看板 MobileComm
作者 lovelove55 ()
標題 [閒聊] Samsung Note 3 可望採用金屬機身
時間 Sun Apr 14 20:14:32 2013

原始報導 Sammobile :



Our insiders have just sent us some information regarding the Galaxy Note III
and its design. It looks like Samsung saw the success of the HTC One and is a
bit ”worried” about the design and build quality of their mobile devices.
The HTC One is fully made from aluminium, something all Samsung fans would
love to see. With the introduction of the Galaxy S4 people started to blame
Samsung for using plastic again instead of aluminium / metal. Samsung isn’t
worried about the software as according to Samsung their software is better
than the one on HTC devices. The simple Nature UX interface by Samsung is
easy to use and, thanks to the new smart functions, Samsung’s new interface
makes the Galaxy S4 even more smarter.


1. 三星看到 New hTC One的成功 並且有那麼"一丁點"擔心行動產品的設計
2. 鋁合金機身似乎眾多三星粉絲引頸企盼
3. 三星對其軟體介面深具信心,因為比hTC機子好

According to SamMobile’s famous insider, Samsung is planning to switch build
quality for the next flagship device. He pointed out that the Galaxy Note III
will not use the design guidelines of the Galaxy S4. Samsung expects to sell
many Galaxy Note III devices. The Galaxy Note III is rumoured to have a 6.0”
 FHD AMOLED display, Exynos 5 Octa CPU with LTE, 13 megapixel and the latest
version of Android, which could be Android 5.0. The Galaxy Note III will have
even more software features than the Galaxy S4. He couldn’t point out the
material choice for the Galaxy Note III. He said that Galaxy S4's metal
design was very popular internally but Samsung couldn’t make mass-produce it
right on time, so it was declined.

Let’s hope this is true! We would love to see a better build, like Samsung’
s Wave series, on their Galaxy series.


1. 今年度重點旗艦(Note III)不會依循S4的設計準則
2. 目前謠傳


但 三星會擔心才奇怪..XD

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◆ From:
CashCow:好恐怖阿6吋...1F 04/14 20:15
lucifero:金屬機身??  三星別傻傻的跳進來 new hTC One的教訓還不夠嗎??? 還是三星認為他的品牌可以勝過外觀瑕疵?2F 04/14 20:16
mike060606:6"手機 7"平板4F 04/14 20:18
ppc:相信三星敢用就不會像HTC一樣辣囃5F 04/14 20:21
giveUstars:Note 系列真的很令人期待诶  XD6F 04/14 20:22
TheoEpstein:祇要還是AMOLED就不期不待....7F 04/14 20:22
lucifero:AMOLED 有這麼不堪嗎??? 不是有部分人反而喜歡?8F 04/14 20:23
dukechiang:重點:s4原本有一版本是才採用金屬機殼 但三星因考量無法即時大量生產 最終沒採用9F 04/14 20:24
hinsky:6"對手是ipad mini11F 04/14 20:24
ChaosK:一年前可能有不少,但現在LCD進步太多了12F 04/14 20:24
realion:不知道再堅持AMOLED啥XD13F 04/14 20:25
BIGETC:n2算滿意 n3 6"能不變大就買單14F 04/14 20:25
dukechiang:考量這點note3其實要採金屬殼的可能性更小15F 04/14 20:25
ChaosK:其實他也可以出一種特別款的金屬殼,然後賣貴一點16F 04/14 20:27
dukechiang:以s4設計 note3 機身未必會比note2寬大17F 04/14 20:27
還是三星的冰箱也是用塑膠做的XD18F 04/14 20:29
應該說金屬外殼21F 04/14 20:33
qilar:6"金屬殼 是要做鐵餅嗎XD23F 04/14 20:34
ErnestKou:我記得hTC說1X不做金屬就是因為怕太重XD24F 04/14 20:36
E6300:從目前推文可推論出  NOTE3依舊大賣25F 04/14 20:36
friedpig:Smart PC
還有Ativ S 所以***只在win系列玩金屬?26F 04/14 20:37
conanhide:Ativ S那是塑膠吧28F 04/14 20:38
ErnestKou:耨三如果比耨萬窄的話其實就不錯了 比耨兔窄就太神了29F 04/14 20:40
friedpig:那是塑膠阿 我一直以為金屬捏 被騙了30F 04/14 20:40
Isveia:我對Note3要用什麼外殼或螢幕沒意見,那些對我的重要性都沒有螢幕大小來得大。要是能6"但體積不變大,那我就買單了!31F 04/14 20:41
nba9999:金屬殼N3可考慮敗一隻 但看到AMOLED 頗ㄏ34F 04/14 20:43
ErnestKou:耨三不變大真的太難了啦!跟耨萬一樣就偷笑了35F 04/14 20:43
t1329kimo:這樣反而不想買Note3了耶...36F 04/14 20:43
vinex:又是AMO37F 04/14 20:44
ErnestKou:S4邊框是7.57mm加上六吋螢幕的話82.24mm38F 04/14 20:46
kyo06:6吋機身不會比Note2大難度有點高39F 04/14 20:46
ErnestKou:我已經是用S4的神邊框來算了,其實耨萬寬度可以接受40F 04/14 20:47
kyo06:S4跟S3才差0.2吋,所以薄邊框還辦得到41F 04/14 20:47
taboo00:螢幕用IPS我一定買單42F 04/14 20:48
然後兩者的邊框是幾乎一樣寬的43F 04/14 20:48
kineo:在馬祖寒流來用金屬殼手機講到快凍死...47F 04/14 20:54
Vladivostok:用一用還能煎蛋嗎XD48F 04/14 20:55
tarjan33167:三星真的焦慮了 痾呵呵49F 04/14 20:55
Vladivostok:這樣重量問題令人擔心...50F 04/14 20:55
patato2:他不堅持不行 Amoled產線沒出海口就慘了51F 04/14 20:56
ErnestKou:車子用鍍鉻飾板就很有質感了 說不定金屬是鍍上去的XD52F 04/14 21:01
v00001:至少三星的產量不會比HTC糟糕,如果真的金屬會很誘人53F 04/14 21:02
多打一個"不" = =54F 04/14 21:02
Susu78:COPYCAT57F 04/14 21:34
SSS120329:便宜好生產的塑膠一樣熱賣 幹嘛要用貴又難製造的金屬58F 04/14 21:40
pigo8032:硬體提升了100分 AMO扣了100分 外型扣了100分59F 04/14 21:44
linarina:六吋full HD amoled成功了?60F 04/14 22:04
pathfinder:搞不好人家研究能高速做出吳鳳機殼的工法拉61F 04/14 22:06
davy50707:金屬不是會影響收訊強度嗎62F 04/14 22:09
wangwei091:應該是不會全部金屬殼,塑膠+金屬比較有可能,之前不是有說可能會用夏普的螢幕,搭配超高解析度?!63F 04/14 22:09
coolcomm:這麼快就在傳Note3了......65F 04/14 22:15
E6300:不用擔心成功了沒   至少三星從不缺貨  延遲66F 04/14 22:16
coolcomm:老實說 哪那些規格說和沒說差不多
按照慣例 Note3的CPU應該會是1.8G吧67F 04/14 22:16
windinlove:Amoled拿來當短期消費性產品剛剛好啦!只是懂他發光原理就不會想要用69F 04/14 22:19
skyhome:好像要買NOTE 但是又是OLED 算了71F 04/14 22:59
不需要考慮機身問題,考慮把Amoled換掉比較實際72F 04/14 23:34
ErnestKou:說不定是塑膠殼做的很像金屬質感啊75F 04/15 00:02
