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標題 [情報] KI否認以膝蓋手術要脅交易的傳聞
時間 Sat Jan 27 08:10:03 2018

消息來源:Bleach Report 引用 Masslive.com
Kyrie Irving Denies Threatening Knee Surgery to Force Cavs Trade with Celtics | Bleacher Report
Boston Celtics point guard Kyrie Irving denied a report published by Cleveland.com on Thursday that stated he " threatened to sit out the season and h ...



Boston Celtics point guard Kyrie Irving denied a report published by
Cleveland.com on Thursday that stated he "threatened to sit out the
season and have surgery on his knee, convincing [owner Dan] Gilbert
and Cleveland's front office that the relationship was not salvageable."

Speaking to members of the media Friday, Irving said the story wasn't
true and that the assertion he needs surgery "sounds like a HIPAA
(Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) violation,"
according to MassLive.com's Jay King.

Kyrie Irving 否認Celeveland.com的報導,認為聽起來違反了HIPAA
[HIPAA: 是1996年通過的聯邦法律,要求健康保險(包括心理健康醫療) 提供者
 確保患者記錄和健康資訊的隱私。HIPAA要求聯邦衛生與公共服務部 (HHS)制
 定實施這些隱私要求的條例,稱為《隱私規則》, 於2003年4月14日生效。]

Citing sources, Cleveland.com's Joe Vardon added Irving "needs minor
knee surgery as a follow to the procedure he underwent during the 2015
Finals to repair his broken kneecap."
The report stressed the surgery is "not pressing."

Cleveland.com的Joe Vardon表示Irving的膝蓋手術是為了要修復2015 Finals產生的

Irving, who was recently selected to his fifth All-Star Game, has thrived
since he was traded from the Cleveland Cavaliers to the Celtics.
Through his first 46 appearances in Boston, the 25-year-old is averaging
24.5 points, 5.0 assists and 1.2 steals per game while shooting a career-high
47.7 percent from the field, including 39.3 percent from three.

場均 24.5分 5助攻 1.2抄截的成績,並有47.7%的投籃命中率(包括39.3%的三分命中率)

Irving is also currently the proud owner of a defensive rating of 104, which
would qualify as the most robust mark of his career.

