看板 NBA
作者 o6789 (o6789)
標題 [外絮] 西門說明與Lowry衝突
時間 Tue Jan 16 11:02:35 2018





Ben Simmons on Kyle Lowry altercation -- 'I won't play around'
The 76ers' Ben Simmons and Raptors' Kyle Lowry were tossed after exchanging words in an altercation near the end of Monday's game. ...


The Philadelphia 76ers' Ben Simmons and Toronto Raptors' Kyle Lowry were
ejected with 6.5 seconds left in a testy game that saw the Sixers hold on
for a 117-111 home win Monday.


Simmons and Lowry exchanged words in a dustup near midcourt, and continued
to talk and gesture at each other after they were tossed.


Simmons described the altercation as "nothing," but said, "I'm not going
to take no s--- from anybody.”


"I don't know if they're trying to test me or see how I am on the court,
but I won't play around," the rookie said.


Simmons and Lowry had gotten into it several times throughout the game,
with Simmons bumping into the back of Lowry's legs while picking up the
ball to inbound it, and the two exchanging fouls in the third quarter.


"Maybe frustration that they're down, about to lose. I don't know what
it is," Simmons said when asked what precipitated the fourth-quarter

被問到是什麼導致這場衝突,Simmons回答 “不知道,或許是輸球讓他們感到挫折”

Lowry told reporters: "I don't know. I guess he thinks he's somebody.”


Simmons also shot down a report that he and Lowry continued their spat
in the hallway after leaving the court.


"I just went to the locker room," Simmons said. "Nobody was back there
...I don't know where he's at.”


DeMar DeRozan and T.J. McConnell also got into it in the second quarter.
McConnell jumped up after DeRozan's hard foul, and the two had to be

除了Simmons與Lowry外,DeMar DeRozan跟T.J. McConnell也在第二節時因為DeRozan的

No punches were thrown, but the game ended with six technical fouls having
been issued.


