看板 Gossiping
作者 paperbattle (?)
標題 [爆卦] 剛剛菲律賓大使講的一部分
時間 Wed May 15 01:32:01 2013

I have already done so when I met the family of mr hon in pintung county
where i express that serious condolescence and extended apology to the loss
of the father and husband of ....

and also to the people of taiwan has also being hurt and suffered
someone of they didnt know...any death is very sad very tragic
this time we have taking on the steps we can to show our serious
condolescence and apology to the family


※註:有電視或媒體有報導者,請勿使用爆卦! 違者視為新聞篇數 超貼新聞劣退


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
macao930605:你屌 居然聽得˙董1F 05/15 01:32
s866217:有人來上上英文課嗎?  condolescence v.s. apologize2F 05/15 01:32
Number9527:你亂打的齁?3F 05/15 01:32
lefthander:所以還是以他個人立場而已4F 05/15 01:32
gbcowandy:翻譯:恁爸已經道歉了5F 05/15 01:32
MingRyou:超強 !!!6F 05/15 01:32
sleepwu:交長:我們記者想要聽你道歉 你就說一下吧 白:(笑)7F 05/15 01:32
fabledqqman:這麼鳥的英文你聽得懂真不簡單8F 05/15 01:32
solonwu:我正要打,被你搶先一步9F 05/15 01:32
goshfju:你一定受過分辨各種口音的訓練10F 05/15 01:33
flymud:外長說話就算代表國家...11F 05/15 01:33
b2209187:屌!12F 05/15 01:33
min19892007:我打字太慢  是該讓賢了13F 05/15 01:33
aa1477888:是"MY" apology 不是"MY GOV" apology 還是他自己道歉14F 05/15 01:33
Number9527:你打得不完整  等我打篇完整版的~15F 05/15 01:33
clide5566:推aa14大16F 05/15 01:33
canot77:apology是apologize的原形17F 05/15 01:33
freetempo:聽到兩次apology18F 05/15 01:33
jackace:重點"our" 這很模糊的 總而言之就是不夠正式啦!!!!!!!19F 05/15 01:33
BaRanKa:英文暫是該討論的爭點嗎= =?20F 05/15 01:33
aa1477888:所以林說代表的權力不夠清楚啊 外交部腦袋清楚21F 05/15 01:34
clide5566:1我聽到是菲代表說 my apology 不是菲律賓政府22F 05/15 01:34
carmot:先推23F 05/15 01:34
kunpin:那個白XX口音超重24F 05/15 01:34
aa1477888:錯 該爭的重點是 "  他  代  表  誰  "25F 05/15 01:34
hakkinen1984:各位小魯蛇都好強 都聽懂26F 05/15 01:34