Irving最近對於DRtg 104分表示相當開心,是生涯最佳表現



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cliffman1004: 騎士拖人下水1F 01/27 08:14
WizZ: 嘻嘻2F 01/27 08:14
keypad: 都離隊那麼久了 還要從上到下一起追殺 好恐怖喔3F 01/27 08:15
pote85712: 不管有沒有 歧視這時間講這個就只是想轉移炮火4F 01/27 08:16
leiu: 要就在季後賽爆料5F 01/27 08:16
owlrex: 是DRtg 104分, 生涯最佳表現吧6F 01/27 08:17
※ 編輯: WindowsPhone (, 01/27/2018 08:19:31
Skabo: 惹到恐怖情人真的是...7F 01/27 08:20
mk1689: 大半身涯在這打拼 走了還要被追殺...8F 01/27 08:21
paul5566: 所以…KI到底有沒有傷啊?希望是沒有9F 01/27 08:26
Skabo: 哪個運動員身上沒帶點傷的才奇怪10F 01/27 08:29
CHADA: 追起來!!11F 01/27 08:32
ai3y11: 母湯喔喔喔喔喔喔12F 01/27 08:32
CHADA: 都是老實人報的錯,跟騎士隊完全沒關係喔~13F 01/27 08:35
newcsie68: 這個是想轉移焦點吧,都離開這麼久了現在才講14F 01/27 08:36
iamaq18c: 這本來就不可能阿 擺爛對他又沒好處15F 01/27 08:36
IrvingKyrie: 該不會又是幫安吉上課的gm放的話吧16F 01/27 08:38
F37: 美媒爆料,當時厄文得在季後動一個小手術=>沒講是哪家媒體 不過看起來應該是克里夫蘭當地的?17F 01/27 08:39
lianhua: 美國鄉民也覺得那篇根本在拉KI救援目前騎士19F 01/27 08:43
faintyfay: 我就是腿不利索,跪不下去20F 01/27 08:43
maxmessi: KI又中槍了  騎士真是陰魂不散21F 01/27 08:45
den95279889: 再亂黑阿22F 01/27 08:45
ghostxx: 離開都要被拿來救援,留在那還得了23F 01/27 08:47
liusim: 這真的有點無聊 真的擺爛也沒什麼好處24F 01/27 08:49
d8456aaa: 那你是想掙錢呢 還是想站著25F 01/27 08:50
c280019: 都多久了還要被追殺…26F 01/27 08:51
goodesign:27F 01/27 08:55
o0991758566: 這可信度不高28F 01/27 08:57
SStrasburg: 有夠噁心,這樣也要追殺29F 01/27 09:01
yoji520: 恐怖騎人哦哦哦!30F 01/27 09:10
s18885: 姆迷不意外上篇推爆這篇裝沒看到31F 01/27 09:16
westdoor5566: 呵呵一堆人被ki打臉32F 01/27 09:19
alecgood: 真可憐...分手了還要追殺...33F 01/27 09:25
smallmai0207: 越是這樣搞,只會讓球迷覺得KI走得好34F 01/27 09:27
RuleAllWorld: KD離隊>>>>>>>>>>>>>KI離隊35F 01/27 09:39
Dex5566: 昨天還有人罵沒職業道德勒36F 01/27 09:40
spursdog21: 果然又是姆斯們在造謠唉 夠了沒37F 01/27 09:49
iverson88: 追殺呵呵38F 01/27 09:50
a20356970: 之前一堆人在討論報導可信度呢 結果上篇......39F 01/27 09:52
lmf770410: 造謠中傷?40F 01/27 09:54
yckuanlk: KI的新聞不會有某迷跳出來質疑真實性啦~
早就知道他們只會追殺而已了...41F 01/27 09:56
naslin: 有傷都可以打成這樣,治好了還不飛天43F 01/27 10:00
s1499k025: 平靜44F 01/27 10:03
micbrimac: 來來來 追殺起來~45F 01/27 10:11
narutotha: 讓皇上沒腿可抱,罪大惡極啊46F 01/27 10:12
Dex5566: 回去看上一篇的推文真恐怖47F 01/27 10:13
kf144418: 恐怖情人持續追殺中48F 01/27 10:16
l2l: 之前是Celeveland.com的報導 等於是官方報導 現在KI否認也只是各說各話 而非真想釐清吧
真相49F 01/27 10:36
yckuanlk: KI當事人否認的你都不信了 那還要談甚麼?
不然為啥打了半季才要報這新聞? 開季為啥不報?52F 01/27 10:38
Andriy6016: 追殺迷還真有臉說別人55F 01/27 10:42
s18885: 追殺迷:本人不可信 克里夫蘭當地報導可信56F 01/27 10:43
WindowsPhone: 追殺迷: 克城報導最可信惹 KI人品很差沒職業道德57F 01/27 10:49
Dex5566: 果然繼續追殺58F 01/27 10:50
C00L: 追殺迷是誰? 我只知道雙重標準迷 不知道有沒有重疊59F 01/27 10:52
sinben: KI走了還要一直被追殺61F 01/27 10:56
pfw: KI真衰洨62F 01/27 10:57
keypad: 有63F 01/27 10:58
Andriy6016: 就綠血迷阿64F 01/27 10:59
F37: 大概需要本人提出告訴 才會相信吧65F 01/27 11:04
john91018: 追殺追起來66F 01/27 11:12
flyforist: XDDD 本人否認還不信67F 01/27 11:18
sxing6326: 想跟姆斯鬥,再練個幾年吧68F 01/27 11:21
WinShot: 除非騎士總管出來證實,這才叫各說各話69F 01/27 11:23
b10303112: KI加油!70F 01/27 16:54
