看板 Jeremy_Lin
作者 mamimi (路過)
標題 [更新] 推特更新
時間 Sat Feb  9 08:18:11 2013


Jeremy Lin @JLin7
Make sure you vote for @chandlerparsons (aka justin bieber aka
jimmy neutron) to start in the #BBVARisingStars game at

請記得幫@錢德勒帕森斯 (又名小賈斯汀,又名天才小子吉米) 投票
成為新秀挑戰賽首發 http://on.nba.com/Yid01X

※天才小子吉米 http://tinyurl.com/a7kk26a

Jeremy Lin @JLin7
if you wanna support @jlinfoundation and get destroyed by me
in wii, ping-pong and arcade bball,
buy tickets here: http://tiny.cc/0ki7rw
Jeremy Lin Foundation Launch Party Tickets in Houston, TX, United States
Be a part of the most exclusive event during NBA All-Star Weekend. Join Jeremy Lin, his Houston Rockets teammates, other NBA superstars, and celebrities from the world of entertainment for this inaugural event benefitting The Jeremy Lin Foundation and The Making a Difference Project.
Event Attire: ...

若你想要支持Jeremy Lin基金會並在 wii, 乒乓球和投籃機上被我擊潰的話
請在這裡買票: http://tiny.cc/0ki7rw
Jeremy Lin Foundation Launch Party Tickets in Houston, TX, United States
Be a part of the most exclusive event during NBA All-Star Weekend. Join Jeremy Lin, his Houston Rockets teammates, other NBA superstars, and celebrities from the world of entertainment for this inaugural event benefitting The Jeremy Lin Foundation and The Making a Difference Project.
Event Attire: ...

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 編輯: mamimi          來自:       (02/09 08:20)
cadie:他真的很機耶,完全就是小屁孩XDDDD1F 02/09 08:35
lesley2836:我知道他很早就跟小賈斯汀扯上關係 可是到底是為什麼阿2F 02/09 08:37
wengna:吉米XDDDD  小屁孩!!3F 02/09 08:38
olivelee:真的很愛跟小帥哥鬥嘴耶!私心認為小帥哥比小賈有魅力4F 02/09 08:42
cadie:還要人買票等著被他擊敗....= ="5F 02/09 08:43
票價250鎂不便宜!但若買票可以跟揪咪一起打球就划算了XD6F 02/09 08:43
akthebest:如果我在休士頓,我願意花250鎂被啾咪擊潰.>/////<8F 02/09 09:10
yun0215:好機喔XD9F 02/09 09:12
momomiruku18:也許想表示"萬人迷"吧 這小子就是傲嬌阿 誰受的了XDD10F 02/09 09:21
Hildebrandt:啊哈哈 小帥的抓髮終於被林笑了!XDD11F 02/09 09:27
curran:美國男生很討厭小甲斯丁,所以其實是開玩笑式的挖苦。12F 02/09 09:35
DavidJam:笑翻了~~~天才小子吉米哈哈13F 02/09 09:35
momomiruku18:我也討厭XD 其實不只美國男生 臺灣鄉民也很討厭小甲14F 02/09 09:36
lesley2836:是嗎 可是小帥哥曾經在一個訪問中說過 是小賈像我 不是我像他15F 02/09 09:38
curran:其實看看Rubio那個書包梗就知道了,被叫小甲斯丁絕對不是誇獎。17F 02/09 09:39
lesley2836:哈哈哈 超可憐的連他受傷都被說是小賈害的XD19F 02/09 09:40
chillysky:大甲斯丁報到!20F 02/09 09:45
emmagranger:1剛剛Google jimmy neutron圖片,天啊笑翻XDD21F 02/09 10:21
zoeforce:小賈斯汀出現之前 大家討厭大賈斯汀
但大賈斯汀自從開始演電影之後 整個形象翻身了22F 02/09 10:21
funkie:因為Parsons以前是小賈的粉 XD24F 02/09 10:56

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[更新] 推特更新
02-09 08:18 mamimi.