看板 MobileComm
作者 kyle5241 (kyle)
標題 [情報] Google Pixel由HTC代工硬體和"軟體"!
時間 Sun Oct 23 12:16:25 2016

Google seems to have hidden HTC involvement in Google Pixel XL code
Recent evidence seems to show HTC and Google worked more closely in the development of the phone than we previously believed. ...


Google seems to have hidden HTC involvement in Google Pixel XL code
Google 似乎刻意隱藏了HTC在Google Pixel手機程式碼上的貢獻

The Google Pixel and Pixel XL are “made by Google”… or at least that is
what the Search Giant is trying to advertise. Though HTC is the ODM (original
design manufacturer), Google is adamant on the argument that this as a work
done by themselves. But with all the mystery surrounding this case, it is
still unclear just how involved HTC was in the making of these devices.
Google 號稱google phone是由google 製造設計。但HTC是否有參與並不清楚

Recent evidence seems to show HTC and Google worked more closely in the
development of the phone than we previously believed. And what is more
surprising is that it seems the Taiwanese phone maker was an important part
of developing the software, something Google is usually all about doing.

A commit from an HTC Engineer shows the removal of a said “htc_cerberus”
from all the code. In addition, Android security researcher Jon Sawyer got to
look at the bootchain and found plenty of HTC code in there.

“It’s a standard HTC bootchain with some hardening/changes.” -Jon Sawyer

What is the point of all these changes, then? On a marketing perspective, it
is believed having a true Google phone would help the Mountain View-based
company compete with the likes of Apple and Microsoft, which have their own
operating systems, as well as devices. The Nexus program worked well, but
attaching another manufacturer to the brand probably didn’t make things as “
為什麼要做這些改變呢?就行銷角度而言,有一個真正的google phone會幫助google

While Google has contracted HTC to assemble the Pixel phones, Osterloh says
the approach is no different than Apple’s partnership with iPhone builder
Foxconn. Flip the Pixel over and you’ll see “Made by Google,” another tip
of the hat to Apple, which has long made much of the fact that its phones are
“Designed by Apple in California.” Osterloh says Google will never say the
Pixel is co-engineered with anyone else. He proudly proclaims, “It’s ours.
” – Rick Osterloh, chief of Google’s hardware vision, speaking to Bloomberg

The idea here is that the Pixel phones (just like the Chromebook and Pixel C)
are supposed to be mostly designed, elaborated and coded by Google. Instead
we are finding there may not be much of a separation here. Some believe the
new phones may essentially be Nexus devices without the manufacturer branding
– a marketing move, as opposed to an actual business change.

But will the strategy work? Can Google (with the help of HTC, of course)
really take on iPhones on its own? That is something we will have to wait and
see. What do you think?



