發再看你邱不邱的起來19F 06/13 21:02
alonli:台灣記者只會問更蠢的問題 例如給自己打幾分之類20F 06/13 21:05
inb:波波很難聊21F 06/13 21:09
jerrysula:推翻譯,不過「Boris那球」應該是指Boris今晚的表現22F 06/13 21:10
BeeEater:問命中率是蠻白癡的,命中率高比較容易贏球不是廢話嗎正如...你是否認為這場比賽贏球要歸功得分比對手高?23F 06/13 21:11
jyekid:要好聊 起碼問題要能讓POP覺得 哇 你內行的25F 06/13 21:13
minghanwu:問 closeout 自己找電  XDDDDD26F 06/13 21:13
satheni:記者欠電XD27F 06/13 21:17
Tenging:菜逼巴下一題28F 06/13 21:19
mrchica:記者好像白癡...29F 06/13 21:22
allenmusic:我覺得他是當今NBA最有頭腦的教練30F 06/13 21:25
idlewolf:我不知道,我資質駑鈍。31F 06/13 21:30
CerMerlan:I'm not that smart. XDDDD32F 06/13 21:37
hsf0318:"Next question" XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD33F 06/13 21:40
frank123ya:I'm not that smart. XDDDDDDDDDD34F 06/13 21:41
jack7614614:每想到記者的程度都差不多35F 06/13 21:47
buteo:Next question超霸氣的 XD36F 06/13 21:47
SPiCa0831:資質駑鈍XDDDDD37F 06/13 21:51
Marino:完全打爆莫胖子的臉 不常看數據+討厭三分球38F 06/13 21:53
myukaka:下一題  XDDD39F 06/13 21:53
piloliq:Next question.  XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD40F 06/13 21:59
mekiael:POPO : 我很確定他不在乎那個 XDD41F 06/13 22:04
newest:超屌XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD  不愧是POPO42F 06/13 22:17
iamdada:不然鄉民當記者會問啥問題??43F 06/13 22:20
handlesome:推翻譯 推波波44F 06/13 22:21
incloud:You said we were about 54? XD45F 06/13 22:26
Sephiroth:連Pop都不太鳥統計數據了,就是有人抱著當神主牌XD46F 06/13 22:32
sinisback:Popo整個在電記者 xDDD47F 06/13 22:48
brian980466:我資質駑鈍XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD48F 06/13 22:56
WinnieDad:So the question is what?49F 06/14 00:05
