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作者 sampsonlu919 (SNL應該在PTT有專版)
標題 [外絮] Durant:雷霆有財務壓力,但球隊仍如家庭
時間 Sun Aug 11 14:31:45 2013

Durant: Thunder Understand Business Side, 'Know We Have A Really Good Team'
Durant Thunder Understand Business Side Know We Have A Really Good Team - RealGM Wiretap Durant Thunder Understand Business Side Know We Have A Really Good Team - RealGM Wiretap ...

Via Darnell Mayberry/The Oklahoman

The Oklahoma City Thunder lost Kevin Martin in free agency and did not sign a
big name player, and Kevin Durant knows everyone throughout the organization
understands the franchise's salary situation.

雷霆不但在暑假失去了後衛Kevin Martin,也無法在自由市場上簽到其他有知名度的
球員。對此,雷霆一哥Kevin Durant表示他與隊友都知道球隊之所以無法花錢補人,

“People that really knew, as far as our money situation, knew that we
couldn'tsign anybody too big,” Durant said. “We got myself, Russell
(Westbrook), (Kendrick Perkins) and Serge (Ibaka) all locked in on big
contracts so it's kind of hard to sign (someone).

球星。光是我、Russell (Westbrook)、Kendrick (Perkins)、與Serge (Ibaka)這四人

Everybody wants us to getthe biggest free agents, but it's kind of hard to do
that with the money that we have (committed) and the tax and the new CBA.


"So it was kind of difficult. But we knew the business side of it. But we
know we have a really good team.”


The Thunder have more than $53 million committed to Durant, Westbrook, Ibaka
and Perkins next season.



還特地傳簡訊給Dorell Wright與Mike Miller,說明奧克拉荷馬的好
Kevin Durant Hoping Thunder Can Attract Free Agents In Future - RealGM Wiretap Kevin Durant Hoping Thunder Can Attract Free Agents In Future - RealGM Wiretap ...


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ntusimmon:事實上,雷聽下一季光上述1F 08/11 14:33
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