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hibbb: 回去幫人代工賺錢吧  可悲的走回頭路公司1F 10/23 12:20
AndyZer: 代工王國代好代滿2F 10/23 12:22
p4585424: 原來是google騙人,我要轉投IOS嗎3F 10/23 12:22
playjosie: 猛4F 10/23 12:23
enjoy8041: htc軟體真的不錯,硬體給的不甘願…
行銷真的是爛的可以…科科5F 10/23 12:24
rogner: HTC M系列硬體有給的不甘願嗎 :p7F 10/23 12:25
twnuu: 下巴8F 10/23 12:26
aowen: M系列也是缺東缺西的…9F 10/23 12:27
terry1043: google只是掛名?10F 10/23 12:28
rogner: M系列跟同期比 只是各有優劣吧11F 10/23 12:29
zsp9081a: Htc如果料敢給怎會落到今天這樣12F 10/23 12:29
fbiciamib123: 台灣就是代工霸主13F 10/23 12:30
Lexus: 乖乖回去代工八14F 10/23 12:35
superbatman: 行銷這麼爛 ODM搞不好能起死回生15F 10/23 12:36
KIWAMI: 高層都慣老板氣質,當家是炒股王,行銷有人材也沒路走16F 10/23 12:37
JuiFu617: 絕口不提Htc17F 10/23 12:38
AndyZer: 難怪大家領22k,礙代工18F 10/23 12:38
xvid: 最好是程式碼移光19F 10/23 12:39
damnedfish: 硬體創新,s40020F 10/23 12:39
r79207920: Google:我把跟HTC放在一起  htc只有減分效果21F 10/23 12:39
eas06u4: 中國人的手機  怪不得人22F 10/23 12:40
xiaoyao: 蟲返農藥23F 10/23 12:41
poi96300: google真聰明(咦?24F 10/23 12:42
terry1043: 台灣果然不適合搞品牌 代工本業25F 10/23 12:44
gaywen: 硬體創新?26F 10/23 12:47
jumbotest: 一堆人說htc只是代工 呵呵27F 10/23 12:48
blackkeyss: 重返農藥28F 10/23 12:50
playoffmogi: 可惜硬體天生受潮29F 10/23 12:50
shhs1000246: 上一篇喊著OEM的不知道褲子還在嗎?30F 10/23 12:53
terry1043: 說起來不算啦 只是個比方 軟硬如果都是htc設計
掛個google就比較好 那該檢討是htc自己的品牌維護31F 10/23 12:54
ben108472: HTC是要不到料吧,根本沒貨可搶33F 10/23 12:56
mepass: google這招絕對沒錯
掛htc銷量直接腰折34F 10/23 12:57
terry1043: 如果設計和軟硬都沒問題 就高層的腦袋....36F 10/23 13:00
timk7: 這隻軟體會比11強XD37F 10/23 13:01
mrxjohn: 研替辛苦了38F 10/23 13:02
BlackBird: 大概是因為有掛HTC就不能賣信仰價了,只有Google就可以令人高潮不斷,即使是信仰價也是大吼:買買買39F 10/23 13:08
Freecoins: 又要怪行銷喔41F 10/23 13:10
Behave: 一吐悶氣,爽了嗎?XD42F 10/23 13:14
WenliYang: 悲劇…43F 10/23 13:16
oskarsson: 參與設計沒有被提起,整部手機只有電池有HTC,和代工有什麼分別呢?會放這消息出來不是為了炒股嗎?調校得再好自己品牌賣的是s400、p10(還很貴)就是不爭的事實44F 10/23 13:22
raygod: 就…掛htc就不能賣跟iphoneㄧ樣貴惹48F 10/23 13:22
sa074463: 結果在檢討htc 什麼鬼XDD49F 10/23 13:23
hsu988MDM: Google會不會收購HTC手機部門啊??然後HTC專心做VR50F 10/23 13:23
edwar: 本來是多了sense加5000變成多了google加5000嗎?51F 10/23 13:25
dylanlee: GOOGLE認證 只能是代工廠的火腿腸52F 10/23 13:25
helwl: 硬體創新,s40053F 10/23 13:26
am711206: Google不會收購的 當初HTC和蘋果簽了專利權契約 有但書規定在經營權易主後契約自動失效 而且要喝牛奶不一定要養條牛 給HTC代工就好了 像蘋果也是給富士康代工54F 10/23 13:28
motan: 品牌價值-5000?58F 10/23 13:33
mytelson: 掛別牌名字都一樣賣不好,血統不純的意思啊59F 10/23 13:33
MacBook5566: 太慘了吧XDDD掛Google多了一堆人想要60F 10/23 13:33
mytelson: 今天掛lg huawei 一樣都low61F 10/23 13:34
oskarsson: 有沒有人看了這篇消息後突然不想買了+1 (誤62F 10/23 13:36
ah7675: 拜託各位看看英文原文,不要只看標題還有翻譯63F 10/23 13:44
gn01914120: M系列中規中矩 中低階電子拉基海64F 10/23 13:47
pcmaner: HTC 加油~~!!看完這篇更加堅定購買Pixel XL的想法!!面子和裡子我寧願先選裡子~~65F 10/23 13:47
xiaoyao: PTT看世界 一堆喊買,銷量出來便知曉67F 10/23 13:48
jimshow2001: 說真的,htc真的該好好磨磨功力了68F 10/23 13:59
iamxup6: HTC自砸招牌 沒辦法(攤手69F 10/23 14:03
idmaker: htc的rd技術能力也沒啥問題 最大問題就是經營者與公司策略行銷的問題 早期一堆高手在裡面 現在都跑光也沒啥高手想進去了70F 10/23 14:06
Intui: 一堆可悲思維,別丟臉了,google親睞也能酸
真的是ptt看世界73F 10/23 14:06
idmaker: 以前挑人也挑的很嚴格 現在幾乎隨便就進去 品質自然不在話下啦75F 10/23 14:07
cin2: 慘了 所以台灣保固是聯強嗎 誰要買阿77F 10/23 14:16
lmr3796: 只有我覺得這很合理嗎,做硬體的要把driver一併寫好不是正常的嗎
                    ^都有代工廠參與78F 10/23 14:17
nchrist: 重點是google加強主控權,才會讓人想買
還有代工廠寫driver很正常啊 不然google自己搞軟硬整合嗎XD84F 10/23 14:32
ammor: 高層是google 的腦袋,底層是htc工程師,完美組合87F 10/23 14:35
iouhsu: ㄐㄒㄈ不意外89F 10/23 14:39
Mozar: bootchain把HW點起來不是代工廠該做的事嗎?最好上面Android都是HTC寫的...
另外chip不是HTC提供的,driver搞不好就不是了,可能只有初始化hw registers90F 10/23 14:41
Colaman: 看完原文好嗎?標題跟翻譯殺人94F 10/23 14:55
staynero8007: 重返代工95F 10/23 15:01
mainline: 其實看原文沒差 AA長期品質本來就爛96F 10/23 15:18
WilsonGT: 想太多,有這麼優質早飛上天了,把失誤都推給行銷無濟於事,還是想想股價要怎麼重返榮耀比較實際97F 10/23 15:20
mainline: 看XDA原文 作者也有在Reddit說只是想說把HTC參與的程度 和osterloh對彭博說的版本對照
還有沒用過git喔 若要藏會把kernel git tree直接搬開源喔 每個commit都讓你看清清楚楚嗎  要藏就學廠商先清乾淨再打包發就好 谷歌在安卓上倒是沒這般幹99F 10/23 15:22
aa1477888: 票房毒藥XD105F 10/23 15:29
cin2: 第一次看到iFixit失手拆壞螢幕 聯想到可能是HTC設計也是非常合理的106F 10/23 15:30
mainline: 還有bootchain那部分是 手機/arm沒有統一的boot方式 每一家用arm處理器的手機開機方式都不一樣 Pixels就是用HTC的方式 bootloader也是由HTC的簽名
樓上 還來喔 螢幕那部分設計是谷歌 沒啥好辯的 HTC就組裝生產方面提供回饋 不會意外
若要說手機有由代工廠簽名 那就是nextbit robin由富士康簽 這是代工廠在設計涉入深的例子 但這類情況僅作參考 要看全局啊 蘋果也是富士康 但當然沒有讓它
文中那位jcase 前幾天才發表pork explosion 嗯 富士康出廠沒把測試模式分區內容刪掉或禁用 結果是把它們在硬體上涉入深的手機留後門 robin就中招108F 10/23 15:34
NokiaX9: 奇怪,一堆人應該看一下XDA那邊的原文吧120F 10/23 15:59
mogmogmog: 選料由G決定,htc設計。G元件能選的幾乎都挑業界最好的。這隻Android 推薦121F 10/23 16:01
