看板 NBA
作者 chechein (思念華)
標題 [外絮] 騎士不太可能選Joel Embiid
時間 Fri Jun 20 07:49:51 2014

Cavaliers Unlikely To Pick Joel Embiid - RealGM Wiretap
Cavaliers Unlikely To Pick Joel Embiid - RealGM Wiretap ...


The Cleveland Cavaliers are now unlikely to take Joel Embiid with the first
overall pick, according to sources.

Embiid had been gaining momentum as the Cavaliers' heavy favorite, but his
foot injury has scared them off.

The Cavalier will likely pick between Andrew Wiggins and Jabari Parker.




ESPN NBA Mock Draft - ESPN
NBA news, commentary, scores, stats, standings, audio and video highlights from ESPN. ...


根據Chad Ford的最新排行,Embiid已經被移除Mock pick 1了

"Joel Embiid suffered a stress fracture to the navicular bone in his right
foot," Embiid's agent, Arn Tellem, said. "He is scheduled to have surgery
tomorrow. Joel will be unable to participate in any additional workouts, and
will not attend the draft in New York. We will have no further comment until
after the surgery."



The navicular bone is at the top of the foot, near the ankle. NBA team
sources suggest this is a difficult bone to heal because of circulation
issues. Sources say Embiid could be out four to six months. Some evidence,
according to sources, indicates these types of stress fractures also are at
great risk of recurrence. Because of that, Embiid is no longer likely to be
the No. 1 pick in the draft. The question is, how far will he fall?




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1403221794.A.C79.html
thanos:會不會掉到#7 結果被我湖撿走?XD1F 06/20 07:51
公鹿或76人會選吧 既然要重建給點時間也ok2F 06/20 07:52
chechein:公鹿有Sanders 76人去年已經養一隻Noel了說4F 06/20 07:54
jiuan1027:第三順位的尷尬了5F 06/20 07:55
yoshro:真的尷尬了......要開賭盤看誰選走嗎6F 06/20 08:00
GANZ:76人要組掰咖雙塔!!!7F 06/20 08:01
gotohikaru:太陽隊表示:將交易選秀順位8F 06/20 08:02
McDaniel:借轉騎士板,感謝!9F 06/20 08:04
Beef:爵士表示難過 甲百二原本是首選...QQ10F 06/20 08:04
WTF555666:會不會被公鹿撿走,然後報銷再拼一次爐主11F 06/20 08:04
McDaniel:轉錄至看板 Cavaliers                                   06/20 08:05
tn00710191:騎士要的是即戰力12F 06/20 08:06
popstarkirby:聰明呀,選個即戰力13F 06/20 08:07
jiuan1027:覺得騎士會選Wiggins14F 06/20 08:09
flyintmtc:感覺和當初的Oden很像15F 06/20 08:14
Q12345Q:我湖 小虧 收了16F 06/20 08:16
BlueKidds:太陽14順位收 不客氣17F 06/20 08:27
kizuki0315:如果選了Wiggins 那LBJ也不用回去了吧
有了LBJ2.0 LBJ就沒懸念地去湖人吧18F 06/20 08:27
jimpon:姚明好像也是這樣20F 06/20 08:29
www2967:我胡 小虧!21F 06/20 08:29
holyhelm:感覺頗嚴重 巨人的腳掌骨 難痊癒 未來也不可能增重22F 06/20 08:40
Q12345Q:湖人換取騎士首位簽 Embiid私下會晤Ibaka23F 06/20 08:44
myenet:我也不會選這支,球商明顯不足...24F 06/20 08:46
w35413541:騎士選完,Embiid:我的腳突然好了!25F 06/20 08:46
stja:太陽限定26F 06/20 09:00
27F 06/20 09:02
ogre887:之前試訓影片那麼猛...現在要動手術...GG了!!29F 06/20 09:11
yuanpower:今年不館是選秀還是自由市場都好刺激喔30F 06/20 09:18
twsoriano:18卡:不要學我嘿~31F 06/20 09:20
aa7063018:真的尷尬了32F 06/20 09:22
JackieShane:===============就說他受傷是騎士發現的============33F 06/20 09:24
c7683fh6:經紀人: 計畫通34F 06/20 09:29
magamanzero:76能選一定會選 N2都賭了 還怕Embiid ?35F 06/20 09:44
LCD5239:去我湖吧 跟老大一起復健 傳承掰咖經驗36F 06/20 09:46
青賽也缺中鋒 掉不出前四吧37F 06/20 09:52
mmchen:可惜39F 06/20 09:57
tsaon:第三順位表示:火車男孩我都敢碰了....40F 06/20 09:58
不過前兩順位騎士公鹿還有選擇餘地,確實會認真考慮會不會賭41F 06/20 09:59
xrichardx:該不會被青賽賽到..44F 06/20 10:01
h321123aa:去太陽阿,甚麼奇奇怪怪的病痛都能醫好45F 06/20 10:02
lanver1220:那也要太陽想醫 看看去年選秀 完全不想選Noel46F 06/20 10:06
recruit:記錯了 青賽是第6  湖人還是沒望47F 06/20 10:06
lanver1220:Noel被七六人選中 就宣告整季報銷 看A.Len還能串場48F 06/20 10:08
JackieShane:Len也是有健康問題49F 06/20 10:46
lpoki10:我的P幣50F 06/20 12:16
dash007:還好我還沒下注……51F 06/20 12:43
onionandy:Noel二號? 歐登之後的高位中鋒怎麼問題都不少52F 06/20 13:30
r44621:不懂為何有人認為騎士會選Parker 他防守無法改善球隊體質 進攻也沒有那麼多的球權會圍繞 分享給他53F 06/20 13:41
lanver1220:現在騎士也沒防守呀 防守這點有差嗎?55F 06/20 14:23
sikadear:KI PAKER ODEN BENNET LBJ 五狀元連線56F 06/20 14:25
lanver1220:試著從KI身上拿球權,不要讓KI當球霸or只傳給朋黨成員57F 06/20 14:25
