看板 NBA
作者 NTPU5566Kobe (Loada)
標題 [情報] 尼克對Tucker,Cunningham, Simmons感興趣
時間 Tue May 23 23:29:55 2017


The New York Knicks are terrible on both sides of the ball, so it only makes
sense that they're in the market for players who can contribute on offense and

Specifically, the Knicks are showing interest in free agent 3-and-D
wings P.J. Tucker, Dante Cunningham, and Jonathon Simmons, team sources told
Ian Begley of ESPN.
尤其對3D型球員特別有興趣:P.J. Tucker, Dante Cunningham, Jonathon Simmons

New York would also like to re-sign Justin Holiday - another wing that fits
the 3-and-D mold. President Phil Jackson has $19 million in cap room to find a
defense-first, low-usage wing to slot around the high-usage stars he's
actively trying to root out.
也考慮簽回Justin Holiday。
Phil Jackson 有一千九百萬的預算,

Knicks coach Jeff Hornacek is familiar with Tucker from their days with the
Phoenix Suns, where Tucker revived his NBA career after spending his 20s
playing internationally. The 32-year-old Tucker established himself as a
willing, gritty, and versatile defender first and foremost. His offensive
skillset is strictly limited to corner threes and offensive rebounding, but
Tucker understands his role and plays within it.

Cunningham, a journeyman who found his way with the Minnesota Timberwolves and
New Orleans Pelicans, serves a similar purpose. He's not as effective as
Tucker is on defense, nor as proficient on the corner three, but he's four
inches taller and is two years younger than Tucker.

Simmons holds the most upside out of the three, but the San Antonio Spurs hold
his restricted rights.
The 27-year-old forward was a breakout star in the playoffs, averaging 10.5
points while routinely guarding the opposing team's best player as
Kawhi Leonard bounced in and out of the lineup. The Spurs will most likely try
to retain the tenacious fan favorite by matching any offers his way this summer.


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[情報] 尼克對Tucker,Cunningham, Simmons感興趣 - 看板 NBA - 批踢踢實業坊
來源: 內文: The New York Knicks are terrible on both sides of the ball, so it only makes sense that they're in the market for players who can contribute on offense and defense.
leo755269: 總裁沒換有差?1F 05/23 23:31
FatalLuna: 3D不是有Lee?2F 05/23 23:32
locdan: cunningham有三分?3F 05/23 23:33
FatalLuna: 目前是缺PG吧  Rose約走完了4F 05/23 23:33
emptie: 在馬刺他只能當可愛的替補,如果有別隊出大約的話馬刺可能不會留,後場的洞是馬刺目前最優先的事項5F 05/23 23:33
locdan: 今年選秀大會上紐約球迷應該又會噓尼克了7F 05/23 23:34
jack19931993: 進攻跟防守都爛 XDDDDD8F 05/23 23:34
chenliu0716: 西蒙一定走...缺錢,馬刺預算不足9F 05/23 23:36
ksk0516: 標題是Simmons吧10F 05/23 23:36
airbase: 大咖都拖很久才會決定 先搶好用綠葉也是不錯的11F 05/23 23:36
FatalLuna: 有Melo在  是有哪個大咖想來12F 05/23 23:37
broodworld: 可是西門超吃球權13F 05/23 23:37
LiaoCJ: 蠶屍還是先確定人家肯打三角再說吧14F 05/23 23:39
ericf129: 第一句xD
不過有人會想去嗎哈哈15F 05/23 23:40
Gcobs130275: 你不知道你們家基石很不高興嗎17F 05/23 23:44
※ 編輯: NTPU5566Kobe (, 05/23/2017 23:45:08
※ 編輯: NTPU5566Kobe (, 05/23/2017 23:45:28
phoenix286: 尼克本來就要重建了啊18F 05/23 23:45
jyekid: 西門也不是3D19F 05/23 23:46
jardon: 只要殘師還在就是一樣沒方向 只有內鬥目標明確20F 05/23 23:49
FatalLuna: 清了一堆爛約跟選到KP叫沒方向21F 05/23 23:51
wmigrant: 尼克搞成這樣大咖也不見得想去22F 05/23 23:52
plus203ft: 我說籃球除了進攻防守以外還有啥XDDDD23F 05/23 23:52
noahlin: 19M的預算本來就只能搶綠葉24F 05/23 23:53
hsuyungte: 有兩件事做不好,進攻和防守,靠北!!!就是全部都做不好啊25F 05/23 23:53
justice0926: 西門是蠻猛的 還我西門...........................27F 05/23 23:54
HomerEDLee: 還我西門= =28F 05/23 23:55
Tommy92C: 進攻跟防守不就籃球的全部嗎xd29F 05/23 23:56
flyintmtc: Simmons是一個不錯的3D球員,反正馬刺也留不住,沒有melo佔球權的話我想有很好的發展30F 05/23 23:57
willtaiwan: 禪師看團隊球員蠻準的,把melo跟教練問題處理好尼克會不錯32F 05/23 23:59
dogville: 西門從來就不是3D球員 不要隨便亂說
尼克核心下季會是誰都還不知道 談這些還太早34F 05/24 00:01
jack19931993: 記得西門有持球自幹能力吧36F 05/24 00:08
Koch: 核心是???37F 05/24 00:11
skygray2: 尼克是所有事情都做不好,不只那兩件事38F 05/24 00:11
blue8d83n: 西門可以練腳嗎39F 05/24 00:12
hcwang1126: 缺pg it換瓜雙贏40F 05/24 00:15
linisthebest: 進攻跟防守不好 講幹話膩41F 05/24 00:17
Giuliani: 尼克對他們有興趣 他們對尼克沒興趣42F 05/24 00:23
TaricOP: 兩件事做不好,進攻&防守…  這不是比賽的全部了嗎43F 05/24 00:34
flyintmtc: 也許Simmons以前不是3D球員,不過季後賽當可愛受傷後,他受到重用後的表現,至少有3分潛力,防守也不44F 05/24 00:57
hiro1221: 不要挖走Simmons阿~~47F 05/24 01:19
godend: 西門滿喜歡切的48F 05/24 02:02
sssss787: 西門根本不是3D 而且不覺得馬刺會必須留他
當然他沒有不好就是了 只是功能歸類為3D很詭異
切入型小鎖吧XD  稍微會投籃的TA?
沒那麼鎖就是了49F 05/24 02:16
asd450860: 馬刺留也不錯啊 覺得馬刺少西門斯這種53F 05/24 03:16
ashura1234: 西門不要走QQ54F 05/24 06:41
KOBEDIRK: 西門季後賽三分投得不錯啊55F 05/24 08:24
diding: 西門有3?56F 05/24 10:07
st87715: 32碎57F 05/24 11:19
