看板 NBA
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
標題 [外絮] Hill解釋Shaq為何要放倒太陽隊友Giricek
時間 Sat Sep  1 17:12:44 2018

來源: The USA Today
網址: https://tinyurl.com/ybxvpan7
Phoenix Suns: Grant Hill reveals why Shaq choked out Gordon Giricek
Shaquille O'Neal famously made his Suns teammate pass out from a sleeper hold. ...


Grant Hill reveals the reason why Shaq once choked out his Suns teammate
Grant Hill透露為何那時Shapq會鎖喉掐暈他的太陽隊友

It’s long been NBA legend that Shaquille O’Neal once put Phoenix Suns
teammate Gordon Giricek into a sleeper hold that led to the swingman to pass
NBA幾個不解之謎其中一個是Shaq曾經一度把他的同隊隊友Gordon Giricek給鎖喉導致他暈

But why would the Hall of Fame center do that? Shaq, of all people, asked
that of Grant Hill, who was a guest on CBS Sports HQ earlier this week. And
Hill filled in the gaps that perhaps we’ve been wondering about for a long
但是這位名人堂中鋒為何要這樣做呢? Grant Hill在這禮拜初在CBS接受訪問,透露了一些

“Giricek was a good player from Croatia, a good shooter, but he never passed
the ball inside. He would always kind of look Shaq off and shoot it. And they
would go back and forth and exchange words, and Giricek would kind of talk
trash to Shaq. And so one day Shaq was like, ‘You know what, I’ll let this
guy know who I am.’ It was right before a big game in Phoenix against
Dallas. We have our team meeting. The meeting ends, I go use the restroom, I
come out. Giricek’s laid out on the floor. And I’m like, ‘Come on Shaq! We
’re trying to win!’ But it was typical Shaq. Thankfully, Giricek, nothing
serious happened. Thankfully he’s living to be able to talk about it. But
Shaq was always entertaining and always knocking people out, I suppose.”

Probably not a good idea to talk trash to a guy listed at 7-foot-1 and 325

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powerlin: 胖虎1F 09/01 17:13
mic5060: 連kobe都不敢真的不傳了  這...2F 09/01 17:14
oilhead1225: ...3F 09/01 17:14
colan8: crotia球員想在米國造次 不想活了吧4F 09/01 17:15
Puye: 老大都會傳了5F 09/01 17:16
teller526: 阿不就沒品出手打人6F 09/01 17:20
LouisTung: Kobe:怕7F 09/01 17:24
k960674: Giricek那場比賽4投3中拿了7分XD8F 09/01 17:25
dustinhuang: Shaq: 在湖人多年想必忍很久了9F 09/01 17:26
yoshro: Shaq:他讓我想起某人(掐!!10F 09/01 17:31
aniji: 打五年就消失的傢伙死不傳Shaq 有沒搞錯11F 09/01 17:32
Timothy0225: Shaq:The cycle ends here12F 09/01 17:33
asd8604: 能在nba打五年其實也算厲害的13F 09/01 17:34
deanisme: 好險Kobe會打鐵傳球 不然歐肥下手不知輕重14F 09/01 17:40
RazaviSmith: 就NBA技安,後期都用身材硬吃15F 09/01 17:41
k960674: Giricek比較像是不想打那種,留了也是底薪不如回去16F 09/01 17:45
no321: 真的是胖虎 這在現在就黑了吧17F 09/01 17:48
samsam80821: 雖然很強 但胖虎無誤XD18F 09/01 17:51
paul5566: 怎覺得有點好笑XD19F 09/01 17:52
aniji: 原來打NBA不能靠身材幹爆人 長知識20F 09/01 17:53
JimK0511: 哪門子的娛樂性21F 09/01 17:53
Maxslack: 這會死人的欸…別鬧了22F 09/01 17:54
YHTNIMK: 寶傑沒膽只好乖乖傳23F 09/01 17:55
C00L: 掐到半身不遂最有娛樂性了24F 09/01 17:55
deanisme: Hill想講又不敢得罪歐肥 只好把這種霸凌行為用娛樂性帶過XD25F 09/01 17:58
iloveeve: 不管再怎樣 把別人掐到暈 實在是很恐怖的行為27F 09/01 18:05
kitoik5427: 真的垃圾28F 09/01 18:06
MakeAWash: Hill夠趴數才能一直講歐肥在太陽的霸凌行為29F 09/01 18:07
RBC54321: 對這球員還有印象 比較有印象都是在爵士 查了下30F 09/01 18:08
MK12: 歐肥個性真的不行 所以才會說基石會選歐拉31F 09/01 18:08
RBC54321: 原來他離開NBA竟然那麼久 完全不知道....32F 09/01 18:09
Tosca: 歐肥快退休的那幾年人品很不好沒錯 很多八卦33F 09/01 18:10
aniji: 歐肥>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>歐拉34F 09/01 18:10
Tosca: 湖人熱火魔術時期的歐肥其實沒什麼爭議
離開熱火開始流浪生涯人品才越來越差35F 09/01 18:10
ChenWay: Shaw: 掐掐!37F 09/01 18:13
leo255112: 很多這種以為自己很會然後都不傳球的38F 09/01 18:16
juniorpenny: 這樣掐脖子沒有刑事犯罪嗎?39F 09/01 18:24
IrvingKyrie: Hill是故意去上廁所讓他們自己解決吧40F 09/01 18:36
Nappa: SHAQ都造假抹黑過上將了 人品確實很差41F 09/01 18:38
ralphhoh2000: 娛樂性?42F 09/01 18:49
raysilence: Shaq就胖虎阿 =w=43F 09/01 18:51
wj1009: 這種300磅以上的壯漢,應該不小心就把人打死了44F 09/01 18:57
MidoriG: 掐死最有娛樂性45F 09/01 19:02
mystage: 場外打人,幸好打的是克羅埃西亞人。如果打俄羅斯人,可能就沒名人堂可以拿了,只剩靈堂。
場內歸場內,場外打人不怕被人家在停車場一槍打爆嗎46F 09/01 19:11
bbbjjj: 之前偷Nash的梗 80麥基 Shaq人品真的很差50F 09/01 19:14
k102asdf: 唉 有實力確實常霸凌人51F 09/01 19:15
bestteam: Shaq不意外 愛喧嘩取寵強的時候大家都讓他才沒出事52F 09/01 19:18
ssaw5166: 翻譯:就是霸凌53F 09/01 19:23
CornyDragon: 80一哥54F 09/01 19:30
Dragic: 偷我師傅的梗就是欠噓55F 09/01 19:30
AhirunoSora: shaq還有剃過Amundson的眉毛 真胖虎無誤56F 09/01 19:55
literchance: 只記得以前這傢伙把KK從七六換到爵士……QQ57F 09/01 19:56
srxrrr: 娛樂性??58F 09/01 19:59
