看板 NBA
作者 Phater (肥特)
標題 [新聞] Nash不想在勇士冠軍儀式上露面
時間 Tue Oct 17 14:17:36 2017

The Warriors Want Steve Nash in Their Ring Ceremony. He'd Rather Pass.

The Warriors Want Steve Nash in Their Ring Ceremony. He’d Rather Pass. - The New York Times
Nash, who is a player development consultant with the Warriors, says he would prefer to be out of the spotlight when the team gets its title rings on  ...


Nash在18年的球員生涯中從沒拿過冠軍戒指. 在去年擔任勇士隊顧問以球團人員的身
份終於拿到了他第一枚戒指. 但是在週一的電話訪談中,Nash表示他不希望在開幕戰

"This is their moment.  I couldn’t be happier to be part of a championship
team and, more importantly, this championship culture.  But when you’ve
played 18 years in the N.B.A. and you win it all as a consultant, it
doesn’t feel right to do anything but stay in the background. I don’t
want to disrespect anything or upset anyone, but I don’t feel like
it’s my place to be there.”

"我為球員們感到高興. 我對能成為冠軍球隊的一份子感到興奮. 但是當你打了18年最
後以顧問身份拿冠軍,我覺得我就是應該站在幕後. 這不是對任何人不敬,但是我覺得


“I don’t think Steve, for one second, looks back on his career and thinks,
‘Oh, my God, I didn’t win a ring,’ He has such great work-life balance.
John Stockton’s the same. Charles Barkley’s the same. Is there any
happier guy out there than Barkley? You can tell he’s having so much
fun on TV"

"我不認為Nash在回顧他的球員生涯時會因為沒有拿冠軍而覺得缺憾. 他跟Stockton,
Barkley都是一樣在退休後有充實人生. 你看Barkeley在螢光幕前那麼開心是像有遺憾

Now what do I do?
Can I change my mind?
Did I think things through?
It was once my life, it was my life at one time.
                               ------ Andain "Beautiful Things"

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1PvQ25BC (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1508221061.A.2CC.html
AirCondition: 推老納1F 10/17 14:18
Gato: 聽Kerr在嘴,最好是沒遺憾2F 10/17 14:19
CaspianY: 最後一句XDDDDD煩欸3F 10/17 14:19
wylscott: 那是鏡頭前要裝作沒遺憾 心裡可遺憾了4F 10/17 14:19
efbnm753: 後面是在嘴老巴吧5F 10/17 14:19
GothicMetal: 看老巴被嗆0冠的表情就是有遺憾啊6F 10/17 14:20
twoseveno: 老巴表示 ...7F 10/17 14:22
vking223: 結尾完全是補刀XD8F 10/17 14:22
WASIJLA: 順便嗆一下 XD9F 10/17 14:23
LVE: 別逞強了,你就是沒能力帶隊拿冠。過譽第一控10F 10/17 14:23
glay7566: 老巴:你才遺憾你全家都遺憾!11F 10/17 14:23
kinki999: 老巴中槍~~~12F 10/17 14:24
stocktonty: 惡漢怎麼有種被偷婊的感覺XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD13F 10/17 14:24
ATand: 歐尼爾每次有機會就拿0冠戳老巴你沒看見嗎?14F 10/17 14:25
Victorrr: 老巴:幹15F 10/17 14:26
inschool: 超嘴XDDDDD16F 10/17 14:26
youngpaper: 老巴中槍17F 10/17 14:27
freedls: 老巴 幫QQ18F 10/17 14:28
funk6478: 像19F 10/17 14:29
robinsonXD: QQ20F 10/17 14:29
qpeter: 老巴又中槍21F 10/17 14:29
zore14563: 老巴中槍XDDDD22F 10/17 14:31
kaede0711: 老巴:我那叫強顏歡笑好嗎…23F 10/17 14:32
chi12345678: 有冠再嗆人更開心哦24F 10/17 14:32
iamaq18c: XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD25F 10/17 14:34
xo1100: XDDDDD被拖出來補槍26F 10/17 14:35
articlebear: 推老衲27F 10/17 14:36
snoopy8562: 老巴:你知道笑著流淚最痛嗎28F 10/17 14:37
joezzzzz: 勿忘07馬刺黑哨 https://goo.gl/ZDjgmV29F 10/17 14:37
難忘,2007的夏天 @ 糙米蟲與世界的狂想曲 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::
還有48小時不到的時間,即將決定NBA下一季究竟是否會封館。 由於對於下季開打與否尚在未定之天,使得今年的NBA暑假顯得隔外的安靜,各球團既沒有大動作的交易,也沒有出現類似去年的「追星組 ...

nash100: 最後ㄧ句我笑了30F 10/17 14:37
TDKnight: nash風度翩翩 推一個31F 10/17 14:41
namon: 老巴: 這到底是褒是貶我都分不清楚了QQ32F 10/17 14:41
O10lOl01O: Kerr真的很嘴 hahaha33F 10/17 14:42
sq61372py: 老巴:幹34F 10/17 14:45
leo232125: 紅明顯 原文看起來不像在嘴老巴也沒提到遺憾
應該是他沒人比他更享受螢光幕前的生活之類的?35F 10/17 14:46
coiico: 老巴一直有遺憾啊! 沒看誰都可以嘴他37F 10/17 14:55
AngelMAyCry: 老巴明顯超遺憾的阿38F 10/17 14:58
godofaluba: 老巴被嘴最多就是0冠  我不信他真的放得下39F 10/17 14:58
jack7614614: 可憐的老八40F 10/17 14:59
SCLPAL: QQ41F 10/17 15:04
hyperfrog: 推奈奈42F 10/17 15:06
yoshro: 老巴:.....43F 10/17 15:08
kevin0733: 球員就拿五冠的kerr 講幹話44F 10/17 15:10
omage: 老史都幾乎快等於隱居了還被拉出來…45F 10/17 15:15
special30708: 有實力的球員沒冠軍說沒遺憾我覺得騙人居多 畢竟太多人重視冠軍46F 10/17 15:17
theskyofblue: XDD48F 10/17 15:20
ltmps: 紅衣光頭:哈哈哈49F 10/17 15:26
kar3831055: 老巴被表50F 10/17 15:29
macinwould: 哈哈哈51F 10/17 15:33
carey1119: 樓下支援nash親盃圖52F 10/17 15:35
taikonkimo: 老巴....53F 10/17 15:46
phix: 把顆粒中槍54F 10/17 15:48
kane840104: 老巴:是在哭哦55F 10/17 15:50
Bogeenash: Nash QQ好想你56F 10/17 16:06
CW4: 老巴家附近的電器行老闆:他沒有崩潰 只是常常換電視57F 10/17 16:11
monkeyyao: 老巴:58F 10/17 16:27
k6114520: 最後一句59F 10/17 16:33