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peter211183: 看來Simmons打輸了  才說沒看到1F 01/16 11:05
sq61372py: 不是說單挑嗎,看蘿莉那麼興奮應該在旅館等了吧2F 01/16 11:05
mimi8598: Simmon不是球星嗎?3F 01/16 11:06
uuss: 是somebody沒錯阿,新人賽季明星賽票選東區後衛前三4F 01/16 11:07
SouthernFire: 輸球就不要大聲  西門是球星啦  比你羅莉強5F 01/16 11:07
uuss: 羅莉吃醋吧^^''6F 01/16 11:07
Kobelikeshit: 為啥一定要是球星才能對話?那一線球星能不能跟你說7F 01/16 11:09
fack3170: 暴龍怎麼都會有這種新聞8F 01/16 11:09
Kobelikeshit: 你只是二線球星,自以為球星趕緊閉上嘴?9F 01/16 11:09
ya870323: 暴龍不是想找抓雞打架就是找西門吵架,球品有夠差10F 01/16 11:10
Sammy0820: 西門帥11F 01/16 11:10
shihTWpeter: 3-16算球星嗎12F 01/16 11:10
bycarbird: 我怎麼覺得沒有蘿莉的暴龍好像比較強...13F 01/16 11:11
cow7585519: 西門>>>>>>>>>Lowry14F 01/16 11:11
yogun: 牙起來15F 01/16 11:11
WarIII: 暴龍很流行一T退三步的傳統 每次看到都是跟菜鳥衝突16F 01/16 11:12
mark3000: 所以只能球星才能講話?17F 01/16 11:12
grimnir158: 暴龍最近火氣很大
跟熱火那場結束後也差點打起來18F 01/16 11:12
love1500274: 東區第九嗆第二 贏了一場就囂張20F 01/16 11:12
down24030: lowry還是用表現說話吧21F 01/16 11:13
j3760081: 人家得票數確實是明星之一啊XDD22F 01/16 11:13
ewc024: 不是西門先示意去球員通道解決的嗎?雖然對黑龍沒好感 但西門也夠8+923F 01/16 11:13
alonelykid: 暴龍最近球品很差25F 01/16 11:13
kootiger: 屁孩26F 01/16 11:13
galaxykaho: 西門有可能新秀年就進明星賽了不算嗎27F 01/16 11:13
Leaflock: 西門上次也激怒Morris 不曉得是哪個動作28F 01/16 11:14
magamanzero: 不算阿 等進了再說吧 只是 羅莉那句話 觀感很差29F 01/16 11:15
iscl6: 或許是輸球讓他們感到挫折”30F 01/16 11:16
EminemK: 說真的啦~ 西門日後沒大傷的話 成就一定比羅莉高...31F 01/16 11:17
m791017: 感覺西門比較成熟欸 誰才是菜鳥阿XD32F 01/16 11:18
sean4712: 他是不是球星再說 先來談談你吧33F 01/16 11:19
Raskolnikov: 激怒Morris不用特別什麼動作吧XD34F 01/16 11:20
lunkk: 西門=年輕8+9 暴龍=中年地頭蛇
中年地頭蛇遇到大尾的LBJ就臣服了35F 01/16 11:20
King5566: 蘿莉不在那等484有點失望壓37F 01/16 11:20
jeff1013: 明明就西門先挑釁的=.=38F 01/16 11:21
johnnykao530: 哪有激怒Morris 是Morris推西門39F 01/16 11:21
bobon0921: 蘿莉?去年被打到失魂的那個嗎?40F 01/16 11:21
BLABLA007: 在走廊??????????????????????????????????????????41F 01/16 11:21
Leaflock: 哦那是我記錯了42F 01/16 11:22
skylove21: 不就是把Morris撞倒才去推他的嗎43F 01/16 11:22
carteryo: 我是覺得兩邊都沒什麼啦~44F 01/16 11:22
Leaflock: 不過起爭議比較精彩啦哈哈45F 01/16 11:22
skylove21: 倫敦賽那場呀 一個換防把Morris頂開就爆氣了46F 01/16 11:23
loserloser: 西門這季搞不好能進明星賽 羅力就不一定了..47F 01/16 11:23
iamaq18c: 羅莉倚老賣老在嗆聲 結果西門新秀年就要進明星賽惹48F 01/16 11:23
MickeyKG: 暴龍也只有季賽兇狠,季後賽就被姆斯打到懷疑人生(49F 01/16 11:25
jeff1013: 可是七六人已經連季賽都懷疑人生好幾年了欸lol50F 01/16 11:25
shadow0326: 蘿莉個性也挺暴躁的 一時氣話吧51F 01/16 11:26
sallyhelp: lowry也不是球星阿,球星會被打到崩潰?52F 01/16 11:27
o0991758566: 暴龍省省吧 專門當強隊的墊腳石 未來是76人的53F 01/16 11:28
jlincredible: Lowry暴躁?54F 01/16 11:31
icou: 他的確已經是球星了沒錯啊.......55F 01/16 11:31
Acer3000: 他的意思是說自認球星開始膨風56F 01/16 11:34
skylove21: 76人先保持健康跟團隊薪資吧 不覺得能可以突圍東區57F 01/16 11:35
bighat0413: 暴龍真的很容易崩潰58F 01/16 11:35
enemyli: Lowry有資格講這種話?59F 01/16 11:36
k22015987: 中二龍 雙鐵整天找人吵架 季後賽又打的跟拉基一樣60F 01/16 11:38
dreamtale: LBJ也球星啊 還不是被勇勇打到崩潰
西門先挑釁 結果蘿莉狂被酸 果然是正義76人61F 01/16 11:39
parkblack: Lowry去年被打到崩潰又是什麼球星63F 01/16 11:42
LesBleus: 第一個球季就約老將定孤枝 讓我們看看囂張是不是真64F 01/16 11:44
donkeys: 西門確實是明星了 而且別忘了他上面是雷霸龍..65F 01/16 11:44
LesBleus: 的沒有落魄久66F 01/16 11:44
Stark0908: 他不是明星誰是明星 玻璃心又來了?67F 01/16 11:44
bluemei: 西門是明星啊 可是還真的蠻中二的68F 01/16 11:46
bbb1564: 西門就是球星阿 不見得成績好才會是球星吧69F 01/16 11:48
johnny88108: 西門的確比羅莉更有球星特質70F 01/16 11:48
poorsin: 爪爪71F 01/16 11:49